I'm getting bored out of my mind at work, And thinking of Hi-Jacking my brothers old clunky 800 mhz? Dell labtop w/ intergrated video chipset, wiping the HDD, and loading 3Dsmax on it.
Now is it worth the trouble of runing 3Dsmax 5 on it? or will it be to slow to be usable? (I've tried running 3Dsmax 5 on XP on my 2ndary PC - 1.7 Ghz Athlon w/ PCI Radeon 9250 Gfx card and navagation was abit chunky w/ models over 2000 polies)
I don't know if Win XP is nececary... would Win2K run faster when running 3dsmax?
I don't know if Win XP is nececary... would Win2K run faster when running 3dsmax?
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Oh yeah, after all WinXP is just Win2k with unneccessarily-added 1984 and fisherprice to it.
My comp is a bare 1ghz with a stone age GF4Ti4200 and it runs max4 to 7 smoothly, its fast enough for me for lowpoly models, and dense highpoly models aren't an issue either with turbosmooth and a bit of clever masking and optimise modifier tick/untick.
Can even run some Doom3 test maps to check nextgen assets and all that. Hence I guess 800 suffice!
Can't remember how much ram I have atm tho.
You might need a little bit of patience here and there, though
(haha edited wrong post, sorry Mojo!)