Heres a uni project I'm working away on, I posted a couple pics of bits of this not so long ago. I got tons of this stuff on the go atm but heres something I've been fiddling with.
Note these images are 1024 * 768 so I haven't directly linked them.
Heres the other stuff with some wires and the texture map, I can do better for sure but I was quite pleased considering this was made in little over a 2 days.
FOUND some more
I saw some of the low poly threads and wanted to make a 400 poly character with a 256 / 512 map. Anyhow heres what I got I didn't like it that much hehe
---- Oh edit.. I didn't mirror much on the uvwmap, because I was hoping to try normal map the character at some point----
Next bit, me and my mate are taking it in turns to try and improve our skills by rotating the jobs, i.e. he models I texture then visa versa.. This one he modelled a fantasy character "manticore" with a 2500 budget, which I then attempted to texture... this one sucks a bit I hate hair/fur.
You might want to try starting with light bakes to help guide you with darks and lights, but honestly I think some good old fashioned 2D practice is what you need. Pencil on paper and paint on canvas (real or virtual) Practice putting down values and defining forms.
Keep on trucking duder.
KDR_11K yea sorry thats me being lazy, posting the model before its finished.