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If game companies gave money to politicians..

polycounter lvl 18
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JO420 polycounter lvl 18
Would we see all this scapegoating on videogames? seems like gun,alcohol,hollywood,pharmcutical companies seem to get away from intense scrutiny whenever their products are involved in violence but then again they give money to both political parties.

everytime you see families sueing gun manufacturers for the death of their loved ones some douche bag in congress gets his panties in a bunch defending the manufacturers despite the fact their product was actually involved in the crime. unless im mistaken none of these idiots who have killed people and blamed GTA have actually used the game,the box or cd to commit their crimes but when their family sues take two thats all fine and dandy

and if any type of regulation is introduced to any of these industries same douche bag politicians get pissed and defend them,but oh wait they get money from these guys.

Same for the pharmacutical industry,alot of anti depressants are shown to lead to suicide and violent behavior and when some kid kills himself or others you dont see any politicians denouncing these companies or making legislation to improve thetesting process. but oh waitthey give money to politicians

then theres all the companies who pollute the crap out of our environment which leads to numerous birth defects,cancers and death but oh no they just got a big hand out from the politicians recently which they also give money too.

hollywood also,youll see many politicians denouncing this industry but a few months down the line youll see them at their little fundraisers going down on the same people they decry

same for alcohol same for tabacco,pay enough money to some douche bag politician and no matter who much it hurts people they will defend it.

But then there are evil video games,the downfall of our society, and they must be legislated!! they hurt out kids.

With one hand the politican decries video games and with the other they give handjobs to and defend the the industries which actually kill people,which actually harm kids but defending children is important as long as it isnt going against the people who funded my campaign.


  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    You are literally saying

    - Look at how all the real badguys are doing it why shouldn't we, the holy videogameindustry, do the same ?-

    Personal opinion up next: (just saying what I think)

    I don't think so.
    Let us just assume, computergames have absolutley NO affect at all and are really innocent.
    I don't see any sense in doing "bad" (bribing politicians with money) for the cause of "good" (in this case the computergames) against the people who wan't to do "bad" (sue for money).

    I would rather see the industry mature slowley over time in a true fashion (if that is possible to some extent) that supporting the status quo (and I think the industry is far from mature at the moment) with ways that are no better than the people that want to destroy it.

    I personally also don't like the hyprocritical way the politicians handel things and I certainly don't want to take part in it. Politics come and go and so will this issue.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    no im not saying they should give them money,what i am saying if that they did would they be blamed so much for violent acts.

    trust me im the last person who woant to give these guys cash.
  • Prs-Phil
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    Prs-Phil polycounter lvl 18
    ah yes, sorry my missreading, but I´ll leave my first post.

    hmmm I guess it depends who you give the money. The critics will still arise just like in the examples you have given and they will also be smacked down as in the examples you have given.
    Allthough it can only go so far. The big companys do get sued, and laws are changed, it only takes are while and they don't get sued and changed as strongley as they probably deserve it.

    I wouldn't be surprised if there is allready some money flowing around by some huge large company(s) towards the politicians.
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