Okay, so this has been a problem for me today (first day with maya! w00t!) and I thought I'd share a particularly troublesome hurdle my co-worker Andrew helped me understand; Howto push modify in Maya.
In the modeling workflow:
1 -select the edit polygons menu
2 -select duplicate face (click the options square)
3 -ensure that you have the 'keep faces together' option tick box checked
4 -translate along the Z axis. If you hold down control you can fine-tune.
I used this technique to create shadow volumes. It looks like i;'ll be using maya exclusively soon. i accually welcome the transituion, because meklscript is more robust than maxscript according to my buddies in teh tools dept.
GL! and please do share techniques with me if you do alotta technical art....i have to make up 5 years of tech troubleshooting asap

It's been a while since I used maya, but I'm fairly certain that's possible.
Good call, thx for pointing that out.
select the vers you want to "push"
go in modify->transformation tools->move normal tool
move along the normal (yellow manipulator), that should make it