hey hey.. im currently workin on a high-p piece that will require a rectangular inset on a curved surface.. my problem is that i cant find a good meshflow to make this look right w/o pinching. take a look at these example pics:
1. flat surface = inset looks right

2. curved surface (well kinda but u get the idea..) surface gets pinched around inset

so basically im wondering how a good lineflow would look when creating somethig like this to reduce the pinching and still have a sharp inset.
Edit: here try this Save me
sry about the missing wire heh.. I left it out more cus it looked like a mess of edges rather than a polycage
anyways, thats the actual object im tryin to get a smooth result on. This is before i started any attempt to "sharpen" it up
edit: sry bout the pic beeing huge..
Dunno what it is (guitar?) but even if the surface had to be a bit curved, the wireframe is way noisy, making it not fun to shape.
If the surface is slightly curved you'll need some vertical edges to define that, and be more carefull than i was when linking vertices.
It does look okay, but you create many small imperfections working like that and ends up looking a bit yucky. Especially on more complex or curved geometry.
Obviously, you have to know where and when you can do what.
i was tryin some stuff yesterday and came up with this:
it looks ok but still not "perfect".. especially in the top right corner where the edge of the inset gets really close to the edge of the body.. Suggestions?
Quads are great for loops, should keep when roughing out your model so you can sharpen it with loops, otherwise, ngons will give you even better results in some complex areas and get rid of tension in what otherwise would be crowded areas. All depends of what you're doing.
For the simple example i did you didn't need more.
A rounded guitar surface is a different story tho.
Hard to tell the problem from that render, but it would seem that the line that connects the top right side of the box to the edge of the guitar over it is not enough to define the curvature between the 2 points.
The more dense your mesh is, the more harder it will be to have shapes flow smooth into eachother, and the more vertex pushing you'll have to do by hand to keep the smoothness.
I think the best solution would be to take the horizontal loop, running on top of the inset box and have it running between the top-right corner of the box and the edge of the guitar, cutting the line that connects guitar and inset in 2. Rather than having the loop flow into the edge of the guitar like now.
The new vert there should give you more control over the curvature, can move it up a bit to have more roundness and have a softer transition from inset to edge ...if that makes sense.
Hard to judge all that stuff, usually you deal with problems when you do stuff yourself. Can't say it will work with your topology.
i dunno anything about guitars obviously...
i did try and draw the edges as suggested and it did remove some of the pinching! I think im startingt to understand a little more about the smoothing algoritm the more i work with it.. next up is to make some screws (which im sure will be a total pain)
again tnxs for the help guys