I'd like to do the following in max (version 7)
In the skin modifier, select a vert and hit a button that creates a data set of all bones and weights of that vert.
Then select another vert, and hit paste - the data gets copied.
There would be a mirror option too, if if was enabled the the bones used would be mirrored, so L_Clavicle would become R_Clavicle etc.
Any ideas?
First things first. This code will select a specic vert:
skinOps.SelectVertices $.modifiers[#Skin] #{XXX}
where XXX is the vert I want selected. I cant seem to select a vert however, and have max tell me the id number of the vert I have selected.
I need that because this:
skinOps.GetVertexWeightCount $.modifiers[#Skin] XXX
Tells me how many bones that vert is weighted to.
THen once I know how many, I can use this:
to get the id numbers of those bones
skinOps.SetVertexWeights will be used to set the weight
So, i've tried to doa little work, but I'm stuck at hte start.
Any help?
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>skinMod = selection[1].modifiers[#Skin]
n = skinOps.getNumberVertices skinMod
selVert = 0
for i = 1 to n do (if skinops.isVertexSelected skinMod i == 1 then selVert = i)
selVert</pre><hr />
In the interest of meing nice, here is the script too.
Why did I write this? Well, max 7 has a skin weight mirror facility. Unfortunatley the scale I have to work at means that the threshold value is often too small, and I always have a few weights that won't copy - 0.001 is too small, 0.002 is too big.
This script will let you select a vert, press copy, then select a vert and press paste. It automatically mirrors.
you MAY need to change the mirroring section depending on your bones names.
global BoneArray
global BoneNArray
global WeightArray
global PasteArray
-- Pass the vert id to extract all the weights to arrays
fn CopyWeight theVert =
-- Empty the arrays
BoneArray = #()
BoneNArray =#()
WeightArray = #()
theSkin = $.modifiers[#skin]
BNumber = skinOps.getVertexWeightCount theSkin theVert
BN = BNumber as string
for i = 1 to BNumber do
boneID = skinOps.getVertexWeightBoneId theSkin theVert i
boneName = skinOps.GetBoneName theSkin boneID 0
boneWeight = skinOps.getVertexWeight theSkin theVert i
append BoneArray boneID
append BoneNArray boneName
append WeightArray boneWeight
fn PasteWeight pVert =
theSkin = $.modifiers[#skin]
print "these are the stored arrays for copying"
print pastearray
print weightarray
skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights theskin pVert pasteArray WeightArray
fn find_mirror arrayIndex =
-- Build arrays of all the bones in the system
theSkin = $.modifiers[#skin]
totalbones = skinops.getnumberbones theSkin
totalBoneNArray =#()
for i = 1 to totalbones do
boneName = skinOps.GetBoneName theSkin i 0
append totalBoneNArray boneName
-- Now we know all the bones, lets parse of list of weighted bones
SB = BoneNArray[arrayIndex] as string
-- Find bone names beginning with CHAR
if (substring SB 1 4 == "Char") then
BNprefix=substring SB 1 7 as string
BNsuffix= substring SB 8 255 as string
if BNprefix == "Char L " then newPrefix= "Char R "
if BNprefix == "Char R " then newPrefix= "Char L "
boneToFind = newPrefix + BNsuffix
if (substring SB 2 1 == " ") then
BNprefix=substring SB 1 2 as string
BNsuffix= substring SB 3 255 as string
if BNprefix == "L " then newPrefix= "R "
if BNprefix == "R " then newPrefix= "L "
boneToFind = newPrefix + BNsuffix
-- ok, at this stage we have an arracy of bone names, and we know what name
-- we are looking for. so cycle the array and find the index!
theIndex = 0
-- Do we need to find a new bone?
if (boneToFind != SB) then
print bonearray
for i = 1 to totalbones do
thecheck= totalBoneNArray as string
if thecheck == bonetofind then theIndex = i
rollout blank "Single Skin Copy and Paste"
label lbl1 "Select vert, press copy, then select vert and press paste." pos:[9,8] width:197 height:48
button ButtonC "Copy" pos:[18,40] width:75 height:24
button ButtonP "Paste" pos:[110,40] width:75 height:24
on ButtonP pressed do
theSkin = selection[1].modifiers[#Skin]
n = skinOps.getNumberVertices theSkin
for i = 1 to n do
if (skinops.isVertexSelected theSkin i == 1) then
-- Call the copy function
PasteWeight selVert
on ButtonC pressed do
-- Get vert id
theSkin = selection[1].modifiers[#Skin]
n = skinOps.getNumberVertices theSkin
for i = 1 to n do
if (skinops.isVertexSelected theSkin i == 1) then
-- Call the copy function
CopyWeight selVert
-- We now have 3 arrays - bone id, bone name, and bone weight.
-- some of the bones might need to be mirrored so for each bone, find the possible mirror
n = BoneArray.count
pastearray = bonearray
for i = 1 to n do
find_mirror i
-- Create floater
theNewFloater = newRolloutFloater "Rollout title" 220 100
-- Add the rollout section
addRollout blank theNewFloater