kraftwerk is not at all a guilty pleasure but the robot alarm clock i have that wakes me up with "we are the robots" is. it even dances. too bad i don't have a smoking monkey alarm clock, my life would be complete.
Just drink pepsi, its superior! MWAHAHAHAH!
[/ QUOTE ]
I avoid American soft drinks (and there clever marketing strategies). Perhaps once a month I'll drink a 2L of Jarritos. No Aspartame, Phosphoric acid, or genetically modified corn starch high in fructose processed from a method developed by the Japanese. Good ol' sugar with glucose in moderation. Plus they have refreshing fruit flavors, instead of non-refreshing tastes like caramel and vanilla. Pepsi and Coke both taste like shite in comparison. Maybe my guilty pleasure is I read ingredients and study the history of chemicals I'm putting in my stomach. A trip to the grocery store is research for me.
I love to have hot wax poured on my body. Actually I love S&M in general! Although usually I prefer to be the Master rather than the slave, except in the case of hot wax!
I avoid American soft drinks (and there clever marketing strategies). Perhaps once a month I'll drink a 2L of Jarritos. No Aspartame, Phosphoric acid, or genetically modified corn starch ...
[/ QUOTE ]
Shit.. check this out. To hell with all SODA and pop.. I never really drank it, or buy it .. this just reenforces my beliefs.
I like both the Misfits AND Pink Floyd, AND Iron Maiden!
these aren't guilty pleasures though. I'm not going to mention those, because they wouldn't be guilty pleasures if i'd willingly share them with the internet.
on the topic of music though:
How about Angra? or White Snake? those seem to be looked down upon frequently. Still don't feel any guilt, though.
Or maybe I have the highest standards of taste.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe, but with a name based on album from a group Rob Zombie left behind, its doubtful.
[/ QUOTE ]
Considering you did not know that my name is actually based on a MISFITS song title, all of your opinions about music have now been rendered irrelevant and invalid.
My main Winamp playlist includes* J-pop, anime soundtracks, Britney Spears, and Blondie. Dishonourable mentions go out to Abba, Shania Twain, and the Spice Girls who have also been on there at times.
i've heard astrozombie really likes pink floyd.
i've heard astrozombie really likes pink floyd.
[/ QUOTE ]
I do NOT!!!!!
And you forgot to list Kraftwerk as one of yours, BIOS
The only guilty pleasures I can think of are possibly a couple of reality TV shows; The Apprentice and, most recently, Hell's Kitchen. I am so ashamed
i've heard astrozombie really likes pink floyd.
[/ QUOTE ]
what the hell is wrong with pink floyd may i ask
what the hell is wrong with pink floyd may i ask
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh, nothing, nothing at all ...
(fucking bead-sucking dirty hippy shit
AZ: Don't forget that lovely long-lasting scent of patchoulli oil making a dirty hippy smelly like a dirty hippy covered in patchoulli oil
I heard (on the radio) that Floyd was recently offered $150M to tour the US and they turned it down. This from the band that did "Money".
AZ: Don't forget that lovely long-lasting scent of patchoulli oil making a dirty hippy smelly like a dirty hippy covered in patchoulli oil
[/ QUOTE ]
money was meant to be ironic they werent the p. diddy of the prog rock world you know
I prefer coke at room temperature. There's just no taste when you freeze it!
[/ QUOTE ]
ewww... you actually like the lingering after taste. Just drink pepsi, its superior! MWAHAHAHAH!
BTW, I actually like Pink Floyd too
when im in the shower i like to take off my removable shower head, turn it upside down, and shoot high pressure water at my anus
[/ QUOTE ]
me too, sometimes, but i dont feel guilty about it
no way, he's one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century.
Just drink pepsi, its superior! MWAHAHAHAH!
[/ QUOTE ]
I avoid American soft drinks (and there clever marketing strategies). Perhaps once a month I'll drink a 2L of Jarritos. No Aspartame, Phosphoric acid, or genetically modified corn starch high in fructose processed from a method developed by the Japanese. Good ol' sugar with glucose in moderation. Plus they have refreshing fruit flavors, instead of non-refreshing tastes like caramel and vanilla. Pepsi and Coke both taste like shite in comparison. Maybe my guilty pleasure is I read ingredients and study the history of chemicals I'm putting in my stomach. A trip to the grocery store is research for me.
Lesbian japanese goth schoolgirls with dog collars and striped stockings. Actually, I don't feel guilty in the slightest.
[/ QUOTE ]
dare I say? Iron Maiden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i havent listened to any of their new stuff just everything up to 7th son of a 7th son...
(fucking bead-sucking dirty hippy shit )
[/ QUOTE ]
You dear sir obviously have no standards of taste.
On that note.
-Tom Jones
Infact I am watching it right now.
I also like the John Waters movie "Hairspray".
Isn't it nice to know these sorts of things.
> I'm into Dragonball Z, and I used to watch Pokemon. There are others but I'd rather keep them to myself.
(fucking bead-sucking dirty hippy shit )
[/ QUOTE ]
You dear sir obviously have no standards of taste.
On that note.
-Tom Jones
[/ QUOTE ]
Or maybe I have the highest standards of taste.
Or maybe I have the highest standards of taste.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe, but with a name based on album from a group Rob Zombie left behind, its doubtful.
I avoid American soft drinks (and there clever marketing strategies). Perhaps once a month I'll drink a 2L of Jarritos. No Aspartame, Phosphoric acid, or genetically modified corn starch ...
[/ QUOTE ]
Shit.. check this out. To hell with all SODA and pop.. I never really drank it, or buy it .. this just reenforces my beliefs.
Or maybe I have the highest standards of taste.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe, but with a name based on album from a group Rob Zombie left behind, its doubtful.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wrong! It's a song by the Misfits that gets it's name from a 1969 sci-fi movie.
You are thinking of Astro Creep: 2000, which is the last album from White Zombie
throughly, i have been smitten.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm posting from my +3 Laptop of Smiting
these aren't guilty pleasures though. I'm not going to mention those, because they wouldn't be guilty pleasures if i'd willingly share them with the internet.
on the topic of music though:
How about Angra? or White Snake? those seem to be looked down upon frequently. Still don't feel any guilt, though.
sheesh what a bunch of flower children.
I have zero guilt about anything i derive pleasure from.
Kicking hobo's feels good , no need to question it!
Come to think of it, I haven't been flamed here either..
But then again, this is only morally illegal, and seeing this is PolyCount, then it shouldn't really surprise me.
Apparently likeing coke is now a guilty pleasure
sheesh what a bunch of flower children.
[/ QUOTE ]
I like steve martin movies.;( Someone pleace kill me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Steve Martin rules - all except for those cheese-ass Father of the Bride movies.
Or maybe I have the highest standards of taste.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe, but with a name based on album from a group Rob Zombie left behind, its doubtful.
[/ QUOTE ]
Considering you did not know that my name is actually based on a MISFITS song title, all of your opinions about music have now been rendered irrelevant and invalid.
I like steve martin movies.;( Someone pleace kill me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Steve Martin rules
[/ QUOTE ]They were the threeeeeeeeeeeeee amigos..
OMFG A FURRY!!!!!!! DIE DIE DIE *stabs*
[/ QUOTE ]*dies*
*this is just the guilty portion, mind you.
My main Winamp playlist includes --- anime soundtracks --- the Spice Girls ---
[/ QUOTE ]Actually, I've got those lying around as well..
But then again, the soundtrack to Cowboy Bebop does 0wn!
Even i am clueless to why i have watched this show in the past though...
when i fly in battlefield 2 i play the top gun soundtrack
tons of music that has been deemed uncool, jpop, hanson, winger, sometimes in the morn i crank up MMMMMBOP for my coworkers to rock along to.
i own all of the tv series "angel" on dvd
love DBZ have70+ episodes on dvd,, including a live action dragon ball movie.