Hey Guys, I just wanted to let you know Im moving to Boston. I got a job at Iron Lore. Im pretty stoked. So I need some Polycount Love. You guys from boston, Where would you recommend? Ive been looking at places in Acton, but Im just going off a copy of the globe I picked up. Any advice would be appriciated.
Congrats dude! Enjoy the winter. >=]
I guess that means you won the contest, regardless of what place you get
You should love Iron Lore, Ghost. It's a damn fine studio.
Congrats man! Wakefield is a nice place, but it can be expensive since it's near Boston.
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Anything within an hour or two of Boston is expensive.
Frank the Avenger
Good place for kids, good schools around here. The towns around Maynard are all fairly small ones. Concord is probably the largest (to the North), though Lincoln (to the East) is probably the most expensive.
When I moved here from CA with family in 2001, I scouted out real estate to buy a house ahead of the wife/kids. I shacked with a coworker for a month, found a house fairly fast given the tough market.
It's been great here, you'll love it. I gotta stop by Iron Lore and meet you guys.
Well, things are coming together, I found a place in Marlborough, and I got the moving truck reserved at a good price.
Here's the plan: Me, My Wife and Little Brother will DRIVE across the great US of A, From Salt Lake to Marlborough. We are gonna take it at 12 hours a day. 4am to 4 pm. That should keep the kids at a semi normal schedule. We are heading out early morning Saturday Aug 13th, and hope to pull into our new apartment sometime around Monday evening. With the necessary Hotels/Food/Gas along the way.
It's gonna be tough and an adventure, but I think a positive attitude will go a long way for this particular task.
Looking forward to driving through Tornado country. Psyke!