Er, wtf? It's just gone. No worky. Anyone had this issue before? Trying to think what's changed since the last time I booted her up. New nVidia drivers perhaps, can't think of anything else.
I've had that happen Daz. Just a box comes up sometimes instead of a menu. I usually switch views and it goes back to normal. I have had to restart a few times to get it to work.
I found I lost my right-click in Maya when I opened it after playing World of Warcraft.
Unfortunately rebooting the machine between playing WoW and opening Maya seemed to be the only solution I could come up with. One had to go in the end... Bye bye WoW.
sorry to get into this thread..but anyone know what cause maya to disable shift+RMB? my friend has it with no problem..and we both are using 6.5..strange..I tested on another friends' and it doesn't work as it that choosy?
WoW causes the right click in Maya to go away?!? This is a joke, right? ...You are breaking my heart. I've never had the right click in Maya6 PLE work right.
My husband will be grinning like a fool to hear that I will have to remove WoW to work on Maya.
Not sure what on earth would cause that though
Unfortunately rebooting the machine between playing WoW and opening Maya seemed to be the only solution I could come up with. One had to go in the end... Bye bye WoW.
sorry for my bad grammar~
My husband will be grinning like a fool to hear that I will have to remove WoW to work on Maya.
you'll get there!