"Liberated Games is an online catalog of games that have been released for free in one way or another. This may be the full game, like Grand Theft Auto. Or it might just be the sourcecode, like Doom. Either way, this is a huge list of games that can, in some way, be had for the grand price of zero dollars and zero cents."
Sounds like Freeloader.com
Though most of them on Liberated aren't free games, they're just demo executables.
Personally I what some of the developers from the 80s are doing right now.
you can get Xenon 2000 for free at Bitmap Brothers website.
Dizzy and the Hidden Treasure (C64 Emultated) free at Codemasters.
just look around you'll find some very good free games.
Personally would love to see Ian Bell and David Brabham open the source to Elite, have someone update it to current technology and add a persistent universe.
Though most of them on Liberated aren't free games, they're just demo executables.
Personally I what some of the developers from the 80s are doing right now.
you can get Xenon 2000 for free at Bitmap Brothers website.
Dizzy and the Hidden Treasure (C64 Emultated) free at Codemasters.
Personally would love to see Ian Bell and David Brabham open the source to Elite, have someone update it to current technology and add a persistent universe.
I'd never leave my computers ^_^
Everyone go and get OMF 2097 and Tyrian 2000! The corporation-controlled space-fruit from Zinglon must be stopped!
[/ QUOTE ]
ugh Tyrian 2000, give me the original any day
(2k alters and tampers things that were cool in Tyrian and made some weapons significantly weaker, such as the mega cannon)
btw if no-one knows yet:
Underdogs is what you call Abandonware, which is illegal(!) but most the time tolerated.
Liberated Games has only perfectly legal games.