In every version of PS before CS2, when I held down Control and clicked on a layer, it selected whatever was on the layer... and I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE! AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO IT MANUALLY! DAMNIT!
Is there a way to change the shortcuts back to CS1, 8, 7, 6, etc? Or just another way to do this?
Dur has it right.
Thanks a lot
so far i've been making a dot in the top left and bottom right corners, but thats a pain to do every time
sorry for the poorly worded question, major hangover
oXYnary: Yeah, that's how I usually do it, shift-dragging - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It seems fairly random.
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depends on if the image is EXACTLY the same size. shift dragging should maintain the location of the selection in relationship to the image edges then...