I'm working through a tutorial in my new book, and it's shown me how to get Maya to draw the grid, and how to set the scale. I've set it all up as taught, but neither before, nor after has it actually drawn a grid at all.
Could this be something to do with GL vs. D3D? Is there a way to switch between the two? I'm going to try rolling back my detonators to the default drivers from my install disk and see if that helps, but I distinctly remember fixing similar problems in Max by changing from D3D to GL, or vice versa. Is there a way to do this with Maya, or is it locked in?
For Maya all is not entirely lost though. Simply Maximise then Restore the Window and that will cure it temporarily until you enlarge the view again.
There is no way to change Maya's Rendering though. It's OpenGL only I'm afraid.
As for the scale, that would be in
Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences > Settings [Working Units]
Bummer it's locked down to GL - Max's ability to switch has got me out of a few binds with draw issues. I'm using the latest detonators -, 77.72 - so I'll roll back and see if that helps
I'm sure you'll find one combination that works well with your particular card. If it's an FX they're quite notorious for this OpenGL glitches.
That'll teach me to lower my ethical standards, won't it?
I had a similar problem with XSI|Mod 4.2 when it first came out (registering). Just refused to accept my Half-Life 2 License. That said I can't really stand using XSI for long periods of time.
The interface feels far too long-winded. The perils of using Maya too long.
TBH I only tracked down the Maya installs when the Alias site wouldn't hand me a PLE reg'.
Yeah, you do get what you pay for, and in PLE's case I had a day there where that was ironically true. I sent a feedback mail via the site (the only interactive part of the site that was really working), saying I was getting repeated email fails for my PLE registration, and I'm guessing someone restarted the service.
I do find it amusing that that registration issue, given my personal morals where warezing is concerned, drove me to actually install something illegitimately in place of a legitimate licence. It's like some higher power decided to damn me
The Alias forums really aren't much of a place to talk in any more either.
Mainly because I think only 3 people can ever actually find the blasted things since the site update last year. They have to be the most awkwardly place section of the site I've come across. Not exactly happy about all of the tutorials being for Silver (paid) members mostly. It seems silly to provide some awesome content then deny it from those who actually need it. At which point you see a thread about it in the forum, asking how to achieve certain things. heh
Something I would suggest, and I'm not sure if it'll work but most of the scripts should. Is to install Bonux Tools 6.0
It provides a huge selection (the site itself has some good rolling tutorials) of new tools specifically for game content.
Here's the direct link, but you have to be signed in to access.
Some good videos.
Does that work with PLE?