Finally finished the texture for this. 3036 polys with 1 1024^2 texture and an opacity map for the fur and target. I hope you can see everything well enough, I kinda suck at lighting so some parts are a little dark. Although it's nice to have something to post again.
That kicks ass. Make the polar bears feet smaller though. and you may want to integrate the alpah fur better.
But if this is done, Good job and just keep those things in mind next time. Great Idea too.
Make the bears fur stylized. The bear itself has a stylistic approach to it, and I think it would help the character to have big-ish triangle bits of fur (both in texture and as fur bits) similar to that of Ice-Age.
Well, I was actually going for a more realistic than stylized approach. When I was working on the model I had a more stylized penguin, but the bear was based off a photo, and ended up changing the penguin to more closely match up with the style of the bear. At least that was the intention anyway.
notman: you're the second person today to mention this as being some anti-MS model. A guy at work thought the penguin was tux. Although I think tux looks a little different.
But if this is done, Good job and just keep those things in mind next time. Great Idea too.
Make the bears fur stylized. The bear itself has a stylistic approach to it, and I think it would help the character to have big-ish triangle bits of fur (both in texture and as fur bits) similar to that of Ice-Age.
Nice work. I agree on the feet and fur.
notman: you're the second person today to mention this as being some anti-MS model. A guy at work thought the penguin was tux. Although I think tux looks a little different.
No crits here
- Chels