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Hey Rockstar, are you a mutant?

Every forth Russian resistant to AIDS thanks to mutant gene

Up to 1.5 percent of Russians have two mutant genes CKR-5 i.e. they are fully protected from HIV

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  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I've believed for a while that AIDS isn't what we believe it is, and didn't originate in the manner we're told. I've always been curious as to why the medication that's given to AIDS patients also has a warning label that states it causes susceptibility to life threatening diseases. And why are so many Africans diagnosed with HIV, when it's more likely a decrease in immune efficiency due to starvation.

    The article states the resistance to HIV due to this gene can be determined by nationality. With the Japanese and Africans being the least resistant, that raises some odd questions.
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
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    Every forth Russian resistant to AIDS thanks to mutant gene

    Up to 1.5 percent of Russians have two mutant genes CKR-5 i.e. they are fully protected from HIV

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    Its more likely to be the high vodka level in their blood for the most part confused.gif

  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    hahaha THATS RIGHT beeyatches, I am immune to AIDS... or... something... umm ... u know.

    /me falls over dead
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    isnt it something about how the initial stuff that gets into the blood cells cannot due to a gene that actually prevents the blood cells from getting damaged like that, i saw a show on it like a year ago, also making them immune to the bubonic plague. i explained that horribly.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    I've believed for a while that AIDS isn't what we believe it is, and didn't originate in the manner we're told. I've always been curious as to why the medication that's given to AIDS patients also has a warning label that states it causes susceptibility to life threatening diseases. And why are so many Africans diagnosed with HIV, when it's more likely a decrease in immune efficiency due to starvation.

    The article states the resistance to HIV due to this gene can be determined by nationality. With the Japanese and Africans being the least resistant, that raises some odd questions.

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    certain races are more resistant and more receptive to various diseases and illnesses, it's just nature, I really doubt that cold war scientist invented AIDS. If they had the technology to create a disease that affected a specific group of people worse than others, wouldn't you think it would of ravaged Russia instead of Africa?
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    I'm questioning the whole Russian research thing. I want some Western guys in on it. Rockstar, you're probably immune anyway, but due to the alien experiments. laugh.gif

    Elysium, which conspiracy camp are you with regarding the 'real' cause of AIDS, if not HIV?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I've always been curious as to why the medication that's given to AIDS patients also has a warning label that states it causes susceptibility to life threatening diseases.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Duh. You mess with anything having to do with the immune system, especially with the T-cells, you risk susceptibility. Trust me, my kids are both IGG deficient and have potential T-cell problems. Of course, that disclaimer is like the release form you sign prior to surgery that says, "I understand that this procedure may lead to bleeding, infection, and possibly death." Duhr.

    [ QUOTE ]
    And why are so many Africans diagnosed with HIV, when it's more likely a decrease in immune efficiency due to starvation.

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    No, in fact Africans have tons more unprotected sex. That, and they have lots less education about AIDS transmission. In Richard Preston's 'Hot Zone', about Ebola Reston, he theorizes that AIDS may have started in the same place in Africa that Ebola and Marburg come from. After the Kinshasa highway was paved in the early 70s, and the roadhouses and brothels spouted up, making disease transmission risk that much more likely.

  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    I knew there was a reason I liked you jzero!
    Well, lets not let high IQ's and facts get in our way here!

    The Guvment invented AIDS to kill black people, because every president is secretly a member of the KKK and the nazi party. confused.gif
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    The only statement I will defend is that after 2 decades of dealing with this virus, and all the advances we've made in medical science, there still seems to be a lot we don't know about this. I'm speaking from the point of view of public opinion. The medication I was referring to has a side effect of abnormally low white blood cell count...which given to someone who is considered to be in the condition of AIDS, must mean death. Hopefully discovery of this gene will help to develope a cure.

    Scoob: The info jzero used to back his arguement is just as much a theory. which goes back to what I said, we KNOW little. gophucurselfkthanx.

    So what do the Japanese and Africans have in common that would cause them to be less immune?
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Hey pal, I didnt say anything to you, so you can gophucurself2kthanxbai. btw. I really actually hate you. seriously.

    Russian Mutant Genes are teh awesome!
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    GX - medications take that long to make, though. Hundreds of scientists and doctors working for 10-15 years to make a simple medication. Lots of the stuff we have these days (altovis, enzyte, etc), got their starts back in the 70's. It's too bad it takes that long, though.

    Concerning Mr.Rockstar's mutant nature, I think we all know the truth there smile.gif

    Seriously though, a lot of european cultures have minute amounts of people who can immune to many illnesses, including HIV. It really stems back to the middle ages, during the times of the plague, and other serious diseases. Some people's genes adapted, or mutated, to resist the new threats. A lot of those same genes are protecting their decendants today.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Which is also why the conquistadores were probably the first to employ biological weapons of mass destruction.

    The high rate of diagnosis in Africa is caused by a "bounty" given to doctors for every diagnosed HIV infected. There are also three different testing methods, two of which are more reliable but more expensive. Most docs prefer the "If it coughs it's infected" (not exactly but it lists a few standard symptomes like coughing, headaches, temperature, etc that match anything, including malaria) method. IOW, lots of false positives. Many other diseases like malaria were no longer diagnosed after that was introduced, now they all get rubberstamped with "you got AIDS".
  • Leech
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    Leech polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    No, in fact Africans have tons more unprotected sex. That, and they have lots less education about AIDS transmission. In Richard Preston's 'Hot Zone', about Ebola Reston, he theorizes that AIDS may have started in the same place in Africa that Ebola and Marburg come from. After the Kinshasa highway was paved in the early 70s, and the roadhouses and brothels spouted up, making disease transmission risk that much more likely.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well they also have catholic missionaries that are "helping" the africans by teaching them birth control is against god. So they fuck, infect each other and have too many kids(with AIDS of course).

    There is your weapon right there.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    thank god human nature is still fighting against the phamesudical companies. we might have a hope yet. but probably not.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Do you mean pharmaceutical?
  • Michael Knubben
    I think it's another one of those elmer fudd-jokes, kdr
    *exits stage left*
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