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Death To The Combine HL2 Mod Looking For Modeler

polycounter lvl 18
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puppetthatkills polycounter lvl 18
My mod, Death To The Combine, is in desperate need of a prop modeler. If you’re looking for challenging work that’ll keep you busy constantly, here is the place to look. We have a TON of models to be made. You’ll either be modeling of concept art or photos of actual objects. On our team you’ll be treated with respect and will always be listened to. The ability to skin and/or apply physics to your models is also a plus, maybe a requirement.
MOD Website: http://deathtothecombine.shiftsgames.net/
MODDB Profile: http://mods.moddb.com/5266/

I wake up to another beautiful morning in City 15. I reach over for my wife and remember she’s not there. My wife has been gone for weeks now, taken by the Combine for a crime she didn’t commit. I miss her, so damn much. I can’t take it any more. Today is the day I’m going to get her back, no mater what it takes. And I’ll KILL anyone who gets in the way!


*Fight your way through the detailed streets of City 15. High quality mapping will leave you with many ways to defeat your foes. From crowed city streets to cramped alleyways, apartments to jail cells, you will be blown by with the amount of detail in DTTC’s maps.

*New weapons. You heard me. You won’t be using the sissy weapons of Half Life 2. Death To The Combine will feature new powerful, kickass weapons that will blow your mind. Well actually, you will blow the Combine’s minds, blasting their brains out!

*Talented voice acting. Your character will have his own voice, giving you audio queues and alerts. There will be new voices for the citizens as well. And most important: Your wife.

*Cut scenes. It’s like an out of body experience man! See large scale scripted sequences from a third person perspective.

*Clip system. You no longer load to the exact bullet. With a certain number of ammo clips for every weapon, you’d better make every shot count and let no bullet go unused!

*Difficulty. This game isn’t for babies. Even in easy mode you’ll get your ass kicked!

So get ready for a jaw dropping, asskicking good time in Death To The Combine.

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