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Why I'm never having kids

polycounter lvl 18
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Dravalen polycounter lvl 18
Because something like this might happen. Sucks for the step-dad, hopefully he didn't lose his new job at Microsoft.


  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    oh id freaking kill him.

    i resented my parents for spanking me as a child but in hindsight im glad they did,kids now a days deserves a good belt to the ass from time to time not that time out shit. like jeff foxworthy said my father took time ou of his day to beat us. I plan on spanking my kids.

    one example of weak parenting was at the theatres, i was sitting behind a mother and her 12year old daughter,the previews were going and the daughter was talking real loud, the mom said "honey your gonna have to lower your voice" and the girl replied "mom shut the fuck up" and the mom laughed it off and said "oh honey your so funny"

    i wanted to turn around and slap the shit out of this girl,there is no way i could have gotten away with that when i was growing up without getting the bejesus out of me, if i ever have kids and they pull something like that or the xbox thing ill kill em.
  • DeathTrip
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    DeathTrip polycounter lvl 18
    Good job, get the person who hooked you up with an beta xbox360 in trouble and possibly fired just so you could have a bigger e-penis on a message board. 35.gif What an idiot.
  • Slayerjerman
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    Slayerjerman polycounter lvl 18
    agreed - take the time to disipline your shithead children, its for their future good.

    I for one have always believed most people just need a good beating to set them straight. Worked for me!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I remember when I was a kid thinking a spanking would be alot easier to take then getting yelled at and feeling the shame that I let my parents down. My friends used to make fun of me because I got along with my parents so well.
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Spanking, as you may find should you choose the parenting path, is clearly a useful tool with pre-verbal toddlers. But past that, you should be able to control your children with verbal and reasoning skills. Justin, you were clearly a subject of this! wink.gif

    Spanking isn't the same thing as hitting your kids. It's a physical way of demonstrating to a headstrong pre-verbal child that you are the boss and won't take any guff.

    Kids imitate the behavior that's around them. So, Slayer, if you even have 'shithead children' like the ones JO420
    is complaining about, it's your own damn fault, because you taught them how to be that way, consciously or not.

    As for the XBOX360 kid, he might benefit from a couple months of NO VIDEOGAMES OR INTENET WHATSOEVER. That's probably a fate worse than any physical punishment. And that's if he hadn't been advised by Stepdad about the confidential nature of the 360 (and shame on you, Stepdad). If he had, then a YEAR of deprivation would probably suffice.

  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    "Kids imitate the behavior that's around them."

  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    well my parents did stop at a certain age,but in the early ages i would spank for extreme misbehavior and by the times they reach the teens they should have gotten the point that father isnt a pushover.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I was never beaten yet "feared" my parents enough to not do anything stupid. Even my "rebellous" sister still obeys when my parents order her to do something (though she will complain and beg and stuff she will not disobey). Well, my father thinks differently but that's because whenever he's convinced to allow something three days later he forgets that he allowed it.
  • sundance
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    sundance polycounter lvl 18
    my parents occassionaly spanked me, but like justin, i was always more scared of my dad shouting at me. me dad being ex-army and having a loud voice for shouting inevitably influenced that. but yeah, if i did a major wrong, i'd get a whack and i didn't do it again. i fully intend to spank my kids if the need arises.

    kids these days get away with too much, parents aren't taking enough responsibility and are too soft, a lot need to learn to say 'no' and the kids need to learn 'no' means 'no' and not, 'wheedle some more and i'll cave in to shut you up'
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Im not sure why this thread got into beating and dicipline. Kids are kids. Sometimes they are going to do stupid shit in adults eyes (while kids think the same things of adults).

    Im probably thinking his dad didn't realize that his son would toot his horn when he allowed his son access. (If he did)
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    'nail em up I say, nail some sense in to them'
  • Jes
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    Jes polycounter lvl 18
    This could work good as a counter-proof in the "games make kids kill" thing... laugh.gif

    It's not the games that make them kill, it's the stupidity! grin.gif
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    One tip about parenting:

    Just about everything you say you're going to do before you have kids flies out the window once you do have kids.

    I rarely spank my kids. It takes something extreme like recently when I witnessed my middle daughter hit my older daughter in the back a few times with one her bigger, harder plastic dolls. I picked her up, spanked her a few times, and really yelled at her hard. Normally even that wouldn't have warranted a spanking but it wasn't the first time she had hurt one of her sisters that day. I absolutely fucking hated doing it. I hate when it comes to that. I actually said I would never hit my kids before I was a father. But sometimes that's all that gets through to them when they're really young and being bad. Now my 7 year old I haven't had to spank her in 2 years. I've had to yell at her plenty times but she knows now not to push things too far. I hate having to discipline them though. Most of the time I want to be a kid with them, hehe. tongue.gif 99 times out of a 100 a good yelling at is good enough. I never want to have to do that to them though.

    And yeah, if I were that kid with the beta xbox 360 and it was my father I'd probably be waking up in the hospital the next day, hehe.
  • Isis' Minion
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    Isis' Minion polycounter lvl 18
    I wonder if the dad told the kid that he couldnt touch it and if he took effort to keep it away from the kid. Surely, if you have the thing just laying around, it will end up like it did. I'd lock it up somewhere, if i were the guy.

    No videogames or internet wouldnt really work, unless you'd ground him AND take away all of his stuff. He'll just go play games at a friend's or just ignore your rule while your not around (my brother has done this multiple times).

    I wouldnt beat him though, i'd probably just lock him up for a day or two, maybe blindfolded. Beatings can be over pretty quickly, but when you're locked up and dont have anything to do you will get really bored and be annoyed as hell. And you'll have plenty of time to 'think about what you did'. On the other side, this case is quite sensitive, since it's not the guy's biological son. You'll get the cliche response: "You're not my father, you can't tell me what to do!" confused.gif
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Have kids, just pay attention to them.

  • KRakarth
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    KRakarth polycounter lvl 18
    Its already too late for me I got 3 goddamn rugrats already.

    Bless em confused.gif
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Anyway, sure its a marketing ploy?

    mind you, those controllers ARE great.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18

    could be,microsoft execs began giving details out on the system after this so called leak
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    A single mother friend of mine recently got into some trouble for smacking her 13 year old kid who's now bigger than she is for using foul and abusive language. He hit her back, they got in a scuffle and he cried child abuse and got to spend the night in a youth home for orphans. He found the orphanage wasn't quite as attractive as home. She was investigated and found to be perfectly competent. I think it's great that kids now at least have somewhere to turn if they're being abused at home but I think the way the laws are written it would be very easy for a kid to get away with murder using it as leverage.

    I'm a firm believer in physical discipline but I also believe that if you have to beat your kid all the time there's a problem.

    When I was young if ever I used abusive or foul language, retribution was swift and just, ending in one hemisphere of my head throbbing. To this day I still think twice about using it around my mother for the simple fact that pain is an extremely effective behavior modifier.
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