ok, so i bought a dell 20 inch wide screen monitor and i cant get battlefield 2 to even launch, i've patched, i've updated drivers. uninstalled/re-installed video cards, iv'e tried the modifiying the bf2 shortcut and STILL nothing anyone else have this situation or know of anyone that has solved it? World of warcraft works great, bf2 ran great on my 19inch crt, but not on this thing at all. (3ds max in widescreen is beautiful by the way.) Help!
I plonk the windows startbar on the left of my screen, which still fucks up in every program. Open canvas doesn't support widescreen, like loads of other software.
Now that you have all that extra realestate, think about using mozilla's Thunderbird: you can do a 3 collumn layout (folders)|(headers)|(message)
Battlefield 2 requires command line switches to run at widescreen. WoW for me just worked when I changed the resolution in game.
http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/ is a great resource to getting specific games to run in widescreen. Sadly with the modern enviornment of most "gamer laptops" going widescreen, games are still shipping with little to no out of box support.
If you want a quick and dirty way of setting game resolutions for WoW, Planetside, EQ1&2, Half Life 2, and Warhammer, check out a program I'm slowly working on, Game resolution switcher. Right now it's more for people who change monitors often (on the go gamers), but I'm looking to improve it over time to also be a quick way to set widescreen resolutions.
Make sure your settings match and see if the game will run properly after that.
That might be the difference that is causing you greif, as my laptop has an ATI card in it.
anyways bf2 looks great on the widescreen
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, apaprently not so great. Digging further on the widescreen boards, people have proven that the game actually crops the 4:3 view, instead of actually expanding your view point a bit. Basicially akin to a widescreen movie being made by cropping a full screen source. Bleh. Hopefully a patch will address this soon, without adding more memory leaks.
Regarding NVidia vs ATI... Well, video cards and drivers and the OS can have problems. Is one really better then the other? Not really. Both will likely give some owners some grief over time, no matter what company is behind it. I've seen friends with odd graphics issues on NVidia cards the same as I have seen on ATI cards.
Though I do get a good laugh when a game adds in a "Nsist on Nvidia" or some ATI logo, then goes on to fix an NVidia or ATI specific bug in the first patch.