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show passing forensic animation off as a videogame

polycounter lvl 19
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Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
Agh, my eyes! I was watching a show on A&E about teenage killers and I was just waiting for them to bring out the video game angle. What they showed was a clip from a forensic animation showing a kid on a bike getting shot from a vehicle, they then jumped to a closeup of a kids hands playing with a playstation controller. Basically they just stopped short of saying "look here, you're kids are playing MURDER SIMULATORS!!!"

For those who don't know what forensic animation is, it's a 3D animation created to reinact a crime for a trial.


  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Many games today, due to advanced graphics and lack of good ideas, ARE simulators. And a few top selling ones include the possibility of emulating murder without any gameplay elements to justify a reason for it. This is why games such as Gran Turismo don't allow racers to plow through a crowd on the sidelines.
  • JKim3
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    JKim3 polycounter lvl 18
    for their studies to see if games are bad for kids, they should take a group of kids who play violent games to a slaughter house, and see if they've actually been trained to kill.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    They are influential. That has been provn time and time again with other forms of media.

    It doesn't mean someone will go out and shoot their neighbor. It does mean however, when presented with a real violent situation, they wont react as much. In short, it can makes us less empathic towards real pain.

    I guess it could be argued it can devalue the appreciation of a fellow humans suffering outside ones monkeysphere. Some of the responses in the media thread prove this.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    They should throw a few Bible passages on the screen and tell everyone that books make people violent. Seriously, the book is probably the most dangerous medium available because it can make the reader believe it's reporting real facts and twist them to influence the reader (propaganda). A videogame doesn't pretend to show reality. A documentary can never have the same effect as a book because the book can give a much more thorough reasoning and the reasoning in propaganda always looks conclusive until you do further research. Who's more likely to kill people, someone playing GTA and enjoying it or someone reading Mein ampf and believing it?

    I believe I heard claims of other TV stations showing "footage of GTA" and displaying various games with completely unrelated themes (I think one was even a medieval action game, though not God of War). No wonder everybody's bashing videogames, when you keep telling them that Jews are evil they'll sooner or later start the holocaust.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    They should throw a few Bible passages on the screen and tell everyone that books make people violent.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    sounds fair
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Justin : The instance you're describing is heinous, to be sure, but not another example of videogames' influence. Sounds more like irresponsible journalism via A&E. Like, the show's producer wanted the most violent video-game-style image they could get, but couldn't be bothered to actually find some God of War clips or anything. So the forensic animation was probably the most violent clip they had on hand, and they used that. 90% of the viewership will NEVER KNOW. They won't ask, either.

    This is similar to those diploma-mill college TV commercials that say "You can learn to program video games like THIS--" and then show a cinematic render that would never appear in any real-time game. If anyone goes looking for a game LIKE THAT, they'll be disappointed.

  • Mark Dygert
    [ QUOTE ]
    Seriously, the book is probably the most dangerous medium available because it can make the reader believe it's reporting real facts and twist them to influence the reader (propaganda).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wouldn't blame words printed in a book, I would blame the crazy crack heads who read those words and apply them incorrectly. I could pick up a 99 cent coloring book at Wal-Mart and interpret the pictures to mean something they don't and use it to create a hate filled mantra and use it to spread a message of bigotry and intolerance but that doesn't mean the coloring book is wrong and needs to be banned. It's the freak that reads it and takes what is written out of context. Money is not evil it is what you do with it that can be considered evil, same goes for the bible.

    If most of the people that launch holy crusades or do things in "the name of God" actually read more than the 1-2 verses they take out of context. They might actually have to stop what they are doing. Or at least switch thier god, because it's not the same one. But I guess the Bible is open to interpetion and anyone can make up thier own version of god to fit whatever they want. Since they don't have to go by what is actually written they can go by what "they want it to say", it is an open book free to write/rewrite whatever they want.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    sounds fair

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Haha! Good stuff man! Did you create that?
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    No. But it makes a good point. Reason why you'll never see this happen, more people play video games than read the bible.

    An issue that A&E probably didn't cover. There is a sudden rise in violence between teenage girls. It would be difficult to blame video games for that one.
  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    There is a sudden rise in violence between teenage girls. It would be difficult to blame video games for that one.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    They fight over the few boys left that are interested in girls, since most of them have only interest in their violent videogames.
    As you see, it's all related!
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Vig: The Bible was mostly misused, yes but there are other books that were written to influence the reader. Hell, read something by Michael Moore or one of those other "great political authors" and you'll already find a piece of self-conclusive propaganda that can only be dismantled with very thorough research. Or a conspiracy theory like that "the government blew up the WTC!" story. Or take the newspaper, especially the yellow press is trying to make you believe things that aren't fact.

    Even if the Bible wasn't dangerous (there ARE passages in there that are unconstitutional in Germany), books like Mein Kampf certainly are.

    Or hell, take Die Leyden Des Jungen Werther, that drove many people into suicide even though it's just a fictional work and not intended to influence the reader like that.
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