I've only done skins and models for one game,Warcraft3
Fun time...I've been doing it to the same game for about a year.
I use PhotoshopCS(my best skill),Notepad,3dsmax6,3dsmax7 and thinking of picking up Zbrush.I will not buy any other programs though...so games that are limited to these.
What titles should I look for to modify in the futre?
Only good ones I can think of now are Qauke 3 and ut2k4.
Are they worth getting?
OffTopic :
Who can I contact or PM to change my user name...I made a biiig mistake on it...
its suppoesed to be viewed as CMB and login as CMB aka mr.staby...
If you would rather try RPG you can look into Dungeon Siege, Neverwinter Nights or Morrowind. Dungeon Siege 2 will be out seen, hopefully it's decent for modding. Also, when The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion comes it should be awsome for it.
For Stratagy I'm not sure what there really is other than WC3, soon I'm thinking that Supreme Commander will allow some modding, as apparently Total Annihalation was pretty moddable.
I'm sure there are a lot of others around that I missed, but yea, there's lots out there.
Games I've worked with a bit are Dungeon Siege, WC3, UT2k4, and Morrowind. Though all but Dungeon Siege were very minimal.
I realy want to get back into Pc fps.
Not qauke 1...
Is getting ut2k4,Halflife 2 or qauke 3 worth getting now or should I wait for Qauke 4 and ut2k(whatever the next on is,keep forgeting)
I'll ask again...who can change my username on polycount boards?
Thanks everybody for awnsering.
I'm looking for the newest,something that can support normal maps or pretty high resolution textures.
I realy want to get back into Pc fps.
Not qauke 1...
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I disagree
I also mod the GTA: San Andreas engine, HL2, Operation Flashpoint/VBS1, IL2/Pacific Fighters and the Lock On: Modern Air Combat engines. They are all pretty good in their own right.
Hey Vassago you want to form a team and do a OFP mod?
good quick feedback to models or maps you make.
shaders are wonderfull to script, if a little unpredictable at times. Sort of like CSS for 3d.
I'd have to say that it's the easiest game I've ever modded and also the most fun to mod. I did spend 6 months on one of my maps though. For the most part you can start small, just naming your models by the same name they are loaded in by the game. see Major running around with a fish for a head etc, within the space of the time it takes to save the file.
If you want to mod stuff for a larger audience then look at current titles. However, you must ask yourself why you'd want to mod in the first place? For the enjoyment or the exposure. If it's for enjoyment, Quake 1,2 & 3 are awesome, had a really long shelf life and pretty much built the foundations to every mod community, such as this one.
or EnemyTerritory, which is also a bit beefed up quake3 engine.
Tribes 2 is good to mod, but the dts exporter is build on Max5 and we can't export from anything newer
Hey Vassago you want to form a team and do a OFP mod?
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If I had any extra time, I certainly would. I don't see that happening for quite some time, though
if you have the sourcecode of the plugin, normally all you need to do is recompile it with the new sdk, ie set include/lib paths to the max6/7 sdk paths
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Thanks. Usually someone just says some smart ass line about, just modifying it for the latest max, but they don't say what changes are needed. I'm not sure how to compile it right now, but I should be able to figure that part out. Thanks again