I am not sure what has happened but as of late my viewports are "crashing". Whenever I minimize max when a viewport maximized in perspective or user after 5-10 mins my whole PC will freeze for 2 second then the viewport goes solid grey and cannot be used anymore. I can un maximaize it and use another viewport but after 5 mins it will do the same aswell. Does anyone have an idea?
This has started happening all of the sudden, I think it maybe a graphics driver issue (I am using 77.72).
AMD 3500+
Geforce 6800 ultra
1gb ram
160gb ide hdd 7200rpm.
this is also in the max help file. I used to have problems with this... fucking directX eh?
I was using ogl, the error did not happen in DX. I decided to grab some older nvidia drivers and that worked, I hope this wont continue.
Thanks for the replies guys.