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Heres a request for those that have time. (UT2k4)

The Sage Of Time
polycounter lvl 18
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The Sage Of Time polycounter lvl 18
Greetings everyone.
I know I probably look a bit new here, but I've been visiting the site for ages and absolutely love the work people have done here. (For all the games, not just UT2k4)

Anyways, I figure I'll open with a request, that is if anyone has some time to spare? I know it's a lot of hard work to do these kinds of things, but I'd very much appreciate it if you all could at least hear me out. Thanks.

Well where to begin..
My request is that one of two models be created, either or, not both. Although.. I would love for both to be made, it seems a tad much to request both in my first thread here, besides that's a lot of effort for one person.. (If by some chance of fate, two seperate people would like to take on each, I would be very grateful.)

Now.. The models I am requesting are not from another game or television program, or what have you.. They're original characters from a story that myself and my co-writer have created. Yeah, I'm an aspiring writer, and hope to one day publish the story I mention.. (I feel, it would make an interesting read, and would love to see it published one day..) But I guess I begin to digress a little..

Both my co-writer and myself happen to be gamers as well as writers, and very much enjoy games like UT2k4. We're also a bit of role players (regardless of the game) and the thought of having our characters duking it out ingame is a pretty enjoyable one. So, I thought I would come by here and check to see if anyone was willing.. I actually have quite a long list of characters that I'd love to see in model form, however.. I've specifically chosen the following (more information below) characters, because of the excellent concept art that was done for them. (We severely lack the aid of artists right now.. And I realize how useful concept art or.. anything visual can help when doing this. Besides it might perk some interest in someone actually filling the request, I hope so anyway.)

Character #1~ Ethelenna
The Queen of Death, a woman of wisdom, power, grace, beauty, and evil.

(This is a good basic reference of her.)

(Same as above, but roughly colored.. Gives a good idea of how she should be textured.)

(This was the finalized version of Ethelenna, and the main reference I have of her.)

(Close-up of her.. Notice the makeup and the crown, two very important aspects to her..)

Character #2~ Triana
An energetic and talented woman, she knows how to take care of herself and is overall a pretty level headed gal.

(This is one of many sketches done for her, I post it merely to give people a basic idea here.)

(Here we have a close-up, not one of my favorites but notice the rings on her fingers and wavy hair.)

(Probably what I consider the “finalized” version of her. Not “too” different from the first image.)

(A very detailed close-up image, gives excellent reference to her facial features. Also note the feather earring.)

These images were created by very talented artists some time ago, and I’d really like to state how grateful I am to have them.. That out of the way though, I’m wondering if anyone here is up to the task and is willing to take some time away for us? I know it’s asking a bit, and I realize a few of those images (especially the close-ups) are very detailed, but I don’t expect perfection anyhow, just something that follows close, resembles them at the least. I feel a lot of people here are talented though, and don’t doubt for a minute their interpretations would satisfy me.

I would just request “models” and not specifically for UT2k4, but I don’t think I can make them work in the game myself either.. (Well, technically I could, but I don’t think I have the time to learn how to do it, hence why I’m humbly requesting this to begin with.) Besides that, I think these models would be really neat to have, not just for private use, but the community might like them too..

Ah well, I think I’ve said enough for now.. Thanks for reading this far at least, I’m sure you all get enough requests to tire you out as is, you don’t need someone like me to bother you, heh.. Take care, sorry for such a huge post; I’ll check back sooner or later.

(Would possibly be willing to commission this as well, depending on several factors, PM me in such a case.)


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