Umm that link takes me to an episode of a show I saw on the Discovery Channel. But judging from your subject it sounds like one of the segments on Robot Chicken. It's a new show on Cartoon Network.
The car is actually going to be available soon in the US. Your use will be limited depending on what state you live in.
Some states will restrict you to track use only, while some (like here in California) you're free to drive the car on public roads, provided that you're wearing a M-rated (motorbike) helmet.
35K will get you the chassis and transmission. You have to fork out extra cash to have your specified engine fitted in and bolted on.
oXYnary: Nah, if you ever watched a full episode of Top Gear, you'd see that they always give their honest opinions of the cars they drive, 75% of the time they totally pan them, if they give a car a good rating, you know it's gotta be really good...
Of course it's just the presenters' opinions, so people might disagree... but they don't get sponsored to give good reviews or anything like that, if a car sucks, they'll say it sucks (and sometimes destroy it in a humorous fashion, if it's really bad!)...
ahaha that was the one where they made a car out of washing machines to take the piss our of some other car right? just before that feature. It worked too!
Top Gear - best programme on the telly, bar none. NONE. And even though he's a screaming cock at times (ie, all the time), clarkson is up there with Keith Moon and Vincent Price in the hero stakes.
And yes, that's some fucking car!
Some states will restrict you to track use only, while some (like here in California) you're free to drive the car on public roads, provided that you're wearing a M-rated (motorbike) helmet.
35K will get you the chassis and transmission. You have to fork out extra cash to have your specified engine fitted in and bolted on.
Which given its on their site makes sense. However. It says "what the press has to say".
Of course it's just the presenters' opinions, so people might disagree... but they don't get sponsored to give good reviews or anything like that, if a car sucks, they'll say it sucks (and sometimes destroy it in a humorous fashion, if it's really bad!)...
apparently, what he meant to post was this
haha That was awesome!
Yes that was the link, Sorry, yeah I got the links confused.
If you know where, you can get it. wink wink
This is actually from an episode made over a year ago, I'm not quite sure why it's doing the rounds on forums at the moment.
Scott: Top Gear isn't a comedy!!