i'm going to take this oportunity to ask if americans spell 'lose' as in, to lose something, as 'loose', because I always read 'loose' as the opposite of tight. whenever I read 'looser' it makes me think of someone who goes around undoing things..
i'm going to take this oportunity to ask if americans spell 'lose' as in, to lose something, as 'loose', because I always read 'loose' as the opposite of tight. whenever I read 'looser' it makes me think of someone who goes around undoing things..
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yes ive noticed that too, its loser, but when people go "you are a looser" im like "looser than what" at least on the internets.
Hell, I even had a school teacher who spelled "lose" as "loose" ... fortunately not an English teacher (the subject, that is - the teacher was English)... but still!
When I first saw this I thought it was going to be another monthly rant about the use of "AOL language" and the whole I can't be arsed to check the spelling of ths word....especially so as it happens to be rick that started the topic .
Anyway Pior just to reiterate, Why are you not doing this thing we call game art and stuff for a living???.....also im slightly concerned by your attraction to british horses. Also on a curious note,where does american horses come in to your list of attractive horses?.
Yet I have to admit your horses have a certain kind of appeal.
Pior's English is better than my french. But I bet I'd be better at picking up wimmen.
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i know people from like germany who speak better english than people i know from here : /
i'm going to take this oportunity to ask if americans spell 'lose' as in, to lose something, as 'loose', because I always read 'loose' as the opposite of tight. whenever I read 'looser' it makes me think of someone who goes around undoing things..
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yes ive noticed that too, its loser, but when people go "you are a looser" im like "looser than what" at least on the internets.
Hell, I even had a school teacher who spelled "lose" as "loose" ... fortunately not an English teacher (the subject, that is - the teacher was English)... but still!
"lose" - failing to achieve victory
"looser" - increased lack of tightness
"loser" - absence of victory; not the "WIN!"
Anyway Pior just to reiterate, Why are you not doing this thing we call game art and stuff for a living???.....also im slightly concerned by your attraction to british horses. Also on a curious note,where does american horses come in to your list of attractive horses?.
i know people from like germany who speak better english than people i know from here : /
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Est Pior les chevalles longues et blondes aussi?
i should be embarrassed about my french, really, since i live in belgium, and even moreso because my school is in our bilingual capital... oops.
so how many languages we have on this board?
i´mar GermanGermanGermanGermanFrench