Hello folks. I'm a new member and a student in the game art developement industry.
I have a question that is very important to me that I would like assistance in.
I am a national guardsman and it is coming up time for me to make a decision to either get out or re-enlist. My question is how flexable are employers within the industry to individuals that work as artists and serve in the military as weekend warriors. This is very important to me as it could determine the direction I take for the next 12 years of my life. Also, being a student and not in the industry with a job yet makes things all the more interesting.
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could help in this matter. Also, I appologize if this has been answered elsewhere.
Edit: I'll qualify that. A contractor who worked on ColecoVision games about 20+ years ago was an active Guard officer.
So I'd say do one or the other =( I know alot of artists that often get stuck working weekends to make deadlines. So I would assume that would conflict with your service obligations.
As a former member of active duty member and former National Guardsman, my advice is that if you are serious about persuing a career in the game industry and honest with yourself about your ability to do so, you should probably not re-enlist.
I know two individuals that worked as guardsmen and where active employees with Atari but they where senior types in the guard and at Atari they where in management, not artists.
Today I extended for 6 more months in order to research this some more and take care of other things. It should cover me until I finish school and give me some more ed benefits.
A question for AstroZombie: If you don't mind me asking, how many years of service did you have in both active duty and the National guard? For me its 4 active and 4 guard.
Again, thanks everyone for the help. If anyone has anything more to say please do so.
I served 4 years on active duty in the USAF from 1990-1994 and 3 years in the Oregon Army National Guard from 1997-2000. Don't let them get you with that "you only have 12 more years until you can retire, do you really want to throw away 8 years?" bullshit. From my service I earned a GI Bill which helped me get my degree and I am currently in the process of using my VA loan to purchase a house. Not to mention I made some great friends and had some good (and some bad
I think the 6 month extension while you sort things out was probably a good move. I just hope they don't get you under the "stop-loss" bullshit they are using because of poor recruitment numbers right now.
Best of luck to you in your future career Nate, with or without the National Guard.
Yeah, I'll agree with you AstroZombie, on the good times and bad and I don't feel my time is wasted. The 6 months will net me some more ed benefits