Was flipping around cable last night and i accidently stayed on E long enough to notice it was a show about super models, ans they were talking about how these models pull over 6 figures and my jaw dropped that such a useless job can pay so much, i mean come on 50% of a supermodels job can be done by a clothing hanger. add legs and wheels and thats 100% of their job done by an inanimate object? and they make more than cops,doctors teachers.
man how nice it must be to look pretty for a living,can anyone think of a profession more pointless and overpaid as that?
imagine if 50% of your job could be done by a piece of plastic
I've always thought how teachers and food handlers should get mininium 5x their current pay, but then who's going to cough up the money for that.
Another "profession" off the top of my head that is pointless is CEOs/VIPs most of these guys dont do any actual work and reap all the benefits.
Just last weekend, my wife's uncle was bitching how he can barely afford to live off his $91k/year salary. We all told him to shut the fuck up.
Makes me sick. (and jealous ;-)
Dont you just love society? Where someone gets paid 10x more for looking good rather than having an actual skill set.
I've always thought how teachers and food handlers should get mininium 5x their current pay, but then who's going to cough up the money for that.
Another "profession" off the top of my head that is pointless is CEOs/VIPs most of these guys dont do any actual work and reap all the benefits.
Just last weekend, my wife's uncle was bitching how he can barely afford to live off his $91k/year salary. We all told him to shut the fuck up.
Makes me sick. (and jealous ;-)
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lol poor guy how does he ever manage
wait a minute,supermodel has been lowered to 2nd place,reporters who write stories about supermodels seems a slight tad more useless
ofcourse it doesn't quallify as being "overpaid" hehehe I wish it did tho
It actually costs the government more to recycle than to make things from scratch (except aluminum), and many of the recycled things are renewable (like paper).
Well, football (soccer) players are ridiculously overpaid, and like supermodels they don't really serve a purpose...
if people didn't like fashion, didn't like glossy magazines and billboards with pretty faces on them, models wouldn't get that much money. as it is, even though you may judge them as not doing anything to deserve it (though i'd like to see all of us abide by their diets and fitness routines), what they 'do' is make absurd amounts of money for the publications, etc. that they grace. if the sports illustrated swimsuit issue makes 2 or 3 times as much money as a regular issue... shouldn't they be paid more accordingly? since it wouldn't be making that much money without them?
sonic: Heh, there's more to recycling than just the cost of things... I wouldn't say that was a useless profession at all...
Well, football (soccer) players are ridiculously overpaid, and like supermodels they don't really serve a purpose...
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Yeah but the government spends 8 billion dollars a year for the sole purpose of recycling plastic (aluminum is actually cost efficient and paper is renewable and costs more to recycle).
I just thought I'd add it for fun
But also, being a professional sports player (American football, football, basketball) takes assloads of work and talent. In fact the Spurs (NBA champions[and my town team
How you increase the demand is another question
and what we do contributes more to society than what supermodels do? we're more 'useful' ? instead of being a pretty face, we make virtual representations of those women? people like entertainment, people like beauty. we and these 'useless' supermodels are all part of the same system--go to E3 if you're unsure about that.
if people didn't like fashion, didn't like glossy magazines and billboards with pretty faces on them, models wouldn't get that much money. as it is, even though you may judge them as not doing anything to deserve it (though i'd like to see all of us abide by their diets and fitness routines), what they 'do' is make absurd amounts of money for the publications, etc. that they grace. if the sports illustrated swimsuit issue makes 2 or 3 times as much money as a regular issue... shouldn't they be paid more accordingly? since it wouldn't be making that much money without them?
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provide people entertainment,to help them keep their minds off all the bad things in the world, video games are starting to be used for more than entertainment purposes like in the military and the medical field. there are educational games which are made as well.
they are even being used to help treat children with certain types of disabilities like bad vision and hearing
As far as athletes go, they ARE indeed overpaid. They play a GAME for cryin' out loud. Why don't WE get 6-7 figures for MAKING a game? Because they sweat, and get injured? Hey, we get Carpal Tunel and paper cuts
I'm often conflicted about this topic because games are not useful. Only entertaining, and an escape from our stressful useless lives. So what's the use? Some are educational, which I believe is useful and something I'd like to be involved in.
I've played with the idea of getting into woodwork, designing furniture and cabinets, etc. if the whole entertainment industry collapses. If I still have my 3D apps, I'll use them for concepting designs before building them. Real hands on work to be proud of that others can use to make their lives easier. I don't need $91K a year salary to live. I can live easy with $24K, or even half that like I am now. But most importantly, I'd have a useful skill.
Unlike Realtors, Telemarketers, and Meteorologists.
I could easily live without all the 'fluff' I have, but I couldn't live without being able to do what I want to do in life. Unfortuneatly, that requires money.
When talking about this, I think most people are applying the wrong value system. Wage earning doesn't correlate with any particular social, moral or ideological concept of worth. It's just not practical. A person who is paid a lot of money is paid that money because they have the capacity to generate even more money. Why does a supermodel make $500,000 a year? Because by putting her face on magazine covers and her body in clothing ads more magazines are sold, more advertising dollars are spent, more merchandise is moved and lots of people profit. A school teacher is lucky to make a tenth of that, but he or she isn't really doing anything to make anyone directly wealthier. Helping little Johnny learn to identify a prepositional phrase doesn't put cash in someone else's pocket. Yes, it's not the hypothetical ideal, but a hell of a lot of stuff in life isn't. Evolution doesn't pick the prettiest creatures to survive - that honor goes to the fittest, regardless of how amazingly beautiful or frighteningly ugly they are.
If giving tons of money to supermodels, athletes and CEOs didn't have give a positive financial result for the employers, the employers wouldn't give tons of money to those supermodels, athletes and CEOs.
Hey, we get Carpal Tunel and paper cuts
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Notepad doesn't give me paper cuts, I don't know what version you are using =P
And sadly most of them arn't even useless, but they are actually harmfull
supermodels aren't useless tho... they inspire people... u know ...
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Yeah, for seriously.
Art Manager without Art background ( speaks for itself. Waaaaay more trouble than benefit )
Level Co-ordinator ( erm, some spotty intern kid with delusions of grandeur that runs around with a clipboard asking various people working on level content wether or not it's done yet )
In Game Cinematics Manager ( meddling baffoon )
Associate Producer ( not necesarily useless in itself, but considering that multiple assistant producers, producers, and an executive producer allready exist, then yeah, it's pretty bloody redundant ;-) )
Talent Producer ( I cant even begin to explain this one. Lemme try. Someone who's sole job it is to deal with externally contracted talent. Such as freelance concept artists or even actors hired for roles )
Shit I've had a bad day
Yeah but the government spends 8 billion dollars a year for the sole purpose of recycling plastic (aluminum is actually cost efficient and paper is renewable and costs more to recycle).
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Your not adding the ecological "true-costs" into the equation. http://adbusters.org/metas/eco/truecosteconomics/
Right right. Granola cruncher I am.
The sooner we get back to spiking our fucking hair and dying the ends white or red and painting outselves with non permanent ink and running around the countryside half naked waving an axe and severed animal heads while chanting and playing the bagpipes the better I say.
Fuck progress.
To hell with the need to make man more like a machine in order for it to escape our notice how automated our lifestyles have become!
What a daft thread.
Everything is useless from the right perspective probably.
My profession of airy fantasy and multicoloured blinking , beeping confectionary is pretty useless from the right perspective too but it pays the bills.
i vote for beekeepers.
Talent Producer -- at TSR this was called "Acquisitions Coordinator" and I respect the amount of work required to do it well. The person who did that was one of my direct reports at TSR, and I ended up doing her job when she quit (in addition to my own).
On the other hand ...
Level Coordinator -- sad to know that one's job could be replaced by Product Studio.
I mean whats the fucking point?
I had to ring twice to check that the first poerson I spoke to wasn't giving me bullshit. It turns out they were, so what was the point in that? Sure SKYPE is cheap to call my bank on, but I wasted time and sweated over nothing (the first old bag told me that my account had been frozen by the goverment under UK law of not being able to use accounts overseas.), the second time I called they told me my account wasn't working because a new card had been issued. All without any warning.
I personally see super models as being valid.
pyschologists, feminists...
The sooner ... the better I say.
Fuck progress.
To hell with the need to make man more like a machine in order for it to escape our notice how automated our lifestyles have become!
Everything is useless from the right perspective probably.
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I see your psychologists, and raise you psychiatrist. No medications can cure a modern society that provokes mental illness and otherwise weakminded stupidty.
The faster we get back to nature, and not destroying it, the better. Away from diseased sardine packed industrial lifestyles. Back to the woods and streams. But somehow still co-existing with techology useful for knowledge and survival. Most likely impossible at this point in time.
KDR: In your case, a psychiatrist is definately useful.
Whata you a Scientologist??
Some 'useless' job are created out of necessity- Logistic brokers -that what my partner is getting into big time. These truckers with their half-million dollar rigs just can't seen to pick up a phone and call a manufacturers or big block and put 2 and 2 together. Most won't deal with the trucking co. because they are rude,stupid and arrogant. So the broker comes in and sucks a chunk of their paycheque just by making a few phone calls.
we all know there is no santa.
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that's up for debate.
Telephone cleaners, marketers and lawyers. We should pretend we're evacuating the planet and sending them ahead.
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hahahahhaha yeah, I was looking if someone had posted something like that. Douglas adams, got to love him
supermodels aren't useless tho... they inspire people... u know ...
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Yeah, for seriously.
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zoolander! great film. Er, but pretty shit all the same.
Seriously though, without models (super or not) I'd never get the chance to meet such a high concentration of tall women all together.
i vote for beekeepers.
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? I don't understand this. They get paid on the honey they sell, they aren't paid just to take care of bees.
I for one am glad beekeepers are around. Best damn thing I ever did for my seasonal allergies was to buy local honey and eat a little every day. 3 months later, no allergies.
Another interesting fact about honey: it is the only food that does not spoil.
Back to the topic: Most useless profession?
Middle Management.