Modeled in XSI Mod Tool, 2 day's(like 6 hours each) work. Resulting in a painful right wrist hehehe.
shaded image crops...
Although I'm pretty happy with the result I still wonder if it's an allright model or not. C&C are needed and appreciated soooo much!!!thanks.
- you may have to be heavyhanded with xsi as far as it's triangulation, it sometimes doesnt pick the best way to triangulate a quad or 5+ sided poly, so to prevent some of the odd shadowing you're getting on the side view around the door frame, triangulate those poly's yourself
- to nick a poly or two off the final model, the center of the wheels should come to a point, but triangulate to one of the outside edges (if that made sense)
- what i usually do for exhaust pipes and the like is what i just recommended not to do on the wheels, and push that center point back inside, so when you texture you can do a black gradient that'll give the appearance of the tube being hollow
- you forgot the ginormous chunk of billet that Nissan wants to call a door handle
again, cool model, nice work!
here's what I did so far:
I am also playing with triangulation and I hope I understood what you said about the wheels correctly. Thanks again for your comments.
[img] example.jpg[/img]
As you can see the shading still works fine and any other detail can be added later in the texture.