What would it be?
i was bored yesterday and cracked open my sega genesis and popped in Herzong Zwei,i have met many people who played it but man what a fun game,it is probably one of the first real time strategy games i ever remember playing.
the whole premise to game was to take all the bases or kill the enemy,the cool thing i liked about is is that you got a mecha command ship which was a transformer,in ship mode you cold attack of flying enemies including the other players mecha ship as well as using it as a troop transport. and when transformed in mecha mode you could attack ground forces. along with this you also got a wide variety of things you could make like tanks,boats,soldiers,bases and other flying veichles.
if they could keep the fun factor with up to date graphics man what a game would be.
that or pong,with normal mapped square and balls,id love to see them market pong.
Dont' know why but I like that game.
a simple game, and the remake would be just as simple, but with today's graphics for excellent outdoor rendering. several locations, and a cool little hound dog to chase after them. wish I could remake the zapper as well, but converting that to an LCD monitor would be difficult.
I thought that was a cool game.
Megaman is usually my first choice in polls like this....but it's been beaten to death many times over.
So I'll put in my vote for Solar Jetman.
Does Blood1 already count as a classic ?
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in progress :P
roadrash would be awesome to see remade
id like to see a REAL mario game on the Revolution, you know, without the duck-esque talks with a speech impediment water spigot on his back.
oh and a Castlevania:Symphony of the Night style 2d game with GuiltyGear:XX resolution sprites and backgrounds..
Golden Axe would be an awesome remake as it has all the classic fantasy elements and DEATH ADDER !
Bionic Commando is another one I can think of .
Remake System Shock with Unreal 3.0 graphics ..wow
Remake mario world for the revolution
Remake Dungeons and Dragons from the Calico Vision man I loved that game when I was a kid .
oh yeah, Road Rash!
gunfrickenstar heroes!!!!!
Probably Gladiator. I think that was the name. It was an old arcade fighting game. One of the first fighting games. You went 1v1 against various enemies. What was cool about it was you had a shield and could block and you had to knock the armor off your enemies first and hit them in a spot with no armor to kill them. It was great! Wish I could find that game again.
I wouldn't mind metroid [..] redone, but keeping the side scrooling aspect.
-Nothing fancy, just a gfx overhaul.
Morrowind (ElderScrolls III) for PC
-Obviously the new one is going to look great, but Morrowind was a damn good game minus the horrible character art/models/textures. The environments, water shaders and all that look great still.
Here's some shots of Flashback btw
Day of the Tentacle also came to mind but I kind of like it ther way it is with those stiff 2d graphics.
so close ... so close ... *sigh* ...
Or how about 'Vortex'?, made to show off the snes's crude 3d graphics - in which you piloted a mech which transformed between plane (for flight obviously), mech (for ground assault), and tank (for underground bunker-busting). Ahh the memories.
'nuff said.
2) Bioforge
3) The Dig
4) Cannon Fodder (3DO version)
Mechwarrior. The first and best of the series. All it really needs is a graphical overhaul, some UI improvements and a good multiplayer mode (a la MW2
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You misjudge me mop. I also am a huge fan of that one.
R.C. Pro-Am with getting a few of the manufacturers to allow their vehicles in the game. I'd love to race like a RC10B4 against a Losi.
or Golden Axe, as pogonip mentioned.
or Golden Axe, as pogonip mentioned.
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i'm seeing it in my post though.
Kudos to anyone that remembers it. *hint* (Robie)