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High res head

insane polycounter
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Ruz insane polycounter
Been working on this mesh some more. still needs a bit of work in the base mesh , but its getting better.
I am currently getting to grips with normal mapping in max.



  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I like it!
    Generally looks well-proportioned, anatomically correct, and has a lot more character than many head meshes...
    It'd be even better if the wrinkles and stuff weren't perfectly mirrored (I guess you can do that later), and also I think there's something wrong with the nostrils.
    The ridges below the nose seem too pronounced, and the little fold of skin at the back of the base of the nostrils seems a little too defined also.

    Generally very good work though, keep it up! smile.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Thankas Mop.
    yeah, the nose bit is tough. Again its down to the way i am building my base mesh, need to improve the edge flow in certain areas. (I am generally too keen to get on to the fun part in zbrush)
    Finding ears hard also.
  • EarthQuake
    Looking cool, wires?
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    looks great from the front, but the side view (the the 3/4) looks odd.

    I guess it is mostly because of the eybrows and the upper nose, which are both to far forward.

    Also the mouth has a strange shape, half smiling half dunno. Moving down the corners of the mouth to get a really relaxed 'M' would probably help.

    The chin also looks strange in the profile shot (as opposed to the front shot where it looks great).

    Wires would rock... but definitly a great head mesh so far!
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    JKMakowka: Heh, the stuff you just said "looks odd", is what I would actually say gives it more character than most meshes. The proportions (like you say, mainly brow/nose and chin area) are not outside the bounds of reality, in fact I know a guy with a brow line which comes even further forward and the forehead is further back, he's a perfectly regular guy.
    I wouldn't change the proportions at all, just work on the fine-tuning... any loss of whatever exaggeration may be in play here will also be a loss of character and variety, I think.
    But hey, that's just my opinion, it's up to you, Ruz smile.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yeah i spent the last 1 year doing heads for sports games and you would not believe some of the odd shaped heads I have seen.
    i do like to exaggurate a little , though for a default base head i would keep it pretty bland looking, then really go for it in z brush.
    Now I actually have to finish a high poly head, including the texture stuff, teeth , eyes etc

    No wires as this is the z brush head. i will re jig the base mesh and post some more progress soon.

    Thanks for the comments guys
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20

    no offence, i hope, like mop said you evidently tried to put a lot of character into him. But i think you missed a few spots, and i hope this example isnt too bad on its own.

    someone here said his brow is too much forward. one way or another, whoever was modelled first, it dragged the nose too much forward as well. the "cusions" of the nose cruve around the nostril hole very close, there isnt as much flesh as u did. this is where you check yourself: in profile view, the line of the lips goes up into pretty close to the end of the nostril, like where i painted more lightly (sorry kinda messy, i use mouse). that line does not connect to the beginning of the nostril, as in yours.

    As one mistake leads to another, you must find these key "mistakes" that fixing them will help you fix other stuff.

    Also, beyond anatomy, think about his body type. obviously big boned, bulgy and a little fat. he must surely have then a flap in the back of the head, under the bone nudge. his neck would surely not be as boney.. rather more "padded"..

    its deffinately a good job, though, all around
    i love the chin and you did pretty well conveying his strong look
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    no offence man, nice to get crits.
    I may need to put some more work in to it.
    The chin is the worst part for me, the jaw seems hard to get right.
    The problem mainly is that i didn't use a lot of reference, just glanced at the occasional photo and looked in the mirror.( poor excuse I know)

    Odd though, my nose is really like that:)
    I will post another update soon.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    good, im glad this is cool,
    cuz some ppl wouldnt like it,
    but i figuered you are a reasonable person who cares mostly about getting a better result at the end, so you wouldnt reject it.

    well ye you know photo reference is good but you cant look up a ref every time you draw a head. It usually clearly shows, and then what? theres logic behind the anatomy to be understood, and reference isnt always very telling. not that this paintover has it all figuered out, the socket is still too far from the ear, and this and that, but u get the point
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    @Mop: Yeah, somehow you are right, but shotgun pretty much explained what I ment much better. And his drawover, although still a 'character head' still looks a lot less 'odd'.
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    Is that Liem Nissen ? Anyways keep going lookin good !
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Shotgun, I find photo reference is cool for blocking out the basics, but then we all like to add our own style to it.

    I often find that some photo reference doesn't seem to translate very well.
    I often choose a particular kind of head photo that I know will look ok in 3d

    I have done several different versions of this now and am currently rebuilding the base mesh.
    My idea now is to get a good male and female base head sorted out so I can reuse them.

    pogonip - no its just a generic head, kind of a fatter version of me
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