..scum bag pricks, a little update. That pregnant girl that they "promoted" to a position which made her go up and down stairs everyday to make her quit.
well over the weekend her water broke 2 months early and shes in the hospital and theres a good chance her baby is gonna die and a very good chance that happened because of all the stair climbing she had to do because of what my bosses did to her to make her quit.
i hope she sues these pricks and wins.
i think if i was married and my child died as a result of something like this id be ready to kill.
What goes around comes around doesn't it.
I would quit NOW, not for the love of the work I would take another day under a literally evil person like that.
ive just converted the anxiety into energy to imrpove as much as i can in the time i have.
theres is and has been alot of good an talented people,just bothers me i guess to watch good people get stepped on.
I think driving him crazy by alerting authorities annonymously sounds like loads of fun. I wish my asshole producers from 'employment past' broke official rules so I could rat them out.