This has got to be the best mouse I've ever used.
Not only does it update 125x a second for super responsive movements, but the best part about it is on the fly DPI adjustment. OUt of the box it does 400, 800, 1600 without any drivers. That was a bit much for me, so I have mine set to 500, 800, 1000. In battlefield I run around with 800, when I need to snipe a bit, down to 500, then when I hop in a tank, up to 1000.
The ergodynamics are nice too, it's the same shape and style as the mx510, just with a few extra features and faster updating per second. And a new paintjob. I think it's downright sexy.
Never thought I'd get excited over a mouse, but this thing ROCKS!
I'm currently in the market for a new mouse for work and gaming. Been using a discontinued internet explorer mouse for the past 4 years, time for an upgrade. And I'm a mouse noob.
Because that's the one i've got, and i love it to bits. Logitech really make some great mice, as far as i'm concerned.
At least it has five additional buttons (added to the standard two + mwheel, the wheel goes into four directions but few apps use that) that I can bind to the three speak buttons in Battlefield plus the two vote buttons. I.e. no need to reach across the keyboard to accept/reject an order.
I'm guessing it will loosen up with use (isn't that right scooby?)
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Hey! I told you it'd hurt, but you insisted on saliva only, no KY...
I'm sorry about the stitches, but you'll heal up soon enough.
bs right-handed facists...
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/left-handed high-five
those turtle shell mice get super uncomfortable after a while. i used to buy a new mouse every year or so for my mac - but that was only because i wasnt going to use the damn hockey pucks.
bs right-handed facists...
[/ QUOTE ]
I hear ya! But count yourself lucky Because if you use a mouse in the right hand you can hold the wacom pen in your left. that's what I do
Thanks for the tip oXYnary I will have to see if I can loose some fo the dead weight
I only have one problem with the thing. When I rest it in the charger sometimes I have to fiddle with it to get the contacts connecting properly, otherwise it will just sit in there and not charge. This is a pain in the arse because sometimes you will leave it to charge, come back and the thing is going flat. Other than that it is an awesome mouse.
I'm looking to get an MX1000 now, but the only thing putting me off is the fact that Logitech did not make the receiver compatible with their existing keyboards. This ultimately sucks as I will need to have two receivers on my desk to use both the MX1000 and my Elite keyboard, and they aren't small either.
I'd get the MX3100 Keyboard/Mouse combo, but the new Logitech keyboards have given into the dark side and use ghey Microsoft positioning of keys. Stupid huge delete key, move the insert button around, make the arrow keys slightly lower and under the main pad.. Small Function Keys... Nothing shits me more than a keyboard with buttons in the wrong place!