Wow ...UHHH the CG looks so obvious hard to believe it's weta doing it ..maybe it'll look a lot better when they get closer to release ? Anyways im sure it'll be a fun film none the less .
pogo, what you talking about fool, it was no more obvious than the cg in LoTR you just acept those cause they were awesome movies, depending on how awesome or lame this movie is will determine on how well you accept the obvious cg, i mean NOTHING in this trailer was as obvious as legolas on the cave troll, or him climbing the oliphant
NOTHING in this trailer was as obvious as legolas on the cave troll, or him climbing the oliphant
[/ QUOTE ]
..and nothing there was as obvious as the 'agent jumping on-off car hood' in Matrix Reloaded. I remember talking with colleagues about it saying "They'll fix it in post"..but they didn't. Kong looks fine, he's maybe not as big as I thought he would be, especially when he tosses the car down the street.
Looks pretty good to me, I wish they would have chosen a more serious actor than jack black, because whenever I see him I can't really take him seriously.
pogo, what you talking about fool, it was no more obvious than the cg in LoTR you just acept those cause they were awesome movies, depending on how awesome or lame this movie is will determine on how well you accept the obvious cg, i mean NOTHING in this trailer was as obvious as legolas on the cave troll, or him climbing the oliphant
[/ QUOTE ]
Im mostly talking about parts with the Dino's and king kong and yes they are super obvious to me and no they don't have to be Jurassic park proved that 15 years ago and the sequels since ...fool ...
Some of the Dino's looked like the lighting was off from what was in the scene, but then some of it like the guy wackin' the bugs looked good. Much respect for kong I hope Jack Black doesn't stink it up. The last flick I saw him was Envy, where every 3rd line he would say "Va-POO-rise, maaahn Va-POO-rise!".
This trailer did nothing for me except make me wanna see it!
It seems very faithful to the original right down to stealing the apple. The only thing I don't like (right now, I haven't seen it yet ) Is in the original Jack Driscol was the first mate of the ship and a tough guy. Brodie is a fancy dan pretty boy. Don't know why Jackson did that and I think its bad casting, but it is not enough to trun me off the movie
I'm just glad to see that: 1. it's a remake of the original, not a 'reinterpretation' like in the 70s. Like, it's in the 30s and everything; 2. It's got dinos, so Kong can again show that mammals kick reptile ass every time; 3. Jack Black gets to play a serious role. The Carl Denham character in the original was a little on the wack side, too crazy-like-a-fox to be the male lead, but cool. Perfect for Mr Black. I think he'll do fine.
I'm glad I'm not enough of a CG geek to complain about dino lighting.
Some of the Dino's looked like the lighting was off from what was in the scene, but then some of it like the guy wackin' the bugs looked good. Much respect for kong I hope Jack Black doesn't stink it up. The last flick I saw him was Envy, where every 3rd line he would say "Va-POO-rise, maaahn Va-POO-rise!".
[/ QUOTE ]
Envy was such a piece of crap. (no pun intended) If that was the only thing I'd seen him in, I'd hate him.
NOTHING in this trailer was as obvious as legolas on the cave troll, or him climbing the oliphant
[/ QUOTE ]
..and nothing there was as obvious as the 'agent jumping on-off car hood' in Matrix Reloaded. I remember talking with colleagues about it saying "They'll fix it in post"..but they didn't. Kong looks fine, he's maybe not as big as I thought he would be, especially when he tosses the car down the street.
Looks pretty good to me, I wish they would have chosen a more serious actor than jack black, because whenever I see him I can't really take him seriously.
I'm also absurdly happy that Jack Black got a chance to try some serious acting. Here's hoping he doesn't suck.
pogo, what you talking about fool, it was no more obvious than the cg in LoTR you just acept those cause they were awesome movies, depending on how awesome or lame this movie is will determine on how well you accept the obvious cg, i mean NOTHING in this trailer was as obvious as legolas on the cave troll, or him climbing the oliphant
[/ QUOTE ]
Im mostly talking about parts with the Dino's and king kong and yes they are super obvious to me and no they don't have to be Jurassic park proved that 15 years ago and the sequels since ...fool ...
It seems very faithful to the original right down to stealing the apple. The only thing I don't like (right now, I haven't seen it yet
I'm glad I'm not enough of a CG geek to complain about dino lighting.
Some of the Dino's looked like the lighting was off from what was in the scene, but then some of it like the guy wackin' the bugs looked good. Much respect for kong I hope Jack Black doesn't stink it up. The last flick I saw him was Envy, where every 3rd line he would say "Va-POO-rise, maaahn Va-POO-rise!".
[/ QUOTE ]
Envy was such a piece of crap. (no pun intended) If that was the only thing I'd seen him in, I'd hate him.