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The3DGuy Road Trip: East Coast-ish!!!!

polycounter lvl 18
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The3DGuy polycounter lvl 18
June 17-26 2005
Well the road trip is over and it was fun.

Well I live in Waterloo iowa so here is the trip!

Friday17: after work i head to Iowa City meet with old high school friends and celebrate a uy named Joes birthday. Lots of fun and beer. I leave early around 1am because i feel sick. I go back to Joes place and get a drink of water and lay on the couch.

Saturday18: Wake up 11am and now my pants and shirt are missing and a blanket is now on me. My shirt is found on top of the microwave and my pants are SOAKEN wet in a closet down the hall. Turns out i was the only one who slept in the apartment that night. No one knew whos blanket was on me (it certainly wasn't mine) or why my pants were wet. It wasn't beer and it wasn't pee. Do i sleep walk when i am drunk? THIS IS THE JOB FOR THE MYSTERY INC GANG!!!
Rest of saturday i eat at taco bell twice and we walk around town. Then promply get drunk again.

Sunday19: Leave at noon and drive to Champaign IL. Arrive at my hotel at 5:30ish. Meet with TNSLB and Harl at some bar/grill called Greedo's (or somethign like that, Gweedo's maybe? they have no sign). Gauss shows up soon thereafter. Have a delicious meal and conversation about batman and video games and stuff. We head back to Tin's and Harl's and i sweep the floor with them at Simpson's Road Rage. Delo shows up and we play GTA:SA for a while then Need For Speed. Leave at ~midnight and watch tv and fall asleep.

Monday20: Walk around downtown and take pics. Get to visit Volition and see where Harl works. Harl, Delo, and myself go to Batman Begins and it RAWKS.

Tuesday21: Am on the road again to Morehead KY. Arrive at7-ish and go to Shoneys with Snemmy and Kahlan. Shoneys has the worst food i have ever eaten. We rent the original Dawn of the Dead and then Kahlan makes PIZZA.

Wednesday22: Take off for Washington DC. Boy is it a winding road. I get to a rest stop in Maryland. There are people there, a couple having a picnic, an old guy, and a lady on a phone. SO i go sit down to take a shit. Then the old guy comes shuffling into the bathroom. I see his shadow under the door in front of me, so i figure he is trying to see if the stall is taken. Then i see him peeking in the crack of the door, still, i think he is trying to see if someone is in there. He doesn't move on... instead he starts playing with himself. YIKES. so i say "CAN I HELP YOU?????" and he moves off to a urinal and PRETENDS TO PEE. I speedwalk out of there and he tries to follow me out so i bolt for my car and speed out of there. Yikes.
I arrive in DC area around 5:30pm. There is some confusion with what day i was supposed to show up and Mojo arrives home at like 9. We watch New Police Story then sleep.

Thursday23: Wake up late and walk around Fairfax and eat Wendys. Get to see Mythic Entertainment. Then we watch a chinese movie called Fantasia. wow was it wacky.

Friday24: Head down to DC and walk around. DC sucks. fucking construction everywhere and a cluster fuck of roads. I want to kill the man who planned out DC's roads. nothing makes sense. I get lost and make it back to Fairfax. I head over to Mythic again and III_Demon is there with Mojo. So we gather up Poopinmymouth and some other Mythic guy and go eat. On the way back Mojo almost steps in poop... like REAL poop, not the kind inmymouth. We get back to Mythic and talk for a while and make fun of poop LOLOLOL. Anyway i take off ~11:30pm and start my voyage home.
Saturday25: I misjudged my ability to stay up and sleep in a FoodLion parkinglot for an hour. Back on the road. SO FUCKING BORING. I make sure not to stop ANYWHERE in Maryland. I end up in Morehead again but Snemmy and Kahlan are sleeping so i move on. Hit up a WHITE CASTLE somewhere in IL. THE DRIVE NEVER ENDS. i FINALLY get back home around 10pm. I smell really bad so i take shower then go sleep.

Sunday26: Here i am!

Well it was a fun trip, though hard to do alone. I am sure it would have been alot more fun if almost anyone was there with me. I just will be sure NOT to go into DC again. its a hellhole. Never go there. STAY AWAY AS LONG AS YOU CAN!

Thanks to TNSLB, Harl, Gauss, Mojo, III_Demon, and Poopinmymouth for putting up with me and if any of you pass through here I have a spot for you to crash. Thanks and goodday.


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