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Horrible as Dell

polycounter lvl 18
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ironbearxl polycounter lvl 18
Well, my brother's ac adapter for his dell laptop stopped working, so I went online to Dell's site to see if I could find a replacement. Only to find out that there was a recall for that particular adapter. Apparently the adapter would overheat to the point of burning someone or causing a fire. So I called in to get the adapter recalled and was told it would take 3-5 days to ship.

After about a week and a half (today) I was wondering where it was. Then, later on today, I stepped away from my new Dell PC (less than 2 months old) for a minute or two to put clothes in the dryer, and when I came back my screen was frozen. So, I powered down the cpu, and when I powered it back on, it refused to boot up, just an orange power light on the front of the tower. I lost about six hours of modeling in Max.. frown.gif

Long story short, I called Dell about both cpus, and they think the power supply in my desktop is dead so they're sending a replacement. The power supply for the laptop has mistakenly been in the latin american queue for over a week, so they say I'll have to call back tommorrow when the processing department is open... Once the desktop is fixed, i'm gonna get my files off of it and send it back to dell for a refund.


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Don't you have Autobackup in Max? I don't understand how you can lose 6 hours of modelling ... aside from the fact that it's really sensible to just hit CTRL-S every once in a while, default Autoback settings save a file in 3dsmax/autobak every 5 minutes, so you should at least have something to recover from there.

    Apart from that, sorry to hear about it... my flatmate has a Dell but it seems to work fine...
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    get a custom machine built by a reputable dealer such as pc club
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Dell's arent for computer geeks like us smile.gif
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    This is why I perfer to build my own PC's. I know what I put in it smile.gif And the only customer service I only hafta deal with is myself, and my trusted Computer parts dealer.
  • eXpendabLe
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    eXpendabLe polycounter lvl 18
    I build my own PC's also, but have to admit I've had good luck so far with the Dell systems I've owned including my new 9300 laptop. Hope all goes well with your replacements.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    Compaq Presarios sure break alot
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    If your gonna buy from a dealer get it from Boxx or Alienware ... people say build your own but hey not everyone can afford to just go out and spend 2000 dollers building a great machine and dell offers pretty good proces and allowes payments . However they suck in everyway possible I have had so many problems with them I could go on forever .
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I upgrade my PC in increments of no more than 300 Euros. It was self built but I think I've upgraded it step by step from a 386SX to the Athlon 64 it is today, never doing a complete replacement. Usually your drives, screen and other peripherials don't need to be replaced when you upgrade so you can save a lot by just keeping them. Not having to buy a new Windows copy also helps. Never mind prebuilt PCs often give you more CPU and less graphics card than you need because the GHz is the easiest to advertise. Also, few prebuilders use AMD, some companies like Dell are still stuck in the Intel-only age which increases their prices unnecessarily. AMD is usually cheaper than Intel without much of a difference in performance. CPU prices rise disproportionally to their speed and 200 or 300 MHz won't make much of a difference nowadays so it's usually save to go with the smallest CPU available, you'll still be able to run all games at full detail with a good graphics card. Ati is also cheaper than NVidia but as a 3d modeler (or Linux user) you'll want to avoid Ati.

    Custom built PCs might be a bit noisier than prebuilts but they tend to save you a few hundred bucks.
  • Hollowmind
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    Hollowmind polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Compaq Presarios sure break alot

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ugh that's what I'm forced to use at work.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 20
    Dells are by far the most stable and reliable PC's I've ever used. Not that there aren't better ones, but my experience with custom build boxes, Alienware, and a few other brands has always been that their stability turns to shit after about a year.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    The only Dell I have ever owned is a Dell Inspiron 4100 laptop and it has been a peach. Other than the blown internal speaker (my fault) and the DVD-ROM drive finally failing (after about 3-4 years...) I have had not a single problem with it. I have put os's on and off and back on again, repartitioned the drive in a number of different ways not to mention the physical abuse it has suffered on the many vacations/business trips/cons that I have been to. Not to mention, I drag it to work every single day. Still runs.

    I have heard the horror stories of Dell and never experienced them.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    2000 dollers building a great machine and dell offers pretty good proces and allowes payment

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually you spend just as much or as little on a custom machine. The difference is you can get better quality parts, and choices.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i went dell about 3 pc's ago and love them, on my second one when i got it the lcd monitor had been damaged due to bad shipping, and i called and they said they would have me a new one the next day, but to my suprise about 5 hours later that same day a truck pulled up, one of the dell employes made a 2 hour drive himself to deliver my new monitor,
  • ScreaminBubba
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    ScreaminBubba polycounter lvl 18
    Here at work we've used Dell and Alienware machines. The Alienware performs better, but are also more unstable than the Dell's. They look cooler too, if that counts for anything.

    I priced both computers out for a new home box recently, and last night I went with a Dell, for the same hardware configuration, Dell was about $700 cheaper. I think if your going for a more ultra hi-end solution and have the money, Alienware is probably better, they just dont seem as reliable IMO based on my own experiences.
  • Mark Dygert
    Listen to KDR these are wise, wise words. I do exactly the same thing for many years now. You don't have to go out and drop 2grand on parts or pay 3grand on a 500 system thanks to finance charges and profit margins. Since you have a good base of parts to start from you won't have to upgrade for awhile and when you do, do it stages. A new video card here, a new mobo/processor there. Also make sure you get a good monitor that will last. Because a good monitor will last you thru several systems. My mothers computer 1.5ghz had a 9year old monitor that just died. That was 5 systems it lasted thru, sure it was old, small, had color issues and it was no seceret I wished it would just stop working but she made it last.

    I also agree about ATI they are 1337 gam3r cards that have horrible driver support.

    Dell's Price: $1,385 plus whatever tax and finance charges apply.
    I just build a system using www.pricewatch.com from slightly better parts, more ram better video card ect for $875, with tax and shipping. That is adding in things I wouldn't need like monitor, mouse, keyboard, case, DVD burner. The biggest ticket items where the mobo/processor which was $261, and the $270 video card everything else was $180 or lower.

    $1,400 and your soul for the next 3-5 years, or just under $900 and you get to keep your self respect by building a system that doesn't break down. Even if it does YOU can run to the store buy the needed part and be back up and running in a few hours instead of weeks of phone calls, missed shipping dates and no computer. If you have never built one before don't freak out there is ALOT of online help and you have time since you already have a computer. Time to research/compair the parts you want. Time to talk to people who have build systems and find out how. It's all very easy now a days if you have hooked up a home theater system you might find building a PC easier. Also Since you have a computer you can download drivers, find manuals for parts, test parts, do all kinds of stuff that will help you build the new system.

    On a side note we use dells at work, and mine works pretty well. Its a bit slow for being "AN EXTREME, FULLY LOADED GAMING RIG!" but it gets the job done and doesn't complain. out of the "pre-build" computers I would rank Alienware the fastest, and Dell the best money/value. But I personally wouldn't do bussiness with them because they each have profit margins to meet and thats money out of my pocket so some fat cat can water ski behind his yaht. DOWN WIT DA MAN! laugh.gif
  • ScreaminBubba
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    ScreaminBubba polycounter lvl 18
    I went to pricewatch and they do indeed have good prices on computer parts. I went to the first 3 deals that showed up in the barebones section, and did the customization option for each, and modified all of them to the same hardware configuration I just bought from Dell.

    All 3 came to right about the same price as the Dell system afterwards:


    Dell was $1503, and after the yesterday-only $350 instant rebate and free shipping ($99), my total price came down to $1153.

    I'd say the bottom line is if you do your homework and watch for special deals and promotions, you can get a nice box for a good price most anywhere.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Configuring means you're still buying prebuilt. Usually the parts are much cheaper if you buy them individually. What specs did you buy?
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    Listen to KDR these are wise, wise words

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That has to be the first time those words have ever been used together in a sentence

  • ScreaminBubba
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    ScreaminBubba polycounter lvl 18
    I'm fine with pre-built, I could probably build the machine myself, but I'd prefer it to be ready when I receive it, I'm by no means a computer tech expert.

    Dell Dimension 9100
    P4 630 3.0 Ghz 800Mhz FSB
    160 GB Serial ATA HD
    GeForce 6800 PCI Express 256 MB
    1 GB RAM
    16x DVD+/-RW
    No monitor, no "extras" in software or accessories.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    P4 630 3.0 Ghz 800Mhz FSB - 195 EUR, could have gotten one for 168 instead with a bit less cache (games are rarely CPU limited) (boxed, ships with cooler)
    160 GB Serial ATA HD - 75 EUR (didn't you have one already?)
    GeForce 6800 PCI Express 256 MB - 250 EUR
    1 GB RAM - 80 EUR
    16x DVD+/-RW - 40 EUR (didn't you have one already?) (is it dual layer?)

    Not listed but very likely included:
    Mobo - 100 EUR
    Case - 50 EUR (didn't you have one already?)
    Windows XP Home Edition - 75 EUR (MS withdraws selling rights from anyone selling a PC without an OS and I doubt Dell figured out you can ship 'em with Linux installed)

    Comes out at 865 when added up. Even if we assumed these prices would convert cleanly to US prices (which they don't since they include 16% VAT) that's 1048 dollars. You could cut a few corners (cheaper CPU, no Windows, no new case, no DVD burner, no new harddrive, perhaps going with AMD-> cheaper Mobo and CPU, 64 bit support) and come out at even less. Those prices are taken from a single retailer and are their online prices, they're a bit cheaper if you go there in person so you might want to check for local stores. Sure, pricematching for the cheapest price for everything sounds nice in theory but it'll kill you on shipping costs and having a store you know is reliable always helps.

    I had to take a few guesses as to what parts these are exactly but you'd probably choose them differently when building your own anyway. The price differences weren't that big in any case.
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    I've had a couple Dell laptops - neither let me down. The 5100 had a few quirky problems with the USB2 controller but other than that, solid machine. The 8500 is an awesome machine, ATI 9600 graphics so it can run new (ish) games, lots of ram and a fast processor. Can't complain. It's nice having a backup machine. I've seen comparable laptops for more money so I won't complain. Dell has great daily instant rebates and special deals - I believe I got $400 off this one. Their support I'm not so enchanted with, having 2/3 of it in India so the communication isn't always easy but I've only had to call them once because the machines have been solid. My custom workstation on the other hand has been plagued with problems mainly because of all the different hardware thrown into the same box. At least with OEM hardware or preconfigured machines you can assume it's going to be reasonably stable because they test that configuration of hardware and software before you get it.

    I think the overhead of OEM or prebuild machines like Alienware is worth it because of all the little glitches you have to spend precious time on when you build your own. Sure you pay extra but would you be happier modelling/gaming or dicking with why your video card driver won't work with a certain version of the video capture driver compounded by the chipset driver janking up... etc... etc..
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    I guess my last expereince was more on the customer service side and not so much the machine side . I guess I have to admit that my current Dell is a pretty awesome performer .

    I had orderd the computer with a set of speakers and it did'nt come with the computer. So they said no problem and for your trouble we will upgrade you to the next level of speaker .I write down the number they give me for the transaction and I wait a month an no speakers . I call them back and have the same conversation 4 f-ing times over the course of 5 months . Finally I tell them im packing up my dell and sending it back unless they send me my speakers over night delivery and if it's not on my doorsteo the next day im sending back there f-ing computer . It did arrive the next day and they had upgraded me to the highest level speakers they sell so they did try to make it right but after 6 months of dicking me around ??? When you spend that much money on something you expect to get what you orderd. Everytime I called there customer service I would have to talk to Punjab or who ever over in India who could barley speak english and every single time they would never have a f-ing record of ever talking to me ...that pissed me off to no end because I would have to be on the phone for usually a few hours explaining who I talked to before and what the problem is because english was not there first language . Seriously just recounting this story got me pissed off ..lol ..i'll never buy a Dell again even if it they do perform well there customer service is a nightmare .
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    My system is rock stable (Win2k even), if you have problems with custom built hardware you're doing something wrong. Driver conflicts can happen but they'll probably happen with prebuilt systems as well when you're updating the drivers. Battlefield 2 for example needed a driver update. Apparently many people can no longer play WMVs after installling it. No problems here.

    The only thing I don't know about my system is what clock speed the CPU has. It's an Athlon64 3000+ Winchester.
  • Vig_
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    Vig_ polycounter lvl 18
    Normally I don't like posting my shopping list because it has been my experience that people learn more and get what they want if they take the time to do the research themselves. Don't be a lazy jack-monkey and buy what I suggest because you think it might be good and cheap, do the research yourself and make sure it is something you want.

    $228 Pentium 4 530 3.0GHz LGA775
    $285 GeForce 6800 256MB PCI Express
    $70 Serial ATA 160GB
    $55 Dell Monitor 17inch Model
    $49 Asus drw-0402p
    $44 DDR2-400 512MB
    $33 ATX Mid Tower Case
    $25 Wireless Cordless OfficeMedia Pro (keyboard/mouse)
    $22 600w power supply
    $5 1.44 Floppy
    $816 Grand Total w/o tax

    (Pricewatch gives the total prices with shipping. The grand total is what you would pay without tax. Since tax is different for everyone here)
    I'm not going to go back and find the S/H, Tax on each item, most of the smaller items like memory, video card, mobo/processor, had free shipping.. It works out to roughly the total I listed above in my first post give or take a few bucks, I picked slightly different pieces this time. A lot of these items I choose, are parts I would want over the cheapest thing. You might be able to save a few more bucks by being a total tight wad who buys crap that breaks. If you go AMD you can cut your costs even more.
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    Well it is a dual xeon machine and I had to fabricate an extra connector for the board but the problems have been more driver/software related. No hardware stop codes. I had worse problems with an XP 2200 in combination with an ATI 9800pro...swapped it out with an older nVidia card and the problems just went away. The 9800 works swell in the dual xeon though, go figure. I think you got lucky.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Vig_ (new poster or just a new account?): You've removed 512MB of RAM from his config, I wouldn't do that, games these days require lots of RAM and you'd probably want to use them in dual-channel mode anyway. I'd agree with your choice of the 530 P4 instead of the 630 the Dell uses though, just as you said, I would have gone with AMD. Also he didn't buy mouse/keyboard.
    You'd still have roughly 50% S&H and taxes left until it reaches the Dell level.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    If your gonna buy from a dealer get it from Boxx or Alienware ... people say build your own but hey not everyone can afford to just go out and spend 2000 dollers building a great machine and dell offers pretty good proces and allowes payments . However they suck in everyway possible I have had so many problems with them I could go on forever .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually custom built = much cheaper.

    My system is a :

    3.2ghz 800fsb p4
    1gb 400mhz ddr dual channel
    240gb hd space in raid
    radeon 9800pro
    420 watt ps

    got it all for around $500 (USD) about a year ago I believe
  • Mark Dygert
    Bahh stupid cookies!
    After this thread I had to create a new account because the person who called me a "Naziscumhead" also set me to ignore so I couldn't PM them back. I tried to track down an email address for them but couldn't find one. Since I was on ignore they wouldn't see my explantion thread either. So I made Vig_ so I could PM that person and explain.

    And yes I did drop 512mb because that is something he could do without for the first month or so and easily bump it up to 1gb when he has the funds/time. No need to take it all in the shorts right now, just to "have it all at once". 512mb for most games is fine and having that extra 512mb is gravy and makes them run better. Its only an extra $50 to bump up to 1GB which still comes in alot cheaper than Dell.

    At home I am back down to 512mb on my main computer, and I play WoW, the most memory hog-ish game I have seen. I plan to bump it back up to 1 GB but I am not in a hurry to do it since its preformace really isn't deminished by that much.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Actually Vig, that's a pretty inefficient gaming machine for the money and a low quality mobo. And also, about ATI having horrible driver support, they fixed that about 1.5 generations ago. And even if you still disagree, so many people hack the catalyst drivers it shouldnt really matter anyways.

    If this is a gaming machine, heres what will most likely be best for you:

    64 bit 3400+ or up - Pentiums are workhorses in raw calculations, but in media and the such AMD will bend em over (and they are cheaper). Also the 64 bit will allow for more upgradability.

    Geforce6600GT - Theres very little difference between the 6600GT and the 6800 lineup, and definitely not enough of a difference for the price markup.

    2 80 Gig SATA Hard Drives - You'll want to set these up in Raid. Use one for system and other for your gaming resource files, and you'll see a significant cut in loading times and the such.

    MSI K8N Neo4-F Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 ATX AMD Motherboard - Not only does the motherboard support all the good features you'd want in a high end system, but it uses the nForce4 Northbridge, which I would recommend hands down any day of the week. And with my years of experience working in shops and the what not, I'd say that MSI is a very reliable brand.

    1 gb dual channel ddr400 ram - don't cheat yourself here, you'll thank yourself later. It really comes through in photoshop/new games laugh.gif.

    As for mouse and keyboard :
    Keyboard - Logitech elite or MS natural elite. The latter takes more time to get used to, but once you've got the feel it's much more comfortable and better for gaming IMO.
    Mouse - Don't make exceptions, it has to be either Logitech or MS. I've been PC gaming almost my whole life, and I have yet get anything but positive results from these brands. Go with the Logitech MX-500 if you dont mind shellin out a bit of money for a mouse wink.gif But trust me, its worth it.

    That system will most likely still be under the 800 mark, check the intarweb laugh.gif
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    And yes I did drop 512mb because that is something he could do without for the first month or so and easily bump it up to 1gb when he has the funds/time. No need to take it all in the shorts right now, just to "have it all at once". 512mb for most games is fine and having that extra 512mb is gravy and makes them run better. Its only an extra $50 to bump up to 1GB which still comes in alot cheaper than Dell.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But if you're running Dual channel they must be identical dual channel pieces, unless he wants to run 4x256, which leaves even less room for upgrading. It's only about $40 bucks more, take it!
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Vig: It's just 44$, that's nothing compared to the rest of the stuff. Since he'll try his new system out for performance immediately he'd get a bad first impression with only 512MB.

    sonic: One guy here had to install Windows because Ati's drivers suck so bad he couldn't play WoW otherwise. Besides, we were matching the specs he posted to see what difference in price custom built vs. Dell makes. He's already bought it so it' too late to change his oppinion anyway. If you argue a 6800 is no big improvement over the 6600 (make sure the card is at least 256MB, though) I'd argue you should kick the 3400+ A64 for the same reason. 50% more expensive (for the 754) and I doubt it makes a difference. Also there doesn't seem to be a 939 3400+, only a 3500+ and that thing is twice as expensive as the 3000+. Since 939 is what AMD will use for some time (the dual core A64s are 939) you get better upgradeability with that.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Actually the 64 bit does have a noticible difference. More so than the upgrade between 6600GT - 6800, and that's in applications not writing to utilize it.


    The 64 bit 939 3200+ (which easily OCs... if you're into that wink.gif) is only 50 bucks more than the Socket A 3200+, and Socket A has reached it's limits.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    long story short..
    i had a dell laptop for almost a year. went through 3 ac adapters before i finally got one that kept working.
    sold the laptop to my old company in trade for a pair of 20.1" lcd monitors, whose adapaters work fine. i'll never buy a *compuer* from a company like dell, but after experiences (my own and friends') with laptops, i'd probably only buy a dell laptop.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    If your gonna buy from a dealer get it from Boxx or Alienware ... people say build your own but hey not everyone can afford to just go out and spend 2000 dollers building a great machine and dell offers pretty good proces and allowes payments . However they suck in everyway possible I have had so many problems with them I could go on forever .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually custom built = much cheaper.

    My system is a :

    3.2ghz 800fsb p4
    1gb 400mhz ddr dual channel
    240gb hd space in raid
    radeon 9800pro
    420 watt ps

    got it all for around $500 (USD) about a year ago I believe

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A comparable Dell is actually much cheaper as well. I have done a few minor upgrades to the Dell I have owned for just over 2 1/2 years and it runs modern games like HL2 and Doom 3 like a champ (only exception being my recent problems with the sound on GTA:SA).
  • Slayerjerman
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    Slayerjerman polycounter lvl 18
    all the stats and numbers for hardware in the world wont matter if the buyer is scared or unknowledgable about putting it together themselves.

    Alot of people i know go with pre-build systems because they figure they will screw up the install or are completely clueless how to put cardX into slotY.

    Frankly, building it yourself is the way to go, not only for a cheaper PC, but stability wise as well.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Actually the 64 bit does have a noticible difference. More so than the upgrade between 6600GT - 6800, and that's in applications not writing to utilize it.

    I meant Athlon 64 939 3000+ -> Athlon 64 754 3400+.

    AZ: Apparently not because Bubba paid 1200 for a comparable config (except for the graphics card which is a 200$ difference, not 700).
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    I wasn't comparing a Dell to a home built - I was saying you can get a comparable Dell for much cheaper than an Alienware system. When I bought my system for $700 2 1/2 years ago, a comparable Alienware at the time was over twice as much.

    As far as stability goes, my Dell is completely stable.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    So , what, you had a problem with your pc and they didnt replace the part instantly and you lost 6hours because you don't save... and that entitles you to start a thread for sympathy? smile.gif

    I'm no sympathy for you.

    1.You should save every 20minutes or you are asking for trouble.
    2.Things go wrong, the world is not perfect , what matters is that you got your part replaced, they admitted their fault and took steps to sort it, thats whats called 'good service'.

    I've had my dell machine since 2001 and never had a days problem with it. I paid the extra for the next day service contract just in case.
    1month before that ran out I phoned to point out my fans were noisy and probably needed replaced and that my monitor was on the fritz.
    They replace my monitor and fans within 4 days which I consider to be excellent service.

    I would have renewed my contract with them if not for the fact that my pc is at the point where it needs almost totally replaced rather than upgraded.

    So there you go, another positive Dell story to offset the balance. Theres a good chance I will go through Dell again for my next pc and I would certainly recommend them to anyone.

  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Cant be arsed/dont have time to make my own pc.
    Always bought Dells for the last 5 years. Never had a problem. I hate the dumb casing design that has the USB port at the bottom of the front of the machine angled down, making it really annoying to access, but other than that, 'tis all good.

    And hate to rub it in 'cos I feel your pain but modeling for SIX hours without saving?! Damn, that's just silly. But you've learnt now smile.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Like I say, Autobak?

    And yeah Daz, whoever designed that USB port placement really wasn't very clever.
  • ironbearxl
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    ironbearxl polycounter lvl 18
    You are right Ror, and I was saving often, but I was really getting into it and then stepped away... frown.gif
    I'm not sure if autobak saved it in time but i'll keep my fingers crossed.

    But Yeah not to fully discredit Dell they are still my 1st choice for laptops, but they used to be alot better imho. My 2nd cpu is a Dell Inspiron 8200 and it's been through hell and still works like new.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I built my laptop

    with a stack of £50 notes
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    i built this computer. by built i mean its made of legos.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    wow i post my deffense of dell post, and go home and boot up my pc and have "system battery low" warning as it boots (desk op not laptop)

    asking around people seem to think its the little battery for the bios on the MB, but the computer is barely 6 months old,.. i guess Dell would have no way of stopping a deffective battery from slipping in, but still its anoying, i will get a new battery this weekend, if that does not fix it then i will swear.
  • ironbearxl
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    ironbearxl polycounter lvl 18
    Good news! My brother got the power supply for his laptop today! A dell tech was supposed to call me yesterday about my home cpu, but no word yet.
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