i suspect this director is going to turn this into a holywood style plop, like his other movies. the story and also the game were true psychedelic and i fear the movie is going to fall short of what alice is all about.
I mean, sarrah michel for alice? because she has big eyes? probably because she has big boobs. I dont think she has the mind set to play this roll suitably. They should cast Johny Depp, for the cat, at least.
actually, the entire cast and direction should be handed to the japanese, those crazy bastards..
Load Save Delete innit.
There's also a Silent Hill films in the works but this may be one of the few game->movie titles that I'm looking forward to as the game developers themselves are said to be workin hand in hand with the movie crew.
Lets hope they turn out.
I believe the phrase "at lest it isn't Uwe Boll" springs to mind.
oy vey
hey if its as good as street fight and super mario bros. movie im not worried a bit.
[/ QUOTE ]Well, many people think the latter movie sucks because it's "not Mario'ish enough"...
Yet to an outsider (of the Mario fandom - Yes, it's a fandom), the movie makes far more sense than all the games together.
Generally a movie making more sense than the source material is regarded watering down the source. If it was nonsense it was MEANT TO BE nonsense!
I bet it will be done in the same style as Lemony Snickets, Harry Potter but alittle darker like Tim Burton. It will sell pretty well but not like the creaters hoped. Most of the fans from the game will devorice it as sell out crap, like they always do. Batman Beginings was getting trashed on message boards (not this one) by "diehard fans", right up until it released, stupid fickle fans. I bet most of them changed their SN's and posted rave reviews after going to see it. I hope McGee doesn't get discouraged by negative feedback from some whinny dorks, he doesn't seem the type to let that crap get to him.
My wife and I loved the game, and I hope the movie spawns another one or at the very least Oz gets made. How cool would it be to be able to play the sequal right after the movie? Most games based on movies try to tell the same story. Anywho... I look forward to seeing the movie I 'm a sucker for dark retakes on old classics. From what I read he is writting it as a trillogy, good things always come in threes
I mean, sarrah michel for alice? because she has big eyes? probably because she has big boobs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Either you've never seen Ms Gellar, or your definition of 'big' is vastly different than mine.
Frank the Avenger
Fairuza Balk:
Christina Ricci:
Sarah Michelle Gellar doesnt fit the character at all.
Alternatively McGee himself could try but I doubt he'd make a good director.
[/ QUOTE ]He's producing.