Someone should make a Lifetime Original presentation about women and their addiction to nagging and bitching.
"Jessica Peterson was a sweet and loving girl. Untill she learned how to talk. Now she's turned into a complete nag of a bitch. She puts her future and family into total turmoil by letting her mouth run."
"Can Jessica learn how to shut up? Tune in to findout!"
1. for starters,shoudnt they be happy their sun is looking at naked ladies,what if he was looking at dudes,little kids or aminals
2.secondly the lady saying "internet porn ruined my marriage,sounds like the wife wasnt doing he wifely duties and he went elsewhere for his natural male needs that age what guy wouldnt look at porn?
4. the dad asks all dramaticlly " what are you doing" looking at nekkid girls,wtf they expect a man at that age to not be interested in goils??
5. lol the music,he didnt strangle a woman,he didnt kill children, he looked porn for god sakes.
Ha ha ha true soul !!! I think every relationship ive been in that has went sour and being that im single at the moment that would be all of them...ahh anyways yeah it was because the woman would not stop bitching and moaning over one thing or another . I might never get married as I can't stand to be nagged I don't know how you married guys put up with it !
Christ, the feminist axis marches on blindly... subtract the ability to deal with real problems from the equation and people will always invent fictional problems to deal with.
Yeah, but who doesnt rub one out before work? I mean come on, its like a morning cup of coffee, helps to get prepared for a long day at the ole' J-O-B...(non dairy creamer anyone?)
I wouldnt consider 4GB too much p0rn unless it was all picts. You gotta have a few vids right? If so where can I DL? LOL
Besides, it is perfectly healthy to find a release for that energy. I'd much rather have someone be a online pervert than raping children or JO420's case, animals...
My wife knows I gots the pr0n and theres nothing she can do about it
In my mind, making a film about the dangers and evils of the porn industry would be more respectable than some stupid movie to make mothers paranoid that their teenage sons like to look at naked girls. One thing that irritates me is that they make a point to specifically target internet porn, which I imagine is just to further play off of mothers' fear and paranoia; to most mothers computers and the internet are some cryptic, unfamiliar thing that they can't control, so internet porn is sooo much more evil. Porn magazines and video cassettes are tangible, so they can discover them simply enough by snooping in their child's bedroom and around the house, but with the internet and computers, their child is in control.
It's pathetic that the people who write this crap shamelessly manipulate people to frighten them into watching, and even more saddening that the general public usually eats it right up .
Maybe this movie will start a movement, and nudity in any capacity will be made illegal. People will go to prison for being in possession of nude pictures, and the prison systems will be overcrowded with all of the scum of society who enjoy looking at naked people (which is of course inherently wrong and evil). Then politicians will campaign on a platform of "war on nudity," and how they're going to solve all of the world's problems by spending obscene amounts of taxpayer money to fight an ostensible and superficial war against a "problem" that doesn't really effect anybody.
Christ, the feminist axis marches on blindly
[/ QUOTE ]
FYI: Most feminist I know of would smirk at that channel as being part of the problem. Unless you want to go and say G4 is the end all of what being a gamer equates?
Well its not the nudity in general that is bad Its probally the slew of "other" strange stuff that alarms them.
I mean, you got the standard hardcore/softcore stuff, posing and whatnot, pretty mild by today's standards.
Then you get into the realm of the fucked up freaky shit like the more strange fetishes and the like. Thats some fucked up shit right there that I totally understand why they are up in arms about it. I certainly wouldnt want any children viewing picts of inverted rectums or anything. Could scar them for life.
...errr...not that i look at pr0n...its all in "theory"...yeah...cuz we are all clean as god's bedsheets, right guys
oh, you mean the crazy psycho bitch channel? yeah, my grandma watches that a lot. i don't visit as often anymore.
p.s. all men are evil pagan sadistic child rapist serial killers who wear flannel shirts and tight jeans. if you just so happen to be a women, you could be killed.
hehe just recently i was at borders and found a dvd collection of 2 hours of 1950's educational films on sex and drugs, the crap those kids were fed.
first one i saw was of a little boy and girl discussing drug and comparing it to other real life habits, and everytime they made the comparison,the announcer would say in a very mean voice "Drugs are like that" then a black screen would appear with pills falling down and joints,needles and glue would flash on the screen with this alien spaceship sound effect in the background of all of that
long story story short,kids agree drugss are bad and the little boy invents a prepetual motion machine with his legos and before modern scientist have time to examine the device his sister screws it up and out of nowhere the legos catch fire and collapse.
i wish i could make stuff up like that
last one i saw was of a 1950's boy named "johnny" who thinks one of the fast girls is swell,so he does her,next day goes to school and former marine instructor looking school nurse grills him on his itchy crotch.
long story short,i shut it off when they showed the pictures on the crotch with the bumps.
Imagine them outlawing porn. I mean what worked for alcohol will work for porn too, right?
Remember that fucking your partner is a biblical right (God even killed Onan over it!)? If you catch your husband watching porn perhaps you should consider if you're letting him exercise it often enough.
says "Cyber Seduction" executive producer Michael Bremer. In fact, according to a recent survey, 90% of eight- to 16-year-olds with Internet access have viewed porn online, mostly while doing homework. "
waaaaaah damn, I´ve never seen it from that point of view, the poor homework
Damn most of the porn come from the US anyway.
hell, I´m getting addicted to that trailer, it has made my day
They already ruined a womans right to stay home and do next to nothing. Is it bad enough they had to make all the women un-happy they have to go after the men now too.
/me watches as a old raggy feminist climbs on a soapbox with a megaphone.
"We ruined our right to an easy life, now we want to make you men miserable TOO!"
Next week on Lifetime, Watch as we turn the same 3 stories into 20 different films by simply replacing the actors. Tune in to watch a lawyer/mother of 3 fight for custody from the childerns beer swilling, porn watching father. Watch as she is conficted by a long lost high school love who is defending her dirt bag, dead beat husband. Watch as she holds down 7 jobs and volunteers at a soup kitchen while she is trying to discover a cure to save her dying mother from a rare form of breast/brain cancer. Watch as she fights off throngs of male stalkers when she goes to get the mail.
I love it how they try to freak out mothers about how "abnormal" their sons are. But they don't take the time to produce anything that tells these same mothers to educate their daughters to watch out for the dirty old guy with a camera who is wearing a "" t-shirt.
I actually had tears whelling up while reading that SA article.
This is the part that got me laughing the most.
Diane is putting away some clothes in Alex's room when she finds a CD-R hidden in the back of a drawer. Upon pulling it out, she sees it's got the handwritten title of "VIRGIN VAGINAS." Yes, Justin was stupid enough to not only burn his pornography onto a permanent medium, but then he actually labeled it as such, instead of something no one would ever think to check, like "Math Homework" or "Swim Schedule" or "Windows ME."
"Jessica Peterson was a sweet and loving girl. Untill she learned how to talk. Now she's turned into a complete nag of a bitch. She puts her future and family into total turmoil by letting her mouth run."
"Can Jessica learn how to shut up? Tune in to findout!"
a few things i found funny
1. for starters,shoudnt they be happy their sun is looking at naked ladies,what if he was looking at dudes,little kids or aminals
2.secondly the lady saying "internet porn ruined my marriage,sounds like the wife wasnt doing he wifely duties and he went elsewhere for his natural male needs that age what guy wouldnt look at porn?
4. the dad asks all dramaticlly " what are you doing" looking at nekkid girls,wtf they expect a man at that age to not be interested in goils??
5. lol the music,he didnt strangle a woman,he didnt kill children, he looked porn for god sakes.
all that boy needs is a girl to curl his toes and the porn problem,well probably still remains but now hes getting laid too.
"Someone should make a Lifetime Original presentation about women and their addiction to nagging and bitching."
they did its called the lifetime channel
I wouldnt consider 4GB too much p0rn unless it was all picts. You gotta have a few vids right? If so where can I DL? LOL
Besides, it is perfectly healthy to find a release for that energy. I'd much rather have someone be a online pervert than raping children or JO420's case, animals...
My wife knows I gots the pr0n and theres nothing she can do about it
In my mind, making a film about the dangers and evils of the porn industry would be more respectable than some stupid movie to make mothers paranoid that their teenage sons like to look at naked girls. One thing that irritates me is that they make a point to specifically target internet porn, which I imagine is just to further play off of mothers' fear and paranoia; to most mothers computers and the internet are some cryptic, unfamiliar thing that they can't control, so internet porn is sooo much more evil. Porn magazines and video cassettes are tangible, so they can discover them simply enough by snooping in their child's bedroom and around the house, but with the internet and computers, their child is in control.
It's pathetic that the people who write this crap shamelessly manipulate people to frighten them into watching, and even more saddening that the general public usually eats it right up
Maybe this movie will start a movement, and nudity in any capacity will be made illegal. People will go to prison for being in possession of nude pictures, and the prison systems will be overcrowded with all of the scum of society who enjoy looking at naked people (which is of course inherently wrong and evil). Then politicians will campaign on a platform of "war on nudity," and how they're going to solve all of the world's problems by spending obscene amounts of taxpayer money to fight an ostensible and superficial war against a "problem" that doesn't really effect anybody.
Uh... sorry, I went on a bit of a tangent there.
Christ, the feminist axis marches on blindly
[/ QUOTE ]
FYI: Most feminist I know of would smirk at that channel as being part of the problem. Unless you want to go and say G4 is the end all of what being a gamer equates?
Anyhow, yep it's funny.
I mean, you got the standard hardcore/softcore stuff, posing and whatnot, pretty mild by today's standards.
Then you get into the realm of the fucked up freaky shit like the more strange fetishes and the like. Thats some fucked up shit right there that I totally understand why they are up in arms about it. I certainly wouldnt want any children viewing picts of inverted rectums or anything. Could scar them for life.
...errr...not that i look at pr0n...its all in "theory"...yeah...cuz we are all clean as god's bedsheets, right guys
edited for family safe surfing
p.s. all men are evil pagan sadistic child rapist serial killers who wear flannel shirts and tight jeans. if you just so happen to be a women, you could be killed.
hehe just recently i was at borders and found a dvd collection of 2 hours of 1950's educational films on sex and drugs, the crap those kids were fed.
first one i saw was of a little boy and girl discussing drug and comparing it to other real life habits, and everytime they made the comparison,the announcer would say in a very mean voice "Drugs are like that" then a black screen would appear with pills falling down and joints,needles and glue would flash on the screen with this alien spaceship sound effect in the background of all of that
long story story short,kids agree drugss are bad and the little boy invents a prepetual motion machine with his legos and before modern scientist have time to examine the device his sister screws it up and out of nowhere the legos catch fire and collapse.
i wish i could make stuff up like that
last one i saw was of a 1950's boy named "johnny" who thinks one of the fast girls is swell,so he does her,next day goes to school and former marine instructor looking school nurse grills him on his itchy crotch.
long story short,i shut it off when they showed the pictures on the crotch with the bumps.
Remember that fucking your partner is a biblical right (God even killed Onan over it!)? If you catch your husband watching porn perhaps you should consider if you're letting him exercise it often enough.
waaaaaah damn, I´ve never seen it from that point of view, the poor homework
Damn most of the porn come from the US anyway.
hell, I´m getting addicted to that trailer, it has made my day
heh. americans.....
it's so dramatic!
thats a hellaciously funny review of the movie btw
/me watches as a old raggy feminist climbs on a soapbox with a megaphone.
"We ruined our right to an easy life, now we want to make you men miserable TOO!"
Next week on Lifetime, Watch as we turn the same 3 stories into 20 different films by simply replacing the actors. Tune in to watch a lawyer/mother of 3 fight for custody from the childerns beer swilling, porn watching father. Watch as she is conficted by a long lost high school love who is defending her dirt bag, dead beat husband. Watch as she holds down 7 jobs and volunteers at a soup kitchen while she is trying to discover a cure to save her dying mother from a rare form of breast/brain cancer. Watch as she fights off throngs of male stalkers when she goes to get the mail.
I love it how they try to freak out mothers about how "abnormal" their sons are. But they don't take the time to produce anything that tells these same mothers to educate their daughters to watch out for the dirty old guy with a camera who is wearing a "" t-shirt.
This is the part that got me laughing the most.
Diane is putting away some clothes in Alex's room when she finds a CD-R hidden in the back of a drawer. Upon pulling it out, she sees it's got the handwritten title of "VIRGIN VAGINAS." Yes, Justin was stupid enough to not only burn his pornography onto a permanent medium, but then he actually labeled it as such, instead of something no one would ever think to check, like "Math Homework" or "Swim Schedule" or "Windows ME."
[/ QUOTE ]
its movies like this which encourage male bashing.