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Resident Evil: The real horror

polycounter lvl 18
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Badge polycounter lvl 18
I cant believe this, i literally dropped my head in reaction to this ( and some additional information). Some freaking bozo is allowing the production of TWO MORE resident evil movies...

Ok so this isnt horrible enough, but factually the last two movies made 40-50 mil each and these guys dont watch their own movies. And im sure anyone would be glad to hear, the douche who directed such fine movies as Mortal Kombat, AvP, RE 1 and 2, is married to Milla Jovavich.

its a lot to take in, someone needs to stop this maniac. Heres my source:
web page


  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    what are you talking about the two prior resident evil movies were prime pieces of cinema and i, for one, am shocked they didnt get any oscars.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    i enjoyed both RE movies. definately not the way i would have made an RE movie but i got my money's worth of entertainment.

    Anderson has some good elements in his scripts.. it just seems that he dosent see them and the potential and goes straight to the finish, first draft == final draft or something. and for whatever reason he likes to toss in something completely LAME er.. cool by today's movie standards, in the middle of decent scenes (motocycle in the church anyone?)

    hrmm.. southwest? i wonder if he's going off on SD Perry's RE:Underworld novel...
  • Badge
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    Badge polycounter lvl 18
    well to enjoy them is something i didnt really specify... i enjoy day of the dead, that doesnt make it a gem...so i can where you're coming from snemmy.

    but honestly, i hate this situation becuase you could just fill in the gaps of all the game cinematics and do some real justice to the story, i cant imagine how the first two made so much money. they dropped romero for this guy... ( Anderson is necessrily doing the next two, but still)
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    yeah i dont think they are great pieces of cinema but i still enjoy them.

    yeah ultimately the best direction would have been to fill in the gaps but we get Milla the super woman which has some basis from the games storyline, the ways it was done in Apocalypse, with the protagonist having super powers instead of the elusive antagonist, completely takes away what little horror Anderson can write. there's no sense of danger to the characters. there should be a 28 Days Later style "you've been bit now you have to die." not to mention getting the vaccine to the T-Virus which almost completely negates the need for the virus in the movies.

    i reckon they made so much simply from fans going to see if they were any good or not. that and they released at the end of the summer season so there werent many competing films (could be wrong on that, dont really remember what was out at those times).
  • Badge
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    Badge polycounter lvl 18
    I believe THE most entertaining part of "zombie" movies is the mortality you feel for the characters. This guy seemed to pretty much use the whole cookie cutter setup, and as you say, you end up not fearing for the main character at all half way through the movie.

    and wait, wasnt the computer holographic girl the real villain in the first one?

    i mean hell, ill get up with some writer friends, and just make my own damn zombie movie all in CG. it honestly feels like its that easy to get right.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    If you were an optimist you'd say "at least it isn't Uwe Boll".
  • Eric Chadwick
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    [ QUOTE ]
    make my own damn zombie movie all in CG

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Reminds me of Gone Bad...
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    How about a Polycount group project smile.gif. Yes, okay, that won't work but would be funny to see nonetheless.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    i enjoy day of the dead

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Takes a lot for someone to admit that, haha.

    I liked the first one, I really did, I hated the second one. Simple as that, will I make effort to see the others?Even as much as I adore zombies. They're going to have look damn good in previews, Apocalypse's lack of zombie action pissed me off. Oh well I still have Land of the Dead, Undead, and Day of the Dead 2.

    Oh yeah, personally, I think Zombies should be pretty much left untouched by CG in movies. I mean, it's okay if you want to make a zombie walking around with a huge gapping hole in the torso.
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