OrthosNude OrthosWith subD and weapon drawn
It's a redone version of this model:
I've opted for a realistic look this time and since my last few attempts at that weren't very realistic I finally did what I should have done the whole time: I got some refs from Fineart.sk and started using them.
Although the girl I used as a ref had somewhat small breasts already I had to scale them down a bit to match the character, with all those layers of cloth she's wearing it looked as if she had normally sized breasts under there (she's supposed to be rather underdeveloped in that department).
The whole body was modeled purely for practice. Most of her body is obscured by her clothes but hell, I just wanted to use a proper ref once in a while and it's easier to put the clothes there in a coherent shape when you've got a proper body to use as a guide.
She's not fat, the girl in the ref just stuck out her chest which leads to the bent-backwards shape that can be found on UT2004's female skeletons. She probably wanted to look more attractive on the photos or something. Makoto looks a bit fat from the side because of that, her arms get in the way so you don't see tht she's bent.
She was originally meant for subD and while she smoothes pretty well some parts are still problematic (mostly related to the "towels"). That's why I chose a non-subDed version as the main pic, I've linked a picture of her with the blade on her belt drawn. The original concept had a flute but because I changed a few things about the character concept between back then and now she's now wearing a laser sword-like device. The weapon on her left hand isn't modeled yet. The pouch on her belt moved a bit to the side (both due to a crit on the Elysuin forums back when I posted the original Makoto and some experience in the military regarding ammo pouches and lying prone), she also wears a bandolier now instead of having those bags and pouches just float there.
The cloth (scarves, towels, whatever) is a form of armor so it has to be rather thick, the clothes she wears are as thick as summer clothing. It's probably still pretty warm if worn on a hot day but meh, that's her problem.
Age wise she's supposed to look like she's 20 or maybe a bit below that, I doubt I managed to pull that off.
I'd also like some feedback on the edgeflow since that's probably very messy and I have a lot to learn.
Concerning the edgeflow (of the face), there was a nice topic about that on CGtalk (modeling section: sticky I think).
Hmm, one of the things you could easily fix are those too strong eyebrows.
Just a side note, try to keep the different sides the same height on your orthographic shots.
I would make the top part of her shoes thicker. Right now they are single polys and it contrasts with her outfit which looks like it has weight and a thickness to it. Hope this makes sense.
Sorry for painting over like that, also boobs might be little too low and face is too flat even for asian (currently its almost squeezed inwards).
Ikraan: The shoes and the shirt are meant to be made of very thin material. I've added the thickness but it's not as thick as the "armor" parts.
Current version:
I've incorporated most of the crits listed here (unless I forgot one) and added a few more irregularities to her clothes. Also the lighting is a bit harsher than before to make it easier to see errors and stuff. Or at least I think so.
I've added a bit of fat to her cheeks because she looked wrong from some angles, too old.
Also she's now rigged. I've tried a completely different approach this time, letting Blender try to autorig it and cleaning it up with the weight paint. Some areas had to be completely rerigged because the autorig is pretty stupid.