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Student projects at Guildhall: See the Trailers

Paul Jaquays
polycounter lvl 18
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Paul Jaquays polycounter lvl 18
Universities offering to teach students how to be game developers is a growing trend. But Not all schools are going to offer programs that teach the right stuff, the right way. I get up on my Guildhall soapbox regularly. I'm there again. I want you guys to see the trailers that the two teams of graduating students (Summer 2005 - a.k.a. "Cohort 2") have created and will be showing at the school on June 17th. They graduate on the 18th.



Eclipse by student team Celtech


Samurai Legends by student team En Fuego Studios

Both of these game mods were made by a team of artists, level designers and programmers working for 5 months with the Half Life 2 engine. They are already getting some press through Valve's Steam site.

The first group to graduate in December of 2004 is pretty much at 100% hire-in to game developers. http://guildhall.ecsrv.smu.edu/placement/index.php

A number of students in cohort 2 are already signing on with developers large and small around Dallas and other parts of the USA.

Those of us involved with setting up Guildhall at SMU http://guildhall.smu.edu and keeping it going like to believe that the training students get at the school makes all the difference in them finding work in the game industry.


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