btw, if you're trying to run the snes emulator, you'll have to get the second memory card eboot.pbp by extracting the data.psp from the snes eboot.pbp file.. (then renaming the data.psp to eboot.pbp)
That might work if they wrote a driver for you to plug your Wacom into the USB port to be used as the touchscreen. Sure that's unhandy and it'd be both cheaper and easier to just buy a DS but hell, we're trying to think like warezers here, right? Nothing is too expensive to get "free" games!
It can do the sound if you overclock the GBA. The processor was engineered to run at twice the clock frequency anyway so you're not risking your hardware.
I think it was what they tried out when they overclocked the GBA and looked for something to do with a unit that will run all games at twice the speed. Haven't seen it myself so it might have been just theory.
Replies <-- (use this extractor)
the first eboot.pbp can be retreived the normal way..
Let us know how the Snes games work
I own both the psp and ds, but portable snes on the psp is something I've wanted for some time
Rwolf, it runs slow at 222mhz, but faster at 333mhz
but true, with the speed of the psp, and the current speed of the emulator, it has quite a way to go..