I modeled these but I am not good at texturing. I modeled this originally to be sold on
www.turbosquid.com or on own website
www.tridinaut.com These are aimed at inde game communities like ones found on sites like garagegames.com gamedev.net blitzmax.com etc... Price for these models shoud not be set too high so people can't afford it, it should be affordable by large number of people.
I'd love to see these models textured and if you can do that I'll let you have the right to sell them and any money you make from sales you can keep for your self. If anyone is interested and wants to give it a try pm or just post here...
I'm looking for people who can do good job on this so I if anyone is interested to do this show me some skins you created before and you'll have a green light if you got some good skills...
if you got msn you can reach me there as well
illuminatus2@hotmail.com (don't email me at this address) but try posting here first and showing me what you can do before you add me.
very nice models..good job.
Just a quick couple of questions.
1) Whats is the polycount range? (curiously)
2)are these models Unwrapped or do you need us to them?
3)if you do need us to unwrap them what program did you create them in?
Id kinda like to give it a shot but im not sure id my texturinmg qualities would make the cut.
polycount is in range 1000-2500 for the models you see on pic. I planed to model lot more then this but there is no point it in if I can't find someone who can texture it. Nobody wants to use untextured models
Models are not unwrapped, I could help with this but I would not have time to do them all. Also I feel that is allways better that the artist who is texturing the models does the unwrapping since he knows how to arrange parts best for texturing and his way of working. I may not do as good job since I'm not skilled at texturing as speciallist in texturing is.
I checked out your website and I think you have some nice work there. I think you are up for the task, especially since you have interest for hardware stuff and ww2/modern weapons. What I would like to see is more worn/dirty look on some of your models, instad of clean look for example on tanks.
If you want to give it a try I'll provide you with model of your choice and you can start working on it. You dont have to produce skins for all models, do as many as you feel for, others can pick those that they want. You can then either sell it as a pack and share the money or sell separatly it's up to you. I'd just like to see some quallity work not some fast cheap work
I'm interested too. View my website at http://www.apollostudio.nl/badname/ the berreta is a good example though the texture wasn't 100% finished.
Will mutiple artist be abel to work on this? It's a bit much to do all alone
Btw wich texture resolutions will you be useing?
If you can do good work on it, sure there is room for more then one artist to do it. Bronco is already working on AK47, his own choice. If you are intersted and wanna give it a try letme know what gun you'd like to try and we can see how good it turns out. cya on msn