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Bone Copying Max script

polycounter lvl 18
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Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
This s a work in progress, and not fully working.

Its for the animators to mirror face bones - key a left bone, mirror to the right.

It assumes that all bones are prefixed by l, L, r or R

If anyone can add to it, fix it, make it better, that would be great.

I'll likely add the ability to create a key on the mirrored bone.

-- Bone key copy
-- Rick Stirling

global selectedBone
global oppositebone

global SBstartRX
global SBstartRY
global SBstartRZ
global SBstartR

global SBstartPX
global SBstartPY
global SBstartPZ

fn get_selected_bone_name =
-- Error checking to make sure it's a bone
theclass = classof $

if (theclass == BoneGeometry) then
-- Get the bone name
selectedBone = SB.name

messagebox "Couldn't get the bone name"

messagebox "Whatever you selected doesn't seem to be a bone"


fn split_bone_name =

SB = selectedBone
BNprefix=substring SB 1 1 as string
BNsuffix= substring SB 2 255 as string

-- And now find out what the opposite bone should be
if (BNprefix=="l" or BNprefix=="L") then

else if (BNprefix=="r" or BNprefix=="R") then

print "Bone name prefix not found (not l/L/r/R)"

-- Assemble name of opposite bone
oppositeBone = OpPF + BNsuffix


fn get_bone_PR =
SBstartPX = $.pos.x
SBstartPY = $.pos.y
SBstartPZ = $.pos.z

SBstartR = $.rotation
SBstartRX = $.rotation.x
SBstartRY = $.rotation.y
SBstartRZ = $.rotation.z

fn put_bone_PR =

-- Create a dummy at the selected bone
select SBDummy

-- Flip the dummy
about [0,0,0] scale $ [-1,1,1]

-- This code will select the opposite bone using pattern matching
local selectionlist=#()
for loop in $geometry do
local tmp=matchPattern Loop.name pattern:(oppositeBone)
if tmp==true do append selectionlist Loop
deselect $*
select selectionlist

-- Set rotation of opposite bone to the dummy
$.rotation = SBDummy.rotation

-- Position the bone at the same place as the original bone
$.pos.x = SBstartPX
$.pos.y = SBstartPY
$.pos.z = SBstartPZ

about [0,0,0] scale $ [-1,1,1]

delete SBDummy

rollout bonething "Bone copying thing"
label lbl1 "Label text here, put in the instructions" pos:[9,8] width:197 height:48
button copyBone "Copy bone" pos:[18,85] width:174 height:32

on copyBone pressed do


-- Create floater
theNewFloater = newRolloutFloater "Rollout title" 220 160

-- Add the rollout section
addRollout bonething theNewFloater


  • Ruz
    Offline / Send Message
    Ruz insane polycounter
    I gave this to one of our animtors today. will ask him if it was ok tomorrow.
    I am sure he will be able to suggest improvements as he is well in to max script
  • Rick Stirling
    Offline / Send Message
    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18

    I've made a few changes - it now reselects the the bone you want mirroed, and it no longer does an exact mirror on the animators request - it stores the original position of the bone and makes shure that although it may rotate its always at the same position in x/y/z space.

    Once I get some more feedback and tweaks I think I'll add a "jitter" function for more organic mirroring.
  • Ruz
    Offline / Send Message
    Ruz insane polycounter
    yeh I will ask him about it tomorrow, think he is rather busy anyhow
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