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New Website (first post with this Username)

polycounter lvl 18
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ArtisticSchmidt polycounter lvl 18
Hey folks! I'm back...

I used to post under the name Hellboy77. I would appreciate you all taking a look at my website! Go and check out my website at www.artisticwit.com!! You won't regret it!

You'll find lots of art and all that. Let me know what you think.

And Thanks for your time!
~Chris cool.gif


  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    quick crit: I felt like I had to find your art on this page. It took up to 3 click to even see thumbnails, but I found plenty of pictures of you. Why not re-focus this site more towards getting your art if the face of the user?
  • DarthRevanII
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    DarthRevanII polycounter lvl 18
    i dont have time to really crit your site at the moment, but OMG I LOVE DANE COOK!!!

    "Your move holy-man"
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Ok, I'll review it as I see it. Don't be upset if I'm a nasty man.

    In my opinion, Splash pages suck. They are pointless. Even if you decide to keep it, why have you used a different font for "Artistic Wit" and "Enter"? Using more than one font is fine, but they need to be complimentary, and those 2 don't work together. Then you have a counter, with a different font and colour scheme.

    Question why the counter is there. Is it to show you how many people visitied? If so, hide it from the visitor. Is it to show the visitor? If so, why do you wnat them to know?

    Once inside, you have the same font issue - too many fonts that don't compliment each other.

    In the main site, when I go to the gallery, the side menu has no styling - it looks liek basic HTML, and doesnt fit with the rest of the site. Also, it pops up in a frame that is resizable, but the rest of your frames aren't

    THe whole use frames is generally a design no-no these days anyway, they serve little purpose. Many browsers such as phones or PDAs don't even support them. There is no need whatsoever to use them, CSS or even Tables do the exact same thing and allow your site to be viewed by anyone on any platform.

    I feel like a nasty man for saying all that.
  • ArtisticSchmidt
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    ArtisticSchmidt polycounter lvl 18
    First off thanks to everyone who posted!

    cholden-I see your point but I don't have many categories specifically to make the art easier to find. I'll keep what you said in mind.

    DarthRevanII- Dane does rock! Even without a crit, I liked what you said.

    Rick_Stirling- I appreciate the time and thought that went into your post. Honesty is always good. So, Here's what I have to say:
    1)The splash page-I know alot of people hate them but I don't. Plus, once the logo is in your face that one time it's not up your ass anymore.
    2) The counter-Yea, I like to know how many people visit. I hid it on my old site but on this new one it doesn't have anywhere to "hide" and get a somewhat accurate count. I am not sure why it matters if the visitors see how many people visit. At least there aren't annoying ads on there... If I can find somewhere to hide it I certainly will.
    3)The typefaces- I suppose I could pick one consistant type throughout. I work with type alot at my job and understand where you are coming from. I guess I was just having fun with it and got carried away! Besides that I feel that the color design of the site as a whole is pretty cohesive. I'll play with that more in the future.
    4)The use of frames- I just like the way they look and connect. I'll play around with that and try some of your suggestions. Thanks for the heads up.

    I'm out!
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I personally could do without a logo either in my face or up my ass tongue.gif
    less clicks to get to the pictures the better in my book, I think the gallery link should take you straight to some thumbnails rather than personal info.

    I like your drawings though smile.gif
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18

    Ok, splash page and counter - its DOES look out of place, and you advertising how unpopular site is if there are not many hits smile.gif Honestly thoguh, if you do want a counter, you WONT get an accurate reading having it on the splash pages. Since you admit a lot of folk don't them, many will bookmark inside, and skip the splash.

    THere are many free counters that are invisible, you can place the code on every page of your site, and it will give you a complete breakdown of the users. LogItPro is a great one.

    The colour part I was mentioning is that your side panel frame has NO colour choices. AT ALL. Its default blue links on White. So you colour scheme fails becasue you forgot to put it in there.
  • Lore
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    Lore polycounter lvl 18
    I'm slightly agreeing with Rooster and Rick here about the splash screen if this was a portfolio site. And I would agree most hardly about lowering the amount of clicks it takes to get to your artwork up close. But you stated that this is a website and not a portfolio for seeking a job. So its a personal site, and thus should be treated as one...

    But please, even on a personal site, don't put up personal information. I was very tempted to call you but it would be a waste of my minutes on my mobile. Its fine to put up IM and e-mails for those who want to take the time to talk to you. That’s if you have no issue with those getting spammed. Maybe use a gif to avoid the HTTP sniffers to reduce the spam.

    I also notice you do have a Resume (CV) but its under the Artistic Gallery. If your making this in to a Online Portfolio site you should give your Resume its own link. Don't hide the Resume from HR (Human Resources) in the Artistic Gallery.

    The word Resume is linked, but is linked to nothing, just back to the same page.

    Your current Resume is not very effective and incomplete. You might want to do some research on how to write effective and informative Resumes for Employers or HR. I have provided some links below to get you started.


    You have a very interesting style, and some wonderful Character sheets. But in your little introduction to your Gallery you stated you want a job in the game industry. Your character sheets I think are solid. But maybe demonstrate that you can do some model sheets and maybe some environment concept. This might make you more juice to hire if you can show right up front that you can do those instead of having to demonstrate it.

    I like your use of watercolor medium in the Illustration section. grin.gif Very nice work. Watercolor is a tricky medium. Most people hate it because they can’t control it.

    crazy.gif And what did you do to poor Bubbles... You gave her a strap on smile.gif
  • ArtisticSchmidt
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    ArtisticSchmidt polycounter lvl 18
    Ok, So a few people have posted since I replied last. Thanks for the feedback all.

    rooster- I'm working on getting rid of the splash page so hopefully this will make the "splash page haters" happy once again! The faster you get to the art the better: agreed. Glad you liked what I have on there.

    Rick_Stirling- Read above! Also, I'm moving the counter. I'll look into the invisible counters you speak of. And I chose to make the gallery links part white(the default type was not my choice however, I actually chose a type). Why? because my color scheme is blue, black AND white. However, I am changing the design. I'll inform you all when it is up. I'm not sure if it will "look" as sleek but it will fit into any brouser and have good functionality(I hope). Thanks for your feedback.

    Lore- I never said this wasn't a portfolio website. I just stated that it was my website, not what it's purpose was. I have seen many websites with phone numbers but I'll take it off now that you mentioned it. I'll consider changing the e-mail address so it can't be detected in a search as well. I am thinking about where to put my resume. I'll get that sorted out soon. The "resume" link is currebtly just a roll over. I haven't put an updated one on there yet. Thanks for the resume links. It has been a year since I updated the old resume so the new one is much more effective.

    That is definitely a good valid point to add model sheets and environmental concepts. I am actually planning on it but just haven't gotten around to it just yet. I will also be adding vehicles concepts, etc. Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I like watercolor a lot. Thanks again. Poor Bubbles indeed...

    Thanks fellow polycounters!
  • Tolad1991
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    Tolad1991 polycounter lvl 2
    This is cool. Still, there is a lot of work to do. So take your time and make this site a perfect place to find any type of art. A good example is write my paper discount service. Cheers!

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