I was going to post this in the polyfraggers forum but didn't think it'd get quick enough exposure. Anyhoo..
There seems to be a LOT of us getting this game, any one have thoughts on forming a clan? I could definitely play 1 or 2 hours a day and would love to group up with people I know.
I play teamwork all the time and don't like to run 'n gun and would only like to play with like-minded people.
but hey, don't let that stop you!
and you actually ought to post this in the polyfraggers forum, mr. 'too good for the polyfraggers forum' since those are exactly the people you want to be catching the attention of specifically
So its open to the public too, but its our stomping ground where Good times can commence. That would roCKIT!
I have to agree with gauss by adding "clan" to me suggests commitment, which I avoid whenever possible. :P
nibbler.fastpc.com is the addy.
just kidding, mang. i think expendable's got the main point here, the pick-up games we play in CSS will probably allow for the kind of organization you're looking for. everyone puts a [#md] and then all the other players can think that we're clan MURDERD34TH or whatever.
when the polycounters got together to play onslaught in ut2k4 we weren't that bad about coordinating... not sure if/when i'll pick up battlefield 2, but i'm sure most people will be game for playing along nicely
Anyways the demo is this friday. Too bad Im leaving saturday so I'll only get to play it for a night.
Bought the DVD version.
Damn Ill be happy with the DEMO version to be released today.. This was I can get a fee for it all.. hehe
did anyone see the requirements...
Video card must have 128 MB or more memory and one of the following chipsets:
# NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 or greater
# ATI Radeon 8500 or greater
i got a 4600; hopefully it'll holdup.
I'm only 60% through downloadin the demo, damn I can't wait for this \o/
my m8 downloaded it and said to me 1280x1024 resolution isn't supported and the game runs like a complete sack o' turd and plenty of ATI users are experiencing bad issues.
Hopefully a lighter story will become of this. *fingers-crossed*
anyhow, just got back from playing a few rounds and it is indeed a load of fun. guess i'll have to pre-order this bad boy after all
1 Gb Ram
This game is friggin awesome! The graphics are top notch. The menus load a lot smoother than BF42 on my machine. And the maps aren't constantly reloaded. All the addition gameplay elements are awesome. Quick talk feature. Ducking in tanks. I'm very satisfied. Very intense battles. This is a well designed game. Now to wait for the real thing and hopefully start modding.
So does anyone have Bittorrents out there we can suggest to others?
Just kinda shocked since i could run HL2 and D3 at 1024x768 just fine but now cant even meet the min reqs with my 4600.
o well, i already have gta:sa eating up all of my gaming time.
i went a few rounds as an MEC anti-tanker; i love holding that central command point in perches up on the roof. my second round i came up as top of my team's leader board with 17 kills and 1 death... after some anti-tanking i struck out on my own and fiercely held a beach spawn in a tank against the invading infidels
uh, when did I say I was pissed?
[/ QUOTE ]
I dunno, I was talking to iMag
Horrible weapon accuracy and some netcode issues, to name a few.
I'm loving it so far though. Been playing since 9pm last night :P
However, I really don't dig the inability to have a 1280x1024 rez, so i have to play it on my other comp coz the pixel distortion is just fugly.
I really didn't think I could play this same with ALL the settings ramped up on high with 2x anti-aliasin and play it totally smooth.
Impressed to say the least
tRens = squadleader / medic
brome special forces
expandable anti-tank
elysium special forces
timesNewRoman support/heavygunner
room for one more.. Vassago
meet in #model_design around 8
Mr_Chompers is my nick in bf2