I know there are a lot of people on this board that really keep up with the latest changes and new technology in terms of what's possible in the gaming world. What are your favorite news site and/or message boards for this kind of info?
Hmm keep looking I know there is a high tech bleeding edge graphics/engine forum out there cause ive found it before but it's none of these links . The forum im thinking of has people doing stuff that is beyond what current graphics cards are capable of . When I used to fallow it some guy came up with Offset Bumb Mapping which is what makes the stone walls look so realistic in the Unreal Engine 3.0 demos . Someone first had that idea on those fourms . I wish I could help more but keep looking cause what your talking about is out there .
*edit* Also it would be also worth asking around about IRC or other chat channels which game programmers hang out in kinda like the polycount chat channel im sure there are game programmers that hang out in a chat channel somewhere out there ...
Do a search for SIGGRAPH; it's /the/ gfx conference where all the latest algorythms get press, including the acedemic-won't-be-included-in-games-in-years plus the will-be-included-in-the-next-gen-engines tech debuts.
You gotta pay for the conference notes from the siggraph site, but I guess any site which at least mentions siggraph will have decent stuff, and I wouldn't be surprised if you find sityes run by contributors/contributors-to-be.
http://www.shadertech.com (rarely updated so)
I like to listen in on these lists. A lot of it goes over my head, but now and then there are some great insights. They have searchable archives too.
"This list is for discussion of algorithms and their implementation in games."
"Developer-only Forum for DirectX programming issues"
CrazyButcher's links are good for this too.
Here's another game programmer forum.
I liked this article.
Of course there's ATI and NVIDIA too, tons of neato stuff.
A neat thread I was in recently on CGTalk, about FX shaders and Max. Some good links in there.
I guess I love finding this stuff.
*edit* Also it would be also worth asking around about IRC or other chat channels which game programmers hang out in kinda like the polycount chat channel im sure there are game programmers that hang out in a chat channel somewhere out there ...
Can't wait to see the UnrealEngine3 section become public, if it does.
You gotta pay for the conference notes from the siggraph site, but I guess any site which at least mentions siggraph will have decent stuff, and I wouldn't be surprised if you find sityes run by contributors/contributors-to-be.
As StrangeFate says, UDN is a great resource.
Also RealityEngine has a great deal of info on their site. Grab it before it melts into Epic...