Hey guys,
Im just wondering what your views are on Hybrid Studios developing software for the sole prupose of demo reel creation, involving video import (animation) image import, sound import and editing of the 3. The usability would be soley around the creation of a reel and would involve things like a "credits" feature, and on screen text.
take this as a bit of market research.
All of the tools would also be more streamlined to use, with a different setup to the way they work.
The intention is that you get to create professional demo reels in as little time as possible with great ease of use. There is always room for expansion of the features and tools also.
Plus the retail price would be only a snippet of after effects.
In fact, you could make a demo-reel in the shitty Windows Movie Maker.
Has anyone got any sugestions of Applications that would be useful to alot of people in the 3d Industry?
Something that did a halfway decent job of polygonal reduction to take the pain out of making LOD's.
there cool ideas, and do-able, cheers
If you guys are looking at creating some sort of product to create seed money for your company go over to GarageGames and look into creating content packs