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Ive got a job , and hopes for a new life.

polycounter lvl 18
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Thermidor polycounter lvl 18
Hi there all you polycounters, some of you may know ive had som major upheval in my home life in the past month or so. Ive been very down, but a couple of weeks ago (only a day or 2 after sending my aplication) rockstar north game me an interview, and im so chuffed to now say ive got the job. all my home troubles are sorted , and i am gona be starting my first industry job. I cant explain how absolutly happy i am about this , im gona be working on characters , so its pretty much spot on for me.

Tommorow i move to edinborgh and its very exciting , been a nightmare to sort out in a couple of weeks , but hopefully i will have time now to adjust to the new surroundings and learn how to use Max a bit (abit) confused.gif

texturing seems pretty good in max so far , i really found unwraping in maya a chore and thats after a good 5 years of using it. generaly things arnt too different.

Hey , wish me luck smile.gif looks like im gona be working with a great bunch of ppl smile.gif


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