howdy people
Yes,im at last trying to do some charcter stuff and im having some fun while doing it
This is my first attempt at charcter in years and is by quite a distance my best ever,just because im better artist now than I ever was before.
anyway heres the women im doing,bog stanadrd nothing special,tear it apart
And heres a head texture ive been working on,assesories and hat not finished but the face pretty much is,Model by Warhawk (from the release the heads thread) and thanks to b1ll for advising me in the early stages of this one.
(the left one is 100% self illuminated the far one is bog standard max lighting)
For the texture, you candefinately tell that the ears are seperate on the texture map. And also the guy looks like he has put some goggles on for ages.
Just updated the renders as the other ones where quick and not that 'space efficiant"..anyway ive cut afew of the polygons around teh waist as you have suggested,I wnated to give the clothes a sense of weight rather than have them flat to the body and relying on the texture to create taht weight.
But anyway im gonna mess with that ear some now
I found another little thing whilst looking, the face from the side veiw seems a bit too angular, I think it would greatly improve if all you did was move the chin and lower lip out a tad bit.
From the front view the neck also looks a wintsie bit flat, perhaps you could re-arrange the topology to suggest neck tendons/muscles?
One more (and that's it I promise:)) is that you may want to re arrange some polies around the pelvis and thigh area, so the leg deforms better against the lower belly. I suggest trying to have 2-4 loops as flat ass possible whilst maintaining the poly flow around there.
Hope that helps
Adjusted those polys around the waist,not perfect but they keep my orginal shape at least.
Bought the lips and chin out a tad I also messed with the neck poly some to try and get more definition.
Killin:- Done.
Im gonna start unwrapping her before indulging in UT2004 (my sisters birthday today and naturally i bought it for her,not for my own benifits of course,she did acturally ask for it.....)