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Connect tool from Max in Maya?

polycounter lvl 20
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Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
Hey, I'm trying to teach myself Maya after using only Max. One of my favourite tools in Max was connect, so I was wondering if there is anything similar in Maya v6.5? While I suppose it's not needed, it was a major part of how I model.

Thanks for the help, and any tips anyone has on making the transition from Max to Maya are also welcome. smile.gif


  • Eric Chadwick
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    ... I'm not looking for tips, I'm looking for one tool in peticular. A simple reading of the topic should've let you know this.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Click the link.
    Open the thread.
    Find the tool.

    Eat food.
    Drink beer.
    Be happy.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    "A simple reading of the topic should've let you know this."

    easy there Tiger....
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Well, first off, I read the topic and didn't see what I was looking for, whether that be becuase I missed it in my skimming or because it just isn't there, it doesn't matter. I didn't see it, thus the next logical step was to make a new thread so I could get a decent answer to a question.

    Of course, even if this weren't the case, I'd expect a somewhat better answer than what I've recieved. Most boards tend to attempt to put on a welcoming facade in order to attract new members and keep interest.
  • Erol
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    Erol polycounter lvl 18

    mjpolytools has a connect feature.

    (It's also the first thing mentioned in the linked thread.) smile.gif
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    "Of course, even if this weren't the case, I'd expect a somewhat better answer than what I've recieved. Most boards tend to attempt to put on a welcoming facade in order to attract new members and keep interest"

    That may or may not be true. What you dont see as a newcomer is that we get tiresome constant repeated questions, that could be easily avoided If the enquirer did a quick search first. Eric happens to be a highly respected and knowledgeable member of the community, and Ive never seen him be anything other than cordial and polite. Back off with the arrogance, and people will treat you with the same respect.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Thanks Daz.

    Tulkamir if you would, take a deep breath, get back to the relaxed state you started with, and read this. If you know about it already, my apologies. Though it seems to me you haven't read this before.

    There are a lot of knowledgeable industry vets on this board, who contribute some amazing insights. Understanding what that document has to offer can take you a long way.

    I hope to see you around.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Eric: I know it, have read it. And moderate other boards, and know all about the problems with asking questions. However, the realization that my question was very specific and easy to answer and that there were no quickly visible answers to it on a search lead me to the assumption that the right thing to do would be to post a new thread. Now, given the short answer required, even if it had been answered before, this should cause little problems. If you know that MJpolytools are what is needed for this the thing to do would be to say so, and if you felt it nessesary link to the thread where you found it out, rather than forcing the poster to sift through a long thread.

    Daz: That happens at all boards. However,t his isn't a tiresome repetition. The quick search I ran showed me that the question as I thought it'd be phrased hadn't been answered yet. Also, I have no doubt as to Eric's respectability and knowlege. If you want me to treat Eric witht he same respect he gave me my reply would have been "Did a search." How far would that have gotten me to my answer? Now, it apparently could be found in that thread, however, considering the simplicity of the question, and the length of the thread, I only did a very quick skimming of it.

    Anyways, I did act a bit harsh, agreed, and I'm sorry for that, been a rushed week for me and I was short on patiencs. I apologize.

    Later, and thanks Erol.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Just had to say Daz, that was very nice of you. blush.gif And I must say it's mutual. There are many people here that have my respect, professionals and hobbyists alike. Polycount is a unique place.

    In my time here I've seen that Polycount is a bit more exclusive that other boards, in how knowledge and respect are traded/gained. And I've come to see that it's worth every bit of effort.

    I don't know Tulkamir, you asked two questions in your first post. Connect and tips, not just connect. You didn't show us you had performed a search. So I went ahead and did that search for you, used "connect maya max," found that thread, and posted it. Then you turned around and got pissed. WTF?

    If you're having trouble skimming, one thing that helps me with skimming threads is to open the thread, then do a browser Find within the page. Doing a Find on "Connect" took me right to the info.

    With a newcomer I don't know what they're all about, they could just be a leech. A newcomer may just post once and never return. In my view, it's more productive to give the tools to find the answers, than just to give the one answer. I'm less likely to do a newcomer's legwork than I would be for others who've proven themselves. But I did it anyway, in the spirit of goodwill.

    I've found at Polycount if people push an attitude, they'll get it dished right back. People here don't take shit. But when people post thoughtful knowledgeable patient queries, more than likely they get good answers.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    I personally think that there could have been a more concise, less sarcastic answer to the original question ... even as a long time but possibly not "highly respected and knowledgeable member of the community."

    But that is just my opinion as possibly a long time but not as highly respected and knowledgeable member of the community...no need to be sarcastic as the original question was in no way arrogant but simply an honest question deserving an honest answer.
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    ok here is a lesson for the superior and exclusive community of polycount when dealing with a newcomer to the forums in a situation like this, pretend that this the first reply to the tread and all the other buggery had not happened.

    "hey tulk welcome to the boards, i myself rarely use maya so i don't really know any tips, you could try the search function of the site, just click search up top and do a search in the 2d 3d discussion sewction for things such as "maya connect" or more general "maya tips" hope you find what you need."
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Mojo giving lessons in people skills! That's awesome! smile.gif
  • Eric Chadwick
    I thought my answer was pretty concise. I did a quick search, found the info in seconds. I don't think it's pissy to ask if a poster has done their homework.

    FWIW, Astro and Mojo you are people I highly respect, and for good reason. I'm not going to attempt to name all the names of all the awesome people around here, I'll inevitably leave someone out.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    Ah, that's the problem with the internet - sometimes things that are intended to be sarcastic are not interpreted as such and vice-versa.

    Oh well, let's all "Eat food. Drink beer. Be happy." wink.gif
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Hey there, sorry again for causing all these problems. And thanks to Astro and Mojo for understanding my position. smile.gif

    And I do apologize, normally I'm a very laid back person, however, I decided to make that post on the first day of my graduation week, which turned out to be rather hectic and stressful at times, thus my less-than-polite replies. wink.gif

    Anyways, I'd been hoping to try to come here more often in general, as I have a job comming after school working in 3d modeling so I figured it'd be nice to get in on some repectable boards, hopefully become a productive member. However, seeing as my entrance was a bit less than stellar, you might not see much of me around again.

    Anyways, thanks again, and sorry again. smile.gif
  • Eric Chadwick
    Oh man, don't let my less-than-stellar responses keep you from returning. It's been a hellish week for me as well, so I'm sorry too if I've been tough.

    Others have stuck around after worse starts I think. Congratulations on your graduation! No hard feelings I hope.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    Yea, I wouldn't let what basically amounts to a misunderstanding keep you from coming back to the boards.
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    just because these boards may be respectable does not mean they are perfect. it is rather pathetic letting a little thing like this run you off.. i mean.. thank god you didnt burn your tongue the first time you tried eating food, or else you may have given up eating alltogehter.

    so don't be a tool, stick around,
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Haha, all good points. smile.gif Well, hopefully I'll be sticking around some then. I've lurked around these boards in the past(sometime before the changes) and they seemed great. Hopefully I'll see some of you around soon then. smile.gif

    Eric - No hard feelings at all on my part. smile.gif
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