omfg! so psycked!
From 8:00pm to 10:00pm
a recap of whats up...(highlight, i dont wanna spoil it for anyone)
<font color="black">
- the french woman came to beach saying "they" are coming
- huge pillar of black smoke comes from the inner part of the island
- more people learn of the hatch
- a group gets together to get dynamite sticks from the french woman's camp to blow open the hatch and to hide in it from "the others"
- this group reaches the Black Rock, which is some old pirate ship in the middle of the jungle
- the raft takes off and the radar shows something is near them</font>
anyone want to make any predictions?
did they explain anything about Ethan up to now?
The thought of someone who wasnt in the flight then tried to blend in with the survivors really creeped me out. Hopefully we'll get some answers about Ethan tonight.
We'll see if I'm right, someday.
- kate is extremely hot
only 10 mins left and there are still a ton of unanswered questions!
Also, I copy/pasted the character dossier from the SA boards for you all to read (thanks to Stabbey_the_Clown):
Character dossiers:
<ul type="square">[*]Dr. Jack Shepard
In his life before the crash he was a surgeon, like his father Christian before him. Jack was married to a former patient of his, a woman called Sara. He is no longer married, but whether that means divorced or a widower remains unknown. Christian told him that commitment was what makes him tick, but he has a problem learning to let go. His father was an alcoholic and after he fatally botched a surgery on a pregnant woman, Jack ended his fathers career in disgrace. Christian ended up in Australia. Jacks mother told him to bring him home, but he died of a heart attack before Jack found him. Jack argued with the airline to try and let him take his father home. It is unknown whether or not the airline relented.
He took charge of the situation immediately after the plane crash, and became a leader on the island. He was shaken in his resolve after not being able to save several people from dying: his father, the marshal, and the swimmer. The stress of that made him hallucinate seeing his father, and following those visions lead him to the caves and fresh water. He chose not to attend a memorial for the people who did not survive the crash, as he was still trying to cope with his father's recent death. Jack is the guardian of the guns and ammo from Kates case. Jack tried to save Boones life, donating blood and even considering amputating his leg, but Boones injuries were too severe. When Sun tried to tell Jack that he couldnt save Boone, Jack roared Lockes line Dont tell me what I cant do! Boone told Jack that there was a plane that fell on him and that Locke said not to tell about the "hatch". Jack considered Boones death an act of murder and when Locke showed up, he was hysterically furious and called Locke a liar in front of everyone. Kate gave him a sleeping-pill time-out. Locke asked Sayid to bring Jack to the hatch. When he saw it, Jack thought that at best there might be supplies inside, and at worse, shelter. He is in favour of opening the hatch. Jack guessed that Michaels water was poisoned, and then deduced that Sun did it to try and keep Jin from leaving. Jack got everyone to help get the raft launched. Sawyer told Jack about meeting his father in Australia. Jack then joined an expedition to the Black Rock to get some dynamite. He hopes to hide the survivors from the Others, inside the hatch after he blows it open. He argued with Locke after Locke wanted him to let the monster take him. Jack thinks Locke is not entirely sane and will be a problem.
- Knows that Kate killed the man she loved.
- Knows that part of Rousseaus papers are a map to something, he guessed the Black Rock.
- Knows that Claire dreamed about the Black Rock.
- Knows about the sealed hatch that Locke and Boone were excavating, and that it opens onto a deep shaft.
- Knows that Sun was the one who poisoned Jins water.
- Knows the Black Rock is a sailing ship.
- Knows the monster is a security system and comes from underground.
- Knows Sawyer drank with his father in Sydney.
[*]John Locke
Before the crash, John Locke had a sad life. He worked a series of shitty jobs, and was in a wheelchair for four years before the crash. His mother is schitzophrenic, and told him that he is special and is part of a plan. His mother also told him that he was immaculately conceived, but that was likely just part of the plan to get him to try and find his father. Lockes father, Anthony Cooper, taught him how to hunt (well, doves at least), but it was all part of an elaborate scam to trick Locke into donating his kidney to him. After the operation he never wanted to see Locke again. Locke was both crushed and enraged. He wanted to go on a survival adventure in the Australian Outback, but whrn the tour operaters learend he was paralyzed they denied his request and got him a ticket to L.A. on the doomed flight.
The crash seems to have fixed his leg problems which indicates it might have been all in his head or maybe he could walk with crutches. He lives for the hunt and has seen the monster face to face. He's becoming the group's sage Wiseman. He seems to regard the island as some sort of deity. He thinks it has told him things and given him signs and visions and his legs back. He found a metal structure with some kind of hatch in the jungle with Boone while looking for Claire. He also forced Boone to see a vision to make Boone more on his side. When Jin and Michael were about to fight on the beach, Locke ranted that they arent the only people on the island, and that is the survivors real problem. He helped build a cradle for Claires baby. After an accident while trying to open the hatch, he realized that while he could still move his legs, he couldnt feel anything below his waist, at least at the time. He may have gotten better after Boone's fatal accident. Locke had a nightmare that gave him what he considered a sign to help open the hatch. he and Boone wandered into the jungle. They found a corpse of a Nigerian drug smuggler who had a gun, so that makes six guns. Lockes legs gave out and he told Boone that he was paralysed before crashing on the island. After Boone was injured, he was able to get his legs working again, and carried Boone to the caves. Locke returned to the hatch and tried to talk to the island. The hatch window then filled with white light. He showed up at Boones funeral and told (mostly) the truth about how Boone died. Sayid interrogated him about the accident and confiscated the gun Locke found. Shannon tried to kill Locke because of Boones death, but her shot grazed Lockes head. Locke told Sayid that he was the one who knocked out Sayid and foiled his attempts to find the source of the transmitter, because he didnt think that it was a good idea for people to look for the source of a transmission that said everyone has been killed. Locke went on the expedition to the Black Rock. Locke carried some dynamite back from the Black Rock The monster grabbed him and started pulling him into a hole. He told Jack to let him go, but Jack told Kate to throw a piece of unstable dynamite down the hole instead. He thinks the island brought everyone here, and his being dragged into a hole was the island testing him. He also considers Boones death a sacrifice the Island demanded. When Hurley saw the numbers on the hatch and screamed frantically not to open it, Locke followed his desire to get the hatch open, and he lit the fuse, blowing the hatch loose. Inside is a long shaft with a ladder that has broken off after a few feet.
- Has seen the monster.
- Knows about the hatch in the jungle. Knows it opens onto a deep shaft.
- Knows Walt burned the first raft down.
- Knows that Boone was trying to make a radio call, possibly knows that he got through to someone..
- Possibly knows Walt is 'special'
- Knows the Black Rock is a sailing ship.
- Knows the monster is a security system and coems from underground.
[*]Katherine Austin AKA Kate
Also known by the aliass Maggie Ryan, and Joan Hart, Kate was a highly experienced and skilled fugitive. She claimed to be Canadian, but she grew up in Iowa. Her childhood sweetheart was Tom Brandon. As far back as 16 years ago, was described by Tom as always wanting to run away for some yet unknown reason. 16 Years ago she and Tom buried a time capsule that included Toms toy plane. Years later, she and Tom dug it up as Kate was in town to see her dying mother, Diane Jansen. Diane wanted nothing to do with Kate and her screams alerted the police. Kate wanted to flee in Toms car, but he wanter her to give herself up and he refused to get out. Tom ended up getting shot and killed by the police. Kate considers herself responsible for his death. The Marshall Edward Mars was hunting her for three years, they were taunting each other, and he put Toms toy plane in the safe deposit box in the New Mexico bank. Kate someow found out where the plane was and arranged a bank robbery just to get the plane. She was married briefly, but to whom and where this fits in the timeline is unknown. Kate hid out on a farm in Australia for three months, but the farmer figured out who she was and turned her in. Kate was being taken back to the states by Marshall Mars.
Jack and Hurley found the mug shot of Kate in the marshalls clothing. She offered to explain her situation to Jack, but he didn't want to know at the time. Now she won't tell him at all. She helped Sawyer to track down a boar that was hassling him, and in exchange she can now have whatever she wants from his stash. Kate is working with Sun to make a garden. Kate feared re-capture if the raft was found, so she got Sun to try and make Jin sick so he would be forced to stay behind. Sawyer feared for his spot on the raft, and when Michael told him he was off, he stole her backpack and revealed that she stole Joannas identity and forced her to reveal that she was the convict. After that, Michael gave her spot on the raft back to Sawyer, and from the looks of things, no one trusts her or wants anything to do with her anymore. She went on the expedition to the Black Rock with Jack. She volunteered to carry one of the backpacks of unstable dynamite, but Jack switched the dynamite to his pack. If Locke becomes a problem, Kate will be on Jacks side.
- Knows that Sawyer killed someone.
- Was the one who gave Sun the idea to poison Jin.
- Knows the Black Rock is a sailing ship.
- Knows the monster is a security system and comes from underground.
- Knows the hatch opens into a deep shaft.
[*]Hugo Reyes AKA Hurley
Hugo Reyes was possibly a patient at the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute, where he met Leonard Simms, a man who kept repeating over and over the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42. Hurley was working at a fast-food place when he played those numbers in the lottery. After the win, hwe made some investments and is worth approximately $160 million, plus or minus a few million. However, after the lottery win, his family and everyone around him had nothing but bad luck. He's come to believe that the numbers he used are cursed, but most everybody else thinks that's crazy. Hurley went to see Leonard and told him he used the numbers. Leonard told Hurley that using the numbers opened the box and the he had to get far away. The numbers came from Leonard's friend Sam Toomie, who heard the numbers in Australia while monitoring long wave transmissions over the Pacific. This transmission came sixteen years ago and it seems to have come from the island. Sam used the numbers in a similar game of chance, and his family and associates were similarly cursed while he enjoyed relative success. Sam cured his curse by killing himself. Hurley almost missed the flight the numbers were trying to stop him? But thanks to a last-minute lapse in his good luck, he got on the plane.
Hurley is our last, best hope for laughs. A doughy nerd, he's pretty cautious and afraid of blood. He knows that Kate was a prisoner and is staying away from her. He had a CD player with a mix CD of show closing songs, but it is now out of batteries. He set up a golf course to try and keep the castaways spirits up. When Hurley saw the numbers in Rousseaus papers, he set out to find her. He learned that Rousseaus team heard the numbers transmission too, and that was what brought them to the island. Hurley got a battery from Rousseau to power a distress signal for the raft. Jack, Sayid and Locke took him to the hatch, and he joined the expedition to the Black Rock. He wanted no part of handling the unstable dynamite. Just before Locke was going to light the fuse, Hurley saw the numbers stamped into the hatch. Locke let the fuse despite his frantic shouts, and Jack had to restrain him.
- Knows theres a radio tower by the Black Rock.
- Knows that Rousseaus team was only on the island to investigate the transmission of the numbers.
- Knows about the hatch that Locke and Boone excavated.
- Knows the Black Rock is a sailing ship.
- Knows the monster is a security system and it comes from underground.
- Knows the cursed numbers are imprinted on the side of the hatch.
- Knows the hatch opens onto a long shaft.
[*]Sayid Jarrah
Sayid is an Iraqi who was in the Republican Guard, and fought in the gulf war. He is a communications expert who tried to fix the transceiver. He is extremely good at fixing electronics and other mechanical things. He has quite a few intelligence officer dirty tricks up his sleeve, including torture. The others are slowly becoming aware of his military past. He lost his love, Nadia, after she was brought to his military facility in Iraq for interrogation. He saved her life by shooting his superior officer, and he fled Iraq shortly after that, more or less staying on the run for the next seven years. He was in Australia because the CIA offered him the location of Nadia in exchange for him infiltrating and disrutping a terrorist cell in Sydney that had also recruited an old university friend of his, Essam. Essam realized that he didnt want to go through with the operation, but the CIA told Sayid that they needed to secure the explosives, and told him that if he didnt convince hassan to go through with it, Nadia would be arrested because she had committed terrorist activities in Iraq seven years ago. Just before Essam was due to perform the bombing, Sayid told him that he was CIA. Essam was furious for Sayid convincing him to go through the operation and killed himself. The CIA told Sayid that Nadia was actually not a terorist and was living in Los Angeles. They gave him a ticket to Los Angeles, but Sayid requested a later flight so he could claim Essams body for a proper Muslim burial. That flight turned out to be Oceanic 815.
Sayid was hit over the head by Locke when he was trying to find the source of Rousseaus distress call. After he and Jack tortured Sawyer to try and Shannons athsma medication from him, he left the camp, ashamed of what he had done. He found a cable leading from the water to the jungle and fell into one of Danielle Rousseaus traps. She injected him with something a sedative, perhaps. He made his way back to the caves, delirious, with mysterious warnings about 'Others'. He heard whispers ion wh wind, like Danielle. He took some papers from Rousseau in order to try and make sense of the island, but there was no sense to be found. He and Shannon got closer. He retrieved the picture of his love from the remains of Rousseaus hideout when Hurley took off looking for Danielle. Sayid is quite a handyman, and he took two broken pairs of glasses to make one working pair for Sawyer. He took Shannon on a day-long date which made her miss Boones accident and death. Sayid retrieved some radio and radar parts from the plane that fell off the cliff, and confiscated Lockes gun. He saved Lockes life by tackling Shannon as she was shooting at Locke. He did it because he thinks Locke is the best chance for survival on the island, but he doesnt trust him. He wasnt fooled by Lockes claim that Boones mention of the hatch meant the crashed plane and told Locke to take him to it. Sayid thinks that the lack of a handle on the hatch exterior is a VERY BAD THING, and that it is not meant to be opened from the outside. He is NOT in favour of opening the hatch. Jack gave Sayid custody of the remaining guns. In Jacks absence, he functions as a leader.
- Knows that part of Rousseaus papers are a map to somethibng, possibly the Black Rock.
- Knows that Claire dreamed about the Black Rock.
- Suspects that Sawyer heard the whispering voices, too.
- Knows about the sealed hatch Locke and Boone were excavating.
- Knows about Jacks plan to get dynamite from the Black Rock to blow open the hatch.
[*]James Ford AKA Frank Sawyer
When he was 8, his mother lost a lot of money to a con man, and his father killed her then himself. James wrote the only letter he ever will: to Frank Sawyer, the con man who destroyed his family. When he was 19, he needed money and so he became a confidence man, the thing he hated most, and he took the name Frank Sawyer for himself. He hates himself, and because of that hes an asshole and a masochist. His ex-partner in crime, Hibbs pulled a fast one on Sawyer, convincing him that the original Frank Sawyer was now a fried-shrimp stand owner in Sydney. Sawyer drank with Jacks father in an Australia, and has just realized who it was recently. Before he left on the raft, Sawyer told Jack what his father said. Sawyer killed that shrimp-stand owner, Frank Duckett before to his horror he realized that Hibbs wanted Duckett dead for owing him money. Sawyer was on the plane being deported from Australia for head-butting a politician.
Sawyer is a real loner who has been hiding a secret stash of items looted from the plane wreckage and bodies. He looted the gun and badge from the body of Marshall Mars. Later he used the gun to shoot a polar bear, then went on to use the last bullet in a failed mercy killing of the fatally wounded Marshal. Sawyer claims to be able to open any lock, but the one on the Marshalls suitcase stumped him. Sawyer has also started hearing voices in the wind. When Sawyer started getting headaches, Jack diagnosed him as being farsighted, and Sayid made him a pair of glasses from two separate pairs. Claires baby finds the sound of Sawyers voice very soothing. Sawyer figured out that Kate was the convict, and when he was kicked off the raft he revealed that Kate was a prisoner to everyone to get it back. He wants to leave because he doesnt think theres anything on the island worth staying for. Not even Kate. Awwww. Sawyer accidentally snapped the mast of the raft when they were preparing it for launch, so he went out on his own and cut down a new one. He sailed away on the raft. When the rudder was snapped off by a floatring log, Sawyer unhesitatingly jumped in to get it. When the Others insisted on taking Walt, Sawyer tried to shoot them, but the Others shot him first, and he fell into the water.
- Knows that the man he drank with in Australia was Jacks father.
- Knows Kate killed someone.
- Knows there are hostile people who took Walt.
[*]Charlie Pace
A lapsed Catholic, Charlie was a bass player in a previously famous rock band, Driveshaft. During his time with the band, his brother Liam did heroin, and Charlie became an addict too. He met a girl in London and liked her so much he tried to get a job, but his addiction was too great and he stole from her. His withdrawl symptoms caused him to lose the job and he got caught with the stolen item. He was in Sydney to see his brother Liam, he wanted to get Driveshafted started up again, but Liam had a family and turned him down, so Charlie was returning to the U.S. in defeat.
Locke helped Charlie get himself to a place where he was willing to throw away his remaining drugs. He became fond and close to Claire, only to get kidnapped and hung to die by Ethan. He was recusitated by Jack. Claires kindapping traumatized him, but once Claire returned they slowly reconnected. Ethan returned and threatened Charlie to hand over Claire, or else he would be the last one hed kill. Jack made a plan to capture Ethan, but Charlie shot Ethan in the chest four times, killing him. Charlie is helping Claire with her baby, Aaron, and after Rousseau stole him, Charlie went with Sayid after her. They came across the heroin plane, and Charlie took one of the Virgin Mary statues filled with bags of heroin.
- Knows about Claires psychic.
- Knows that part of Rousseaus papers are a map to the Black Rock.
- Knows that Claire dreamed about the Black Rock.
- Has heard Hurley say he's worth more then 100 million dollars, but doesn't believe him.
[*]Claire Littleford and Aaron Littleford
Claire is an unmarried woman from Australia who was eight months pregnant when the plane crashed. After the father of her child left her, she got on the plane at the insistence of psychic Richard Malkin. The psychic insisted she be the old one to raise the child.and he was the one who insisted that she take Oceanic flight 815, ostensibly so that her baby could be adopted by an American couple in Los Angeles.
She initially thought her baby was dead because it hadn't move, but it kicked after eating some seafood/sushi Jin made. She and Charlie have been sharing Kodak Moments, and a relationship is blossoming. Loves peanut butter. She was kidnapped by Ethan Rom, probably because she was close to giving birth. She was found by Locke and Boone wandering in the jungle in the middle of the night. She apparently lost her memory of everything since the crash. She volunteered to be used as bait in a successful attempt to capture Ethan. Locke got her to help him build an object that turned out to be a cradle for her baby on what turned out to be her birthday. Claire thought that the baby knew that she didnt want it and was going to give it away. She gave birth to a baby boy in the middle of the jungle on the night of Boones death. When Rousseau arrived on the beach, Claire told Charlie that she knew the Others would come back for her. Thats why she hadnt named the baby yet. Claire couldnt place it, but she knows they have met before. But that's impossible, and Rousseau says as much. Claire tells her about Ethan kidnapping her, that she escaped, but she can't remember how. Something seems to click inside Claire. "You saved me, didn't you? That's why I remember you, you saved me from him." Rousseau gives a quick look to Claire and then to the baby. "We have never met." Later, when they were alone, Claire remembered that she scratched Rousseau and asks her why. Rousseau hit her on the head and stole the baby. Claire decided that the baby will be called Aaron, and she pleaded for Charie to bring him back. At the site of the black smoke, Rousseau was confused and surrendered Aaron back to Charlie and Sayid.
[*]Michael Dawson and Walt Lloyd (Lloyd-Porter?)
Michaels girlfriend Susan left Michael to further her career, taking their son Walt with her. She didnt want Michael to see Walt, but she kept the letters he sent him. While licing in Australia, Walt exhibited strange powers, the most notable was calling a bird to him, which smashed into a window. This was almot the same time Susan fell ill. She died shortly thereafter. Susans husband Brian was alarmed by Walts special powers and went to New York to tell Michael to come get the boy. Walt had no idea who Michael was and didnt want to leave, but he had no choice. He did get Brians dog Vincent, though. Michael was unprepared for the sudden responsibilities and complications that came from getting a new family member overnight. They were on the plane going to Michaels home in New York.
Walt and Michael didnt get along well. Walt became friends with Locke, to the dismay of Michael. Michael was attacked by Jin because he found a watch that Jin was told to take to one of his father-in-laws friends. Michael wants to get off the island with Walt, and started building a raft and insisted that Walt help him. Walt got angry after Michale threw Walts (used to be Hurleys) spanish comic book into a fire, but after Michael and Locke rescued him from a polar bear, Walt and Michael reconciled. Walt still didnt want to leave the island, and burned down the first attempt at the raft. As the second attempt at making a raft was nearing completion, Michael fell ill after accidentally drinking water meant for Jin. When Locke grabbed his hand, Walt had a vision of some kind nad he warned Locke not to open it, most likely meaning the hatch. Walt confessed to Michael that he was the one who burned down the raft because he didnt want to leave the island. Locke knew or guessed it, and apparrently Jin saw him doing it. Upon hearing that Walt wanted to stay that badly, Michael told Walt that they could stay on the island. Walt then told him that they HAD to leave. Walt gave his dog Vincent to Shannon to help her cope with Boones death. Walt and Michael sailed off on the raft. When night fell at sea, the radar picked up a blip. Michael fired the flare gun and a small boat approached. They were not friendly. They were the Others. They wanted to take Walt. with them. There was a brief struggle, and Walt was taken by the Others, and the Others threw a bomb thatdestroyed the blast. Michael survived and is clinging to some wreckage.
- Knows Walt is special.
- Knows Walt burned the first raft down.
- Knows there are hostiles who have taken Walt.
- Knows that Locke wants to open something, and that he shouldnt.
- Knows that he and his father have to take the raft off the island.
- Knows there are hostiels who have kidnapped him.
[*]Shannon Rutherford
Shannon is a girly-girl who isn't taking the prospect of surviving on an island too well. She is Boones step-sister. Shannon has asthma, and speaks/reads a little French. She has a love-hate relationship frm Boone, and she swindled money from him several times by faking abuse. After pulling her last scam in Sydney, her boyfriend took off with the money. Shannon went to Boones hotel room drunk and seduced him. After that night she pretended that it never happened. They were flying back to America.
Sun has found eucalyptus leaves to help her with any asthma attacks she might have. She roughly translated Rousseaus distress call, then Sayid enlisted her to translate the French words on Rousseaus papers, which turned out ot be lyrics form the song La Mer. Shannon has grown closer to Sayid, although his refusal to let her kill Locke cooled that off a bit. She kissed him as part of her plan to have a new life on the island. Shannon was busy on a date with Sayid and didnt know about Boones accident until after he was dead. She cried over Boones body. She was angry with Locke and asked Sayid to do something about Locke. When Sayid indicated that he thought Locke was telling the truth about Boones death being an accident, she got angry and stole the key top the gun case from the drugged Jack. Sayid tackled her as she was about to shoot Locke, and her shot grazed his head. She is now taking care of Vincent the dog since Walt left. She is still having a hard time coping, insisting on taking Boones stuff even though she was overburdened. After Sayid and Charlie returned with Claires baby, she made up with him.
[*]Jin-Soo Kwon
Jin was a kind and caring South Korean man who fell in love with Sun Paik, and married her. Unfortunately, her father was a rather nasty gangster. He wanted to get Jin to send a message that he was very unhappy to a politician who closed down one of his factories. Jin took that literally, and Mr. Paik rebuked him, and then send him and a hitman to send a real message. Jin was forced to beat up the politician to save the politicians life. Sun saw him come home all bloody, and he told her he did whatever her father asked him to, and that he did it for them. Jin hated the job, and afte he talked with his father (a humble fisherman that Jin was ashamed of), he decided that he and Sun would not return from his last job delivering a watch to one of Mr. Paiks friends in San Francisco. That thoughts made Jin happy again and he gave a flower to his wife, which was the only erason she didnt leave him at the airport. But later, still at the Sydney airport (it is unknown why he was flying to the U.S. from there and not South Korea) he was acosted by one of Mr. Paiks henchmen who told him that he knew Jin was planning to run away, but if he did he would lose Sun, Jin was not free and would never be free.
Jin apparently doesnt speak more then a couple words of English, although before he saield on the raft, Sun gave him a book to help him learn a bit more. Jin is very possessive/controlling and doesn't like Sun venturing too far away from him or wearing revealing clothing. Michael found one of the watches, and Jin still thought they would be rescued, and he needed the watch to give to Mr. Paiks friend, so Jin to attacked Michael. Sun told Michael that the watch was Jins, and mIchael gave Jin the watch. Now on the raft, Jin give the watch to Michael. After Michaels raft was set on fire by someone, everyone suspected that Jin did it, but in actuality, He tried to put it out, burning his hands. After Sawyer brought Jin to the beach, he told Sun that. When Sun revealed that she spoke english, Jin realized that his wife was planing to leave him. Jin was so upset at himself for driving Sun away that he left her to live at the beach. Sun pleaded that this was a chance for them to have a fresh start, but Jin said that it was too late. Jin helped Michael rebuild the boat for an unknown reason, possibly because he needs a friend. That earend him a spot on the raft. Jin heard Kates screams for assistance with Claire, and was forced to be the messenger to tell Jack, which put him in contact with Sun, which was somewhat awkward. Jin wants to leave the island and has secured a spot on the raft. Jin feels that hes being punished and his wife doesnt deserve this. Thats why hes leaving, to save her. Sun gave him a book of english phrases to help him communicate. Jin and Sun made up. Jin sailed away on the raft. After the Others shot Sawyer, Jin jumped in after him.
- Knows there are hostile people who took Walt.
[*]Sun Paik (Kwon?)
Sun is married to Jin. After he came home one night covered in blood and he told her that he did whatever her father asked him to he did it for them, she be came alarmed. She was planning to leave her husband, and she secretly learned English. But at the Sydney airport, just before she was due to slip away, Jin gave her a flower, and she remembered the tender love they shared, so she stayed with him.
Sun seems to have knowedge of the medicinal value of tropical plants, and she has been working on a garden with Kate. Kate and Michael learned that Sun understands English before everyone else. After Michaels raft was set on fire by someone, everyone suspected that Jin did it, and so did Sun when she saw his burned hands. After Sawyer brought Jin to the beach, he told Sun that he tried to put the fire out, which is how he burmed his hands. When Michael was beating up Jin because he thought he torched his raft, Sun told him to stop in front of everyone, so everyone knows she speaks English now. Jin was so upset at himself for driving Sun away that he left Sun to live at the beach. Sun pleaded that this was a chance for them to have a fresh start, but Jin said that it was too late. Sun didnt want Jin to leave the raft, so using Kates idea, she tried to make Jin just stick enough that he couldnt go, but instead Michael was the one who got sick. Sun gave Jin a book of english phrases and words to help him communicate, and they made up.
[*]Rose is from Brooklyn and was travelling with her husband on the plane. He was in the tail section when the plane broke apart, but she believes in her heart that her husband is still alive. She tried to help Charlie cope with the disappearance of Claire.
[*]Danielle Rousseau is seemingly the last survivor of a French boat that crashed on the island more than 16 years ago. The science team only went to the island because they heard the transmission of the cursed numbers. When she captured Sayid, it was obvious she has some medical or scientific training and access to drugs. She claimed to have killed the rest of the survivors including her husband. She was seven months pregnant when they arrived on the island 16 years ago. One week after she gave birth, a pillar of black smoke appeared 5 km inland. One day later, her baby girl Alex was abducted. She claims there are no such things as monsters, but then again, Sayid thought she may be batshit insane. She called the monster a security system to protect the island. She is paranoid and has booby-trapped approaches to her residence with many trip-wire-triggered booby traps. She knew Sayid would return so she left her residence and booby-trapped it with explosives. She went to the camp on the beach to warn the survivors that the Others were coming. Shortly thereafter, everyone noticed a pillar of black smoke. Jack took her to the hatch, but she didnt know anything about it. She lead the expedition to the Black Rock, then promptly left and went to the beach camp. She heard the otehrs whispering that they were coming for the boy, so in desperation, she kidnapped Claires son in hopes of making a trade to get Alyx back. But at the beach where the black smoke was, there was nothing. She was confused and gave the baby back to Sayid and Charlie. They left her there, broken aand crying
- Knows Hurley used the numbers that also drew her to the island.
- Knows the Black Rock is a sailing ship.
- Knows the monster is a security system.
[*]Dr. Leslie Arzt (DEAD) was a high school science teacher who knows how the weather in the pacific region works and warned Michael that he had to leave within days if he wanted to have favourable winds. He learned from Hurley that Jack was going to get some dynamite, so he volunteered to go along because he knows about those things, I guess. He lost his courage at the edge of the dark territory and turned back, but he was chased by the monster and came back. He knew his stuff and warned the expedition that the high temperatures on the island would make the dynamite sweat nitroglycerine, the most dangerous and unstable explosive on earth. He wasnt quite careful wnough with it and was ripped to tiny shreds in an explosion.
[*]Boone Carlisle (DEAD) was a terrible lifeguard, all-American guy, and step-brother of Shannon Rutherford. He tried his best but had a rocky relationship with his step-sister. When he was six, Boone had a nanny Teresa, who he would bug by having her constantly go up and down the stairs to his room for things. Teresa falls up the stairs, Teresa falls down the stairs. One day Teresa took a bad step and broke her neck. Boone found a metal structure in the jungle with Locke while looking for Claire. Boone secretly lusted for his step-sister, and the night before the plane crash, Shannon seduced him and they had sex. After Boone's hallucination in the jungle, he realized that Shannon's death would make him feel relieved. Locke sent Boone to investigate a crashed plane at the top of a cliff. It was a heroin smuggling plane from Nigeria, but the radio worked. Boone was able to reach someone and say that he was a survivor of Oceanic flight 815, but the person on the other end said Were the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. He was badly wounded when the plane fell off the cliff and flipped upside-down. Locke carried him to the caves. Boones leg was crushed and he had internal bleeding. Jack was unable to save him despite his best efforts. Before he died, he told Jack that a plane fell on him and that Locke said not to tell anyone about the hatch. When Boone told Jack to let him die, he used Roses line to Jack: Im letting you off the hook. Boones last words were Tell Shannon Boone was buried on a bluff overlooking the ocean.
[*]Ethan Rom (DEAD) was thought to have been a crash survivor, but it seems he was on the island before then. Locke found him out in the jungle when he was hunting. He said he was from Ontario when asked by Hurley. He kidnapped Claire and Charlie and then hung Charlie to die. He made his next appearance with scratches on his face and used a bola to knock out Jin. Then he told Charlie to give him Claire or else hell kill everyone else one at a time until hes the only one left. He killed Scott by coming from the water. Jack took him down and actually beat him in a fistfight. But Charlie killed him with Jacks dropped gun before he could say anything.
[*]Steve Jenkins and Scott Jackson(DEAD) are the best background characters ever. Each is often confused for the other. They'll probably be reoccurring and I suspect one of them will become a regular at some point. But not Scott Jackson, winner of a two week prize vacation to Australia, who had every bone in his body broken by Ethan! Steve didnt know about the polar bear until Hurley told him. Steve is sleeping next to a survivor called Tracy. :fap:
[*]Sullivan: Oh man, is he glad he knows Jack is a doctor! You see, he's got this rash, and maybe he got a concussion, and... hey, are you playing golf?
[*]Bernard Roses husband. He was in the washrooms in the tail section when the plane broke apart.
[*]Ana-Lucia a girl who flirted with Jack at the airport. She was seated in the tail section.[/list]
Some stuff we know so far:<ul type="square">[*]The plane (a Boeing 777) was traveling from Sydney, Australia to Los Angeles. It departed from Gate 23.
[*]The crew lost communication and was turning back towards Fiji when the plane crashed.
[*]According to the pilot, they're at least 1000 miles off course.
[*]The names Locke and Rousseau are those of famous philosophers John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Locke's monologue about light and dark and the episode title Tabula Rasa where some ideas of the philosopher John Locke. Lockes fathers name is Anthony Cooper. Anthony Cooper was friend of the philisopher John Locke.
[*]The papers Sayid took from Rousseau are parts of a clue to the location ofsomething possibly the Black Rock, which seems to be quite an important location on the island. Rousseaus science team found a radio tower by the Black Rock. After the sickness consumed her team, she changed the transmission from the numbers to the distress signal.
[*]Ethan Rom is an anagram for "other man".
[*]Rousseau had a list of numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 which were the same numbers Hurley won the lottery with. Through a chain of people, the numbers Hurley used can be directly connected to the island. Rousseaus ship picked up the transmission of the numbers, and they turned to investigate, which ended up being a BIG mistake, since they crashed on the south copast of the island, near a crater. Rousseau agreed with Hurley that the numbers were cursed, and he was very thankful that someone finally believe him about the cursed numbers. The numbers are imprinted into the metal object that Locke found in the jungle.
[*]A Nigerian drug smugglers plane crashed on the island. Locke thinks it happened between 2 and 10 years ago.
[*]The island weather is affected by the monsoon season.
[*]The Black Rock is an ancient sailing ship out of Portsmouth. Which particular Portsmouth is still unknown. It appeared to be a mining vessel that had slaves, judging by the pickaxes, ancient dynamite, and chained up slave corpses.
[*]The security system/monster seems to be made of what appears to be black smoke. It sounds mechanical, and it lurks underground, forcing trees up from beneath, and emerging from the holes.
[*]The Others are real, and they have access to a small boat, fuel, explosive devices, and at least one gun. There are at least four of them, including a blonde woman. They wanted and have takenWalt.
[*]Inside the hatch is a long shaft down, with a ladder. The lader si broken and only goes down a few feet.
Character Connections:
<ul type="square">[*] Sawyer met Jacks father in a bar in Australia. Sawyer may have bought him the bottle that killed him, and Jacks father gave him advice that ended up encouraging him to murder an innocent man.
[*] Sawyer has slept with the woman who announced the lottery numbers Hurley won with.
[*] The first time Jin went to the Korean secretary of Environmental Protection, Hurley could be seen on television in the background.
[*] Hurley owns part of the box company in Tustin that Locke worked for.
[*] The Reyes Group (Hurley) possibly owns part of Oceanic Airlines.
[*] Lockes mother and Hurleys friend Leonard (and possibly Hurley?) were both committed in the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute.
[*] Boone was in an Australian Police station at the same time as Sawyer. Sawyer ended up being dragged off in handcuffs after a bar fight.
[*] Locke is a fan of Charlies band Driveshaft, and knew Charlie was the bassist.
[*]Hurley and Charlie were staying at the same hotel in Sydney.
[/list] [/b]
And the numbers...
The Cursed Numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42)
<ul type="square">[*] The latitude 4.815 and longitude 162.342 are located in the Pacific ocean northeast of Australia.
[*]Boone found a map of Africa on the smugglers plane. Latitude: 16° 23 Min.42 Sec, Longitude: 4° 8 Min. 15 Sec. will put you in Niger, pretty close to where the map showed.
[*] Hurley passed a girls sports team on the scooter in the airport that had all the numbers in order.
<ul type="square">[*] The number of years ago that Locke was paralysed.
[*] The number of years ago that Sam Toomie committed suicide.
[*]Leonard was playing Connect Four.
[*] The number of years since Sawyer made his birthday wish.
[*] The number of Aces (value 1) that were on Boones t-shirt. Also, Boone had another t-shirt with Asian letters that say 84.
[*] Number of Oceanic planes on the mobile in Claires dream.
[*] Number of months Michelangelo stared at marble working in Lockes story. Boone then asked if they were going to stare at the hatch for 4 months.
[*] Number of spots on Michaels raft.
[*] A speed that Hurleys rental car displayed as it died.
<ul type="square"> [*]Number of years Michael worked in construction.
[*] Number of years since Michael was hit by the car.
[*] The number of years Michael didnt see Walt.
[*] The number of people who died in a fire in Hurleys shoe factory in Canada.
[*] The number of months Claire was pregnant when the plane crashed.
[*] Boone had a t-shirt with 84 on it in Asian letters.
[*] Number of months Locke was talking to Helen before the crash.
[*] Number of days Charlie went without his guitar before Locke returned it to him.
[*] Number of weeks Driveshaft was going to go on tour.
[*] Shannons age when her father married Boones mother.
[*] The aisle for regulation footballs in Lockes store.
[*] A speed that Hurleys rental car displayed as it died.
[*] The person Hurley bought the scooter from had a Crazy Eights hat.
<ul type="square"> [*] The number of members of Rousseaus research team.
[*] The aisle for Nerf footballs in Lockes store.
[*] A speed that Hurleys rental car displayed as it died.
[*] 14:15 was the scheduled departure time for Oceanic 815.
[*] Michaels estimate of how far out to sea they were when the detected the radar blip.[/list]
<ul type="square">[*] Number of years Rousseau has been on the island (after hearing the numbers transmission that brought her science team there).
[*] Number of circles around the outside of the Oceanic Logo.
[*] Number of hours the flight to L.A. was going to take.
[*] Number of hours after the crash when the pilot was found.
[*] Number of weeks the lottery hadnt been won before Hurley won it.
[*] Number of years since Boones nanny Teresa fell down the stairs and broke her neck.
[*] Number of years ago that Kate buried the time capsule
[*] A speed that Hurleys rental car displayed as it died.
[*] Number in hundreds that Hurley paid an old man for his scooter.[/list]
<ul type="square">[*] The sum of both parts of the planes flight number.
[*] Number of the floor Hurley stayed on at a Sydney hotel.
[*] Number of the gate the plane took off from.
[*] Jacks seat number on the plane was 23A.
[*] Rose and Bernard were sitting next to Jack in row 23, too.
[*] The reward for turning in Kate was $23,000
[*] The morning of their departure from Sydney, Walt woke Michael up at 5:23
[*] The temperature in Hurleys rental car when it died. [/list]
<ul type="square">[*] Leonard was playing Connect 4. 42 is the number of spaces on a connect four game board.
[*] Rousseau wrote down the number sequence seven times, creating a matrix that totals 42.
[*]Ana-Lucia was sitting in seat 42F.
[*] Room number of Hurleys room at the Sydney hotel.
[*] The distance Hurleys rental car had travelled when it died.
[*] 10:42 was the scheduled arrival time of flight 815 in L.A.
<ul type="square">[*]The flight number of the plane.
[*]The number of the safety deposit box Kate robbed.
[*]Charlie was trying to sell Copier model 815-C.
[*]The date of Kates time capsule is August 15, 1989, 8-15.
[*]The number on the building Sayid walked into in Sydney.[/list]
Weird and Unexplained Events:<ul type="square">[*]People on the plane survive its crash.
[*]Walt was exhibiting some strange powers in Australia.
[*]Jack is thrown clear of the main crash site and wakes up in the bamboo forest while everybody else (that we know of) was close to the beach.
[*]Locke was paralysed, but after the crash, his legs started working, despite him being paralysed for four years.
[*]There is a monster. It has torn down trees and killed the only surviving pilot.
[*]Who were Adam and Eve, the 40-year old male and female bodies that were found in the caves? What is the signifigance of the black and white stones they were carrying?
[*]The monster is actually a security system of some kind, to protect the island. Its nature is unclear, but bizzarely, it seems to be made up at least partly by black smoke, despite sounding mechanical. It lurks undergournd and forces frees up from beneath.
[*]A polar bear came out of nowhere to attack. Walt read a Spanish comic with a polar bear earlier. After Walt was seen reading the comic book a second time, he was attacked by a second polar bear. The comic with the bear has since been burned.
[*]The French woman Rousseau has been sending transmission for past 16 years on a unknown power source. She has access to power, but apparently, the Others control the power or transmission site now.
[*]Jack's "Dad" [/i](Christian)[/i] reappeared in a hallucination and, lead him on a wild goose chase into the interior of the island that almost got him killed, but lead him to his father's casket / and the caves with water the survivors desperately needed.
[*]Claires Crazy Mystery Psychic may have known that the plane would crash on the island.
[*]Claire was kidnapped by Ethan for unknown reasons (probably her baby), and then she apparently escaped.
[*]Claire has had dreams about a mysterious Black Rock that she wrote about in her diary, the one that Rousseau mentioned in her transmission and notes, even though Claire couldnt have known about it. But she didnt seem to know it was a ship.
[*]There is some sort of metal object in the jungle that has a hatch with no known way to open it. Boone and Locke spent long hours pondering this problem. The cursed numbers are set on the side of it. It opens into a deep shaft with a broken ladder. It doesnt appear to have been used in some time.
[*]Danielle Rousseau's papers have mysterious calculations which have lyrics from the song "La Mer" associated with them. When you put three of the papers together they form a map to the location of something, possibly the Black Rock.
[*]The voices some people hear seem to be from their pasts.
[*]So far, everyone who has had a flashback has had a past theyd like to leave behind.
[*]Locke had a dream which had Boone repeating a phrase from his past that he couldnt have known.
[*]How did a Nigerian drug smugglers plane end up in the South Pacific ocean?
[*]A light appeared in the hatch window as Locke was asking the island why it did what it did. This was nightime, so it may have happened at the same time as Claire babys birth and Boones death.
[*]There may be other survivors of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, and they have access to a radio that can send and receive.
[*]When Locke grabbed Walts hand, Walt had a vision and told Locke dont open that thing!
[*]It may be a coindicence, but a mysterious golden Pontiac was responsible for accidents involving Locke, Michael and Kate. But those happened in southern California, New York, and Iowa respectively.[/list]
Unanswered Questions:
<ul type="square">[*] What made the plane lose its radio and navigation systems?
[*] What caused the plane crash? Was it the monster?
[*] Why was Locke in a wheelchair?
[*] How did Lockes ability to walk get restored?
[*] What is 'the sickness' that afflicted Rousseau's team?
[*] What are the whispers, and where do they come from?
[*] Did the Psychic KNOW the plane would crash? How is that scientifically possible?
[*] What is special about Claire's Child?
[*] Was Ethan with the Others?
[*] Why was Claire abducted? Was it for her child?
[*] Charlie said 'all they wanted was Claire.' Who else helped abduct them?
[*] Did Rousseau help Claire to escape Ethan? If so, Why?
[*] What happened to Claire during the time she was abducted?
[*] Why cant she remember very much of it?
[*] What is the power of the numbers, and how does it work?
[*] How did a plane get all the way to the south Pacific from Nigeria?
[*] Was Boone talking to the survivors of the tail section on the radio, or was that an echo of himself? (smart money is on tail section.)
[*] What was the light in the hatch?
[*] What is the signifigance of the column of black smoke?
[*] Who lit the black smoke?
[*] How did the Black Rock wind up so far inland?
[*] The Black Rock should have rotted away after 150(?) years. Why hasnt it?
[*] What the heck was the giant bird in the Dark Territory?
[*] Other then a ladder, What is inside the hatch?
[*] Why were the numbers imprinted on the hatch?
[*] Why has the ladder and hatch in such bad repair?
[*] Where do the Others get their supplies?
[*] What do the Others want with Walt?
[*] How badly was Sawyer wounded when the Others shot him?
Producer comments:<ul type="square">[*]J.J. Abrams said the monsters are NOT dinosaurs.
[*]From an interview: "When his stuff works at its best, it's usually a story that takes you in through the characters and explains stuff sort of in a science-fact sort of way," Abrams said.
[*]The cast is huge so anyone could be killed off at any time.
[*]An interview with several mysterious comments from series co-writer Damon Lindelof:
[*]Everything we see is there for a reason.
[*]The survivors are not dead or in purgatory.
[*]The survivors are not in a dream or in someones head.
[*]The island is NOT manifesting peoples thoughts and fears[/list]
Other Links:<ul type="square">[*]The forums at has more in depth speculation and analysis, as well as lots of spoilers. They really shine when it comes to connecting literary allusions and historical references.
[*]Television Without Pity are great for episode recaps and polished analysis.
[*]The official flash web game is at
[*]The Fuselage - The official lost forums. Some of the actors even post there.
[*]Timelines and speculation on Lost
[*]Oceanic Air secret Season 2 teaser.[/list]
STOP Asking About:
<ul type="square">[*] What the thing that swoops over the engine as it explodes. IT IS NOTHING. The idea that it is something signifigant has been debunked many times.
Thoughts: There is no apparrent connection between the rain and supernatural events/the monster.
If anyone has anymore unanswered connections they'd like to see in this post, post them and I'll add them.
It's going to be a long summer. [/b]
when does the new season start? cant wait!
- They're NOT the Survivors
They're NOT the Survivors
They're NOT the Survivors they thought they were.
- and the "security system" going to/by the beach
cant wait!