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Character : John Cheese ( fully textured )

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Joao Sapiro sublime tool
Hey everyone, in the middle of school, and tests, and finals i still manage to have a few time to model and texture stuff.

This guy is called John Cheese, a bum whose best friend is his parrot Gawker and his bottle of beer "super bock" !



now onto the technical part :

I choose something different cause i was kinda tired of "warriors" and "soldier" so i decided to make a normal huy ( well..he isnt very normal, but you get the picture )
The textures are handpaint ( except clothing overlay , but patterns and stuff is all hand paint ) , and the base where he stands is the opposite, wich means that it is aroun 70% photo referenced in portguese sidewalks and light poles, and garbage bins.

This was mainly a texture practise , where i learned to texture for the first time many things, such as cloth , shoes,, all kinds of stuff, so i can say i learned much .

It was also an opportunity to learn how to rig, and i must thank to a very good friend Psych0sith, who recorded a video tut on how to rig, and i must say it helped ALOT , thanks psych0 i own you alot !!

( check his website at : http://www3.sympatico.ca/psykopat - it can really help you ! )

Now onto the polycounts :

John :2464 triangles
Parrot : 490 triangles
Base : 844 triangles
Hat : 88 triangles
Bottle : 60 triangles

The textures are 1 512x512 for face , he has mouth, teeth, and tongue, eyes, etc . 1 1024x1024 for the body.
The parrot has only 1 512x512, the base has one 1024x1024 , hat 1 256x256 and bottle has 1 128x128, the garbage bin in the base uses a separate 256x256 texture .

Now for the pictures :

This uses the diffuse and the epcular maps , only 2 lights .


A close up of the face ( same settings as above ) :


Some facial expression tests :


His talking friend ( same settings as above )


this has the same setting except that the texture is 70% self iluminated.


If you guys want i can pos the models only with diffuse and self ilumination set to 100% ( all faces lit )



  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Am I the only one who read that as "John Cleese"?

    Could use some wireframe shots, though.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    No, I thought it was too, and when I looked at the head said "well, its not really a GREAT likeness, decent" then I re-read the title.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    i thought it was too, especially when i saw the parrot
  • diZzyWalnut
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    diZzyWalnut polycounter lvl 18
    The structure of his pants (trousers) is too similar to his pull-over, You see ?
    Maybe You can make more a difference between them.
    ...GREAT WORK !!!

    (maybe I'm not right)
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    ehehe, heres some wireframes guys :




  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    and textures







    and finnally :

  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Im not sure I fully understand the fiction? So it is meant to look like John Cleese or no? The texture work is really nice. But the geometry has a long way to go to match the quality of it. The feet are enormous, and your sulhouettes aren't very aesthetic.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    nop , he is not suppose to be john cleese ALTHOU i was based on some traces of his face wink.gif about the size of the feet, i agree theyr humungous ,im gonna re-do some stuff people commented and take care of it , and i dont mean what you mean by silhouettes , but thats vocabulary problem im sorry frown.gif

    anyways i hope to receive more crits wink.gif
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    he means if you follow the outer contour of your character its not very smooth. it has sharp edges here and there making it look low poly. If you work on smoothing out the sulhouette you'll end up with a more professoinal looking model. Your texturing abilities are very impressive. Work on your modeling techniques. smile.gif You'll be unstoppable.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    ill smooth out the shape but i dont plan on exceeding 2500 triangles :P since its my objective to make him low poly smile.gif
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    It's not a question of adding more polygons. Just using what you have a little more wisely. If it's not meant to be John Cleese then it's a little strange that it sort of looks a bit like him and his name sounds a lot like him. The fiction behind this piece is just plain confusing.

    Like I said, the texture work is really impressive, but somehow the model just feels like it's not up to par.
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah you don't see that very often !!.... not so great modeling and good texturing but I totally agree with DAZ . Actually your edge flow is pretty good but it's just all the sharp angles male it looks super low poly when it's not .
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Nice looking environment work, but the character kinda freaks me out. Mainly the front and side view look like two different people. Your technical skill seems solid, but I'd like to see a better character concept for you to tackle.
  • sumguy
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    sumguy polycounter lvl 18
    I like the textures, Though textures that size belong on a pc or or next gen model. I would say your poly limit should be around 5000 to 20000 (I'm going by our poly limits).

    On the John Cheese model,

    1:>I would fix the belt so it remains a single width (it looks like it's wider on the sides).

    2:> The neck looks skinny from the front and wide(fat) on the side. Either widen the neck from the front, or narrow the neck from the side. It's a good idea to make the neck match the body size.

    3:>Daz already pointed out the feet.

    4:>The upper thighs will definitely need more segments for good deformation.

    5: Though I think the shoulders will work, a few more segments wouldn't hurt smile.gif

    On the Parrot:

    I see you have alpha channeled out the tail feathers, you should do the same on the wings.

    Streetlamp is pretty.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    ill take care of everything you guys said and thanks for the help, be minded that this is my second try at a character so im kinda new to full character modeling lol , but thats no excuse... ill work on it !!

    About the concept of this whole idea , was to make something appart from a warrior, or monster, or soldier, this was mainly texture practise too wink.gif
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I like the idea, nice to see something a litle different( not completely different) if you will excuse the pun
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